The cold wind howled almost instantly.

With the sound of countless clear and icy frost, the solar beam light ball that was about to be launched dissipated in the air.

"This is impossible!" Ye Lin exclaimed.

"Nothing is impossible." Ilaier smiled, but his eyes were more serious than before. "The development of Mienshao's Frozen Wind is not much weaker than that of Water Waves."

The rain curtain and water waves have soaked all the light walls. With the support of excellent Frozen Wind skills, condensation is just a thought of Mienshao.

Mienshao hummed softly, and a white light flashed on his body. The charred black blasted by the solar beam disappeared instantly, and the sluggish breath quickly became energetic.


"Water wave, surf." Elaine ordered softly.

He admitted that he did underestimate the enemy, even after being serious, he still underestimated the enemy, otherwise he would not be so embarrassed.

This player is obviously very good, why is the previous gorgeous performance mediocre, or even thrilling?

Elaine couldn't figure it out, but quickly adjusted his competitive state to the best state.

The water in the Huaxia area now seems a bit deep, he can no longer be self-righteous and look down on everyone.

"The battle is over."

Under the continuous attack of the combination of water and ice, the desperate trick space of the long-tailed fire fox could not support it and shattered, and lost its combat ability in the waves and ice wind.

At the same time, the gorgeous value of Ye Lin's side was also cleared.

Ye Lin breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the screen.

Under the avatars of Elaine and Minas, their gorgeous value still has 1/3 of the length.

The white-haired young man walked up to shake hands with Ye Lin and whispered, "It was a very exciting match."

Ye Lin scratched his head with his other hand, and smiled without any gloom on his face: "You are very strong, it is me who is not as good as you."



In the subsequent matches, Luo Shanyu's Chenglong defeated his opponent with no change in the gorgeous value and successfully advanced.

At the same time, many players such as Youzhi, Youmian, Ize and Leiyi also successfully defeated their opponents.

The top 16 has been announced. Shi Qiu looked at the group list on the big screen. The next opponent is a male coordinator from another area named Leiyi.

If he defeats this person, if nothing unexpected happens, Shi Qiu will face Ize or Chen Liu in the quarterfinals. The specific one will be determined by Shi's quarterfinal group.

One is an old opponent, and the other is the electric boy who scored more than 95 points in both the preliminaries and the gorgeous exhibition.

"There are at most four more matches..." Shi Qiu stretched lazily.

The top 16 will advance to the top 8, the top 8 will advance to the top 4, the top 4 will advance to the finals, and the finals will be won by the winner.

If Shi Qiu can keep going, there will not only be four duels, but he will even face off against the top coordinators in advance.

However, there is no need to think so far ahead at the moment. At least the next match of Lei Yi is not strong enough to pose a fatal threat to Shi Qiu. Compared with Chen Liu, Yize and others, he is still a step behind.

Compared with the previous gorgeous competitions, the competitions held in the Magic City have a high frequency of battles and a tight rhythm, which also puts full pressure on the coordinators.

But the enthusiasm of the audience has not diminished at all. Even the battles between the less famous coordinators are of great level and appreciation for the audience, which is completely difficult to see in previous competitions.

"I can only say that this ticket is worth it."

"After the Magic City Gorgeous Competition was held this time, the reputation has been completely spread..."

"I feel that the gorgeous competitions here will become more special in the future."



In the top 16, Shi Qiu's match is still at the back.

Before he came on the field, Chen Liu's hunting swallowtail butterfly and Yize's Roentgen cat had already shown their power. One with mental power and the other with electrical field, both made the opponents miserable.

Let's not talk about the hunting swallowtail butterfly for now. The electrical field of the Roentgen cat did make Shi Qiu feel a little threatened.

"The control of the electrical field by the Roentgen cat is somewhat amazing."

Facing the Qixi Bluebird on the opposite side, the Roentgen cat can control the current flowing in the entire field very freely. While causing paralysis and interference to the opponent, it can also stimulate its own cells and body strength, so that the speed and attack power are increased to a terrifying level.


There is an electric attribute "vine whip" that can be wielded like a vine snake, and a skill to enhance the stimulation of electric current.

Seeing the Qixi Bluebird wailing under the terrifying high voltage crazy volt in the electrical field, the audience couldn't help but cheer for Yize.

"It's a perfect elf, with enough attack range, strong enough in close combat and long-range combat, coupled with a strong field, powerful attack intensity..."

It's really tricky.

But it won't be as strange and full of backhands as Ye Lin's battle. As long as the hard power is enough and the countermeasures are thought out in advance, the probability of overturning will not be very high.

On the field, Villian called out the names of Shi Qiu and Lei Yi.

"Lei Yi, I remember that this young man seemed to have received some attention in the preliminaries. His elf is... Dream Demon?"

Shi Qiu's face was still a little strange until he walked onto the field.

Okay, after confirming the eye contact, it is the style type that Shi Qiu doesn't like to fight.

He likes to use illusions, mind induction and other weird tactics to manipulate the mentality, but it doesn't mean he likes to encounter this style.

After all, like repels like.

"But Aledo has fought against this kind of Pokémon quite often, so it should be very stable."

Foam Squirrel, Zoroark, and Alola Ninetales are all good at playing with the mind. Without certain abilities, they will probably be suppressed by their teammates.

Aledo and Riolu, two Pokémons, are very experienced in fighting these styles of Pokémon.

The advantage is mine!



"Here it comes, it's Shi Qiu's turn to play again!"

As soon as Shi Qiu appeared, the atmosphere of the audience was suddenly different from before.

Many people who were paying attention to him openly or secretly were looking forward to it and paying full attention.

In the audience, even those who didn't know Shi Qiu at first, or who didn't like him very much, were attracted by his performance and battle.

"Multi-element sword skills, relying only on this one secret book, I think this Alakaza can become a main player among trainers participating in the Chinese League competition." A trainer said to his companion.

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