The new game is a big success.

Beyond the common impression in the past, he successfully snatched the Magic City Gorgeous Ribbon from the hands of two top coordinators and many excellent coordinators in the world.

The name Shi Qiu is not only mentioned when talking about the younger generation, but also occupies a place among mature trainers with top honors.

"Congratulations to Shi Qiu for winning the ribbon medal of this gorgeous competition!"

Villian raised the microphone and said to Shi Qiu facing the audience

"After the unanimous approval of the organizing committee and the official of the gorgeous competition, this gorgeous ribbon is your qualification certificate for directly participating in the gorgeous celebration!"

"Now, the time will be handed over to you."

Award declaration...

On the stage, Shi Qiu glanced at the audience who were eager to move and couldn't wait, and couldn't help laughing.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw Yubie Tianwang and nodded to him gently, with praise in his movements.

"First of all, I am very grateful for the special qualification given to me by the gorgeous competition, which allows me to directly participate in the gorgeous celebration..."

He stopped talking halfway, and both online and offline audiences could clearly see that the boy suddenly blinked cunningly.

"Well... maybe no one will care about these templates that have been said countless times, so I will say something new in this session today."

"Super evolution."

Everyone was first amused by the obvious youthful spirit, and then sat up straight and listened carefully.

Although the information about super evolution published by the Cunhe Legend Research Institute is very comprehensive in several papers.

But the public explanation of Shi Qiu, who can be called the originator of super evolution, is precious.

"Mega evolution, in English, is Mega Evolution, so it is also called Mega Evolution or Million Evolution."

"It is beyond the limit of the evolution of Pokémon so far, and it belongs to a higher level of evolution. Pokémon that undergoes Mega Evolution will temporarily release hidden power and exert abilities that cannot be obtained through normal evolution. Of course, this kind of evolution currently only appears in certain Pokémon."

"Mega evolution is a temporary state and cannot be maintained permanently."

"The sum of the race values ​​of Pokémon after Mega Evolution will increase, and the attributes and characteristics may change."

Shi Qiu paused and took off the key stone that looked like a small marble from his neck.

At the same time, knee pads appeared on the legs of Mega Aledo, which were also inlaid with a small ball.

"...When the trainer activates the key stone in the case of telepathy, he can establish a connection with his partner and build a bridge."

The audience looked at the still elegant Mega Aledo, and some bold people began to ask questions loudly.

"Is there a limit to this kind of evolution?"

Shi Qiu nodded and answered casually: "The deep bond between each other is the basic threshold."

"Excuse me, isn't it temporary? Why does Aledo still maintain this evolutionary state?"

Shi Qiu was stunned, and then realized that Aledo did not seem to have regressed.

"Well... that's because our bond is very deep... Aledo is very powerful and is very skilled in super evolution." A glimmer of light flashed, and Aledo's figure dropped slightly and returned to its original appearance.

This is a lie.

Aledo's "evolution" at this time has been verified by the simulator to be a primitive regression, not a super evolution.

Primitive regression does not rely on super stones, but on the acquisition of natural energy.

When Aledo acquires the drop of life and supplies its own power of Evergreen, the dissipation of life energy is in balance.

And this dynamic balance of life energy ensures that Aledo can obtain natural energy without injury for a long time and maintain the state of primitive regression.

Theoretically, Aledo can always maintain this state.

"But before, Aledo's evolution seemed to have no help from the so-called Super Stone, right?"

Someone asked in confusion, the voice was so loud that it could not be ignored.

"It seems that it was the same in the first gorgeous performance, it evolved without any support."

Didn't we agree that the connection between the Key Stone and the Super Stone is the most basic threshold?

Shi Qiu:......

Sure enough.

The boy coughed twice to clear his throat, his face was white, his eyebrows were like pictures, and he smiled: "Oh, you saw it wrong."

His voice was clear and sounded sincere.

Very sincere.



What did Shi Qiu say just now? Did they hear it?

Even if you said it was a secret and it was not convenient to disclose it, it would be much better than your halfhearted perfunctory response just now.

"Why are you looking at me? You really saw it wrong."

The young man said confidently: "It's just because of the consideration of aesthetics, plus my proficiency in using it, I touched the keystone in a place you can't see."

Everyone: What about the so-called, linked evolutionary light.

Shi Qiu: We are all coordinators, what can't we do by demonstrating and modifying the special effects: D


I believed your ghost.

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