The dark Mewtwo was a very dangerous thing.

"Hey, where's the Dark Mewtwo?"

Returning to the old place, the cave looked dilapidated compared to the previous scene, as if it had been baptized by a huge energy storm. The originally gorgeous decorations and dazzling crystal diamonds were now broken and in a mess.

And the terrifying Dark Mewtwo was nowhere to be found. Shi Qiu and the Pokémon around him searched everywhere, but they could not find its trace.

"Did it leave with us at that time?" Shi Qiu thought to himself.

However, he soon shook his head and denied it to himself: "No, this is unlikely..."

The dozen or so clay giants with peak combat power outside are not decorations.

Shi Qiu and his friends could have escaped from the exit at that time, but if it was Dark Mewtwo, they would definitely come to organize.


"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, Shi Qiu felt a familiar telepathic feeling in his heart.

The next second, the boy's hair stood up, and he felt the huge pressure coming from behind.

Shi Qiu:!

He jumped away like a conditioned reflex, facing Dark Mewtwo head-on.

Bubble Squirrel and Zeraora were alert, took two or three steps forward, and protected Shi Qiu behind them.

"You... are rational, right?"

Dark Mewtwo's eyes were clear, and he was suspended in the air with telekinesis, looking at them and said quietly: "Now it is."

After all, he is a super-powered artificial legendary elf, and he naturally has extremely high mental resistance.

He quickly regained his sanity last time.

Otherwise, with only a dozen top-level clay giants, they would not be qualified to appease this mountain range.

"Leave quickly."

Dark Mewtwo glanced at Shi Qiu lightly, then glanced at Zeraora, Lashiram and Tutu beside him, and turned around to leave.

"Wait!" Shi Qiu shouted subconsciously.

Dark Mewtwo did not turn back, but stopped there.

"What's the matter?"

"If it's that Tutu, then I can't do anything."

Shi Qiu's heart sank.

He stared closely at the dark elf floating high in front of him.

Dark Mewtwo knew that he was unstable and easy to lose his mind.

So rather than saying that this relic and a dozen top-level clay giants imprisoned him, it would be better to say that Dark Mewtwo exiled himself here.

"I can't do anything..."

Shi Qiu temporarily suppressed his doubts: "I can help you replenish the missing life energy. In this way, the negative emotions of dark energy will be less, and it will be easier for you to suppress it, right?"

Dark Mewtwo turned around: "Have you forgotten the last encounter?"

In a sense, Shi Qiu was surprised that he didn't take action immediately with so many Pokémon that made him feel threatened, and he still maintained goodwill.

"I naturally made full preparations."

Shi Qiu directly pulled out a backpack of life energy and threw it on the open space in front of him.

"This is the crystallization I have condensed during this period of time. It should be enough, right?"

The huge breath of life naturally dissipated, and Dark Mewtwo's expression remained unchanged, but his breathing was obviously a little heavier.

He was silent for a while and looked at the white dragon and Zeraora beside Shi Qiu.

In fact, these life energy crystals are far less than the erosion of dark energy on him.

After all, he has been self-exiled for more than a hundred years.

However, with the supplement of these life energy crystals, the energy in the body that is close to imbalance can indeed be stabilized again.

Then, as long as the boy can occasionally replenish him with the strange energy blessed by the forest in his daily life, his century-long dilemma can be resolved.

It is even possible to completely analyze the dark energy and internalize it into his own energy.

Mewtwo, a legendary elf that is artificially created to surpass Mewtwo based on the genes extracted from the fossil of Mewtwo's eyelashes.

His real horror is not his powerful superpowers, but his weird self-learning ability.

Mewtwo ball technology and cloning technology are what he studied based on some ideas and basic manuscripts of researchers through acquired learning.

It is precisely because of this that he did not completely lose his mind like Dark Lugia and other dark elves.

"Freedom." Dark Mewtwo whispered.

There is no need to be alone in this seemingly gorgeous dark cave, exiled, and defend a corner, and there is no need to squeeze out the last superpowers to create a false sky for himself.

, just to suppress the desire for the outside world in his heart.

Mewtwo waved his hand gently, and this so-called "open-air cave" was completely closed and darkened.

"Modify reality?! Illusion?!" Shi Qiu was surprised in his heart.

After a while.

"Thank you."

Dark Mewtwo floated above the crystals, and with the influx of a large amount of life energy, the originally huge crystal pile was consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Following a human boy... I hope this decision will not make him regret it.



It doesn't take too long to absorb energy, and it will take longer to use it to make up for the deficit and balance the body's energy.

A few hours after the crystals were consumed, Dark Mewtwo opened his eyes.

The golden crystals on his shoulders and the gold of his tail became more dazzling.

The dark fluctuations in the entire cave were completely absorbed by Mewtwo and slowly settled.

"Your condition has improved a lot." Shi Qiu said softly.

Dark Mewtwo nodded, feeling the clear mind that he had never had before.

"Now, tell me about Tutu."

The most important reason why Shi Qiu could do what he did now was this Pokémon: "He lost his memory."

"I need to know all the information you can know about him, completely and thoroughly."

Dark Mewtwo quietly floated to a place not far from Tutu, raised his hand and carefully sensed him.

"Lost...memories?" Dark Mewtwo said slowly.

A blue light flashed in his eyes.

"The energy that entered Tutu's body before was not real dark energy."

"That was the energy I tried to filter, which represents the combination of the [evil] attribute and the [superpower] attribute. It will enhance Tutu's strength, but it will not damage Tutu's memory."

"So, is the superpower imprint that Master Rong sensed this kind of evil superpower?" Shi Qiu thought.

Dark Mewtwo shook his head: "No."

"This energy has been digested by Tutu. Although my aura is present, it is very weak."

"However, the super power mark you mentioned has nothing to do with me but it does exist."

"This mark has the traces of the combined power of three super power legends."

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