The story is about the past, but the present is not a good one.

With the help of stealth skills, Bubble Squirrel has been following Shi Qiu not far away, and he can be regarded as seeing the whole process of the incident.

In short, it is just a romantic story of falling flowers and flowing water without ruthlessness, but because the male and female protagonists talked about their common white moonlight, it began to change and become bloody.

The male protagonist, Greninja, is a piece of wood, and he is confused by the good intentions of the female protagonist Chenglong. The female protagonist Chenglong was dumbed down by the male protagonist Greninja's appearance and love brain, and she didn't even realize that he was a piece of wood.

When the female protagonist Chenglong talked about the white moonlight Shi Qiu, the two finally had the same brain circuits and topics. But when I was praising her, I suddenly found that the other person was closer to my white moonlight than I thought, and I felt uncomfortable at the same time.

Male protagonist Koga Greninja: You are close to me to take my white moonlight Shiqiu? No, I can teach you the water shuriken, but I can't give it to you.

Female protagonist Chenglong: Even if you are the elf I like, how can you get so close to my white moonlight Shiqiu? This is not okay. I can like many elves, but there is only one white moonlight Shiqiu!

Two elves, one is not wooden anymore, and the other is not love-brained, and the pink bubbles between them have become bubbles in the jar of pickled cabbage.

White moonlight Shiqiu: Save me, save me.

My name should not be here.

Nine-Tailed was stunned and bowed to Bubble Squirrel: "(You are good at this, the pen is for you, you finish it.)"

Zorua was confused: "(So Greninja and Chenglong don't like each other, but like Shi Qiu?)"

Riolu coughed lightly, and had the urge to cover Zoroa's mouth and ears, always thinking that the little fox shouldn't listen to these things at this age.

"(Stupid!)" Teng Teng Snake was disdainful and sneered, and was noble and cold: "(Chenglong is eating from the bowl and looking at the pot.)"

Tsk, it's not enough to like Greninja, but also to cling to Shi Qiu.

Chenglong may want to take only two paths. Either when she is in love with the elf, the lover cannot give her the slightest obstacle on the road to winning favor; or she can directly fall in love with Shi Qiu and solve it once and for all.

"(Young but big dreams. He is ugly, but he thinks beautifully.)" She commented venomously.

"(What about Greninja?)" Zoroa continued to ask in a daze.

Aledo raised his eyebrows.

It's better for Greninja not to come in and get involved. In the case of overlapping positions, having a Riolu and Zeraora in the team is enough to give him a headache.

Bubble Squirrel looked at the look of Zoroa who seemed to understand, and gently patted his head to comfort him, looking like a gentle big brother:

"(It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you will understand in the future...Ashi is going to take you out for a walk tomorrow. If you can't get up, do you want me to go for you?)"

Zorroa: "(...I'm just a kid, not a fool.)"

Playing is playing, making trouble is making trouble, but when it comes to his own welfare, Zoroa has always been sober.

Bubble Squirrel didn't feel guilty about deceiving a child, just a little pity, and sighed that Zoroa is worthy of being a member of the fox family. He is not as easy to fool as before when he hasn't grown up yet.

"(Oh, by the way, when can we find a time to trick Zoroark.)" Bubble Squirrel thought of the previous scene and said casually,

"(He tricked Ah Shi, when can we help Qiu Qiu to get revenge.)"


In terms of unity, including the newly joined Vine Snake, Shi Qiu's companions have a tacit understanding that they don't need to speak out.

Even Riolu acquiesced to Bubble Squirrel's proposal.

As for Zoroark? Ha, he was the one who shouted the most.



The night fell completely, but the beach was illuminated by various kinds of glimmers.

The light of the bonfire, the light of the bright moon, the flashes of the elves...

As the night deepened, this feeling of celebrating a birthday became deeper, with a real throbbing.

The process of being blessed had been completed in the early morning of today, so what was left was a simple party without restraint.

"Come on, come on, let's take a picture together!" The young boy stood in the middle and shouted to the elves present.

The elves at the picnic banquet had already divided some of their attention to the protagonist with soft light, and were also happy to pamper this human child, and moved closer to the boy in a supportive manner.

They gently pushed Shi Qiu to the middle, surrounded him, and said to Luo

Tom's camera showed all kinds of strange shapes.


The first day of the boy's 16th birthday was frozen in the photo.



Tutu Dog stood beside the drawing board holding a paintbrush, watching the scene, with the sound of hustle and bustle in his ears.

Now, what should I draw?

However, just as he was about to start writing, a force grabbed his arm.

"Why are you here? I said one was missing, and I've been looking for you for a long time." It was the clear and transparent voice of the boy.

Tutu Dog turned his head and saw that the protagonist of the banquet was next to him, looking at him with a little smile.

The boy pulled the painter's thin arm and took him to the elves.

"Watching from the sidelines will never be more real than joining in and experiencing it." Facing his slightly puzzled eyes, the boy explained.

"Not all sudden impulses can be simply classified as the desire to paint."

Shi Qiu complained casually: "Don't be so lazy, Tutu Dog. You have to get out your inner emotions yourself. It's not a big deal..."

Tutu Dog seemed to understand what Shi Qiu said, and Shi Qiu pulled his arm and ran forward.


"Sorry for the long wait, everyone." Shi Qiu held Tutu Dog in his arms and said to the elves, "Let's take another photo!"

"(It's okay.)"

"(We are very happy and happy to take photos with Shi Qiu!)"

"(Yes, yes, yes!......)"


"Ready, ready!"

"(Hurry up and get ready, hurry up.)"

"(Go to the side, you squeeze me!)"

"Three, two, one..."

Tutu Dog looked at Rotom's camera at Shi Qiu's signal.

He was held in the arms of the boy, and the warmth in his arms and the boy's thin body made him feel more present than ever before.

Should he smile now?

Tutu Dog thought uncertainly.

Of course he would smile. To dispel rumors, he is not paralyzed, and even his emotional deficiency is just a guess, not confirmed.

However, his smile now should be different from before.

As if separated by a thick fog, Tutu Dog thought with some effort.


There was a gentle force and a warm feeling on his head.

The boy gently put his hand on his head, with a hint of cunning in his eyes, and it can be seen that he has long been interested in his hat-like head.

However, he doesn't hate it.

In the photo, Tutu Dog's mouth corners have a barely perceptible arc.

On the first day they met, the boy pulled Tutu Dog into the world.

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