The old man was very worried.

"But don't worry too much."

Rong Shangzao pointed to the image next to him and said, "From the perspective of the superpower factor circulation circuit in your body, it should be that there has not been a single out-of-control runaway."

It seems that the circulation circuit of Rong Xu has been broken and out of control every time because of multiple runaways.

And Shi Qiu's circulation circuit seems to be even smoother than that of ordinary superpowers.

Shi Qiu thought about it and nodded.

"You have a lot of special abilities, and the wave power and healing ability have some effect of soothing the spirit, which can regulate the restlessness of superpowers."

"Just be careful, except that your superpowers will be more destructive and powerful than usual, other problems will not be serious."

The power of Changpan, which represents the blessing of the forest, is the soothing from nature, and the wave power, which represents the spirit, is the right medicine.

Shi Qiu remembered what Nazi said before, that his superpower talent was obviously very good, but he could not awaken on his own, probably because his destructive characteristics were suppressed by other powers.



"By the way, can you let your Tutu dog out for a while?"

When Rong Zu brought them to an open space, Rong Shangzao suddenly said to Shi Qiu.

"I am a little concerned about some things on him."

During the battle in the morning, he vaguely noticed something.

Shi Qiu thought of the trip to the mountain range in Area C-8, and with a jolt in his heart, he released Tutu.

"Uncle Rong, is there anything wrong with Tutu?"

"Can you use that move again?" Rong Shangzao asked Tutu gently, "The move that can eliminate the opponent's attack."

He should be talking about Sketching and Erasing.

Tutu didn't wave the brush, but glanced at his trainer.

Shi Qiu nodded gently.

Rong Zu also threw a Poké Ball at the signal of his elder.

[Race: Qilinqi]

[Attributes: General, Superpower]

[Features: Mental Power]

[Carrying Items: Curved Spoon]

[Level: 49 (Senior High Level)]

[Known Moves: Startle, Power Exchange, Defense Exchange, Telekinesis, Malicious Pursuit, Trampling, Illusionary Light, High-Speed ​​Movement, Double Hit, Double Beam, Crushing, Baton Relay, Trick, Mental Power...]

[Taught Moves: Hold, Illusionary Light, Reflection Wall, Light Wall...]

Qilinqi with the characteristics of mental power often have extremely high talents and potential in superpowers.

Whether from the shining luster of its hair or from the unique temperament and charm it shows, this Qilinqi has obviously been carefully cultivated and is quite outstanding.

"Qilinqi, use double beam!" Capacitor ordered in a low voice.

In an instant, two mysterious and powerful rays of light suddenly burst out from Qilinqi's piercing eyes, but under the deliberate control of Rongzu and Qilinqi, the speed of these rays of light was significantly slowed down.

At this moment, the tip of Tutu Dog's tail, which was used as a paintbrush, suddenly became as dazzling and colorful as the Milky Way, like a transparent gauze with bits of stars flowing.

It just waved its tail lightly, and the two beams of light that came one after another were like being placed on a scroll paper, and were wiped clean one by one.

Seeing this scene, Qilinqi was full of question marks, and Rongzu sighed in his heart.

Since today, the young man in front of him has brought him too many unexpected shocks and surprises.


Unlike the fast-paced moves in the battle, Qilinqi and Tutu Dog obviously slowed down.

Rong Shangzao's eyes were filled with blue light when Qilin Qi made the move. With the help of super vision, he finally figured out the principle of this strange move.

"Sure enough, this is a brand new move of super power system."

Rong Guanzhu didn't keep anyone in suspense and directly stated his conclusion.

It contains the mobilization of super power factors and the transformation and use of super power energy...

"Is it a time application like [Predicting the Future]? Since it can attack from the future, it may not be impossible to go back from the past to achieve the effect of elimination..."

Rong Zu said tentatively.

"No." It was Shi Qiu who denied him.

"In the sketch

·No time-related skills were used during the erasure. "

Shi Qiu, who had briefly inherited the godhood of the time crack of Celebi, had lost his power in the Sea Paradise incident, but the essence of the individual [Shi Qiu] had changed.

As [Tian En Shi Qiu], he still retained some sensitivity to time energy.

And he was very clear that time was not involved.

"That's not the point." Rong Shangzao frowned.

"This Tutu dog has a superpower mark engraved on it. Did you know about this?"

Superpower vision, a superpower application developed by Rong Shangzao himself, can see some special things.

And this mark, even if he just glanced at it with superpower vision, Rong Shangzao felt a splitting headache and didn't dare to look at it a second time.

It's a bit like... the work of a god who controls the power of the superpower side.

"Superpower mark?! "Shi Qiu exclaimed.

What a coincidence. Now that I think about it, it seems that Nancy and Tutu Dog have never met.

And he himself is just an intermediate psychic, so he can't detect it at all.

Could it be that Dark Mewtwo left a superpower mark on Tutu Dog?

"Will there be any negative impact?" Shi Qiu asked.

Rong Shangzao shook his head hesitantly: "The owner of this superpower mark is too high-level. I can't figure it out. There may be a legendary elf standing behind it."

While speaking, the gym owner still observed the boy's expression calmly.

"But don't worry too much. From what we can see now, the influence of this mark is subtle and tends to be positive. It should be the most important reason for helping Tutu Dog learn the elimination skill. "

Legendary elves, isn't this pointing out that it was Dark Mewtwo who did it? In addition, Tutu learned sketching and erasing on the way out of the ruins...

Shi Qiu had some conclusions in his mind, but he remained calm on the surface.

"I can't see any more specific information."

High-level psychics are not worthy of touching legends.

"That's enough, thank you for your help!"

It seems that I have to find an opportunity to visit Sister Nancy at the Golden Gym in City B.

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