The first time, the last time.

Singing so domineeringly?

Yan Tianyou frowned.

In the open battle with the boy on the opposite side, the ball sea lion only appeared in this game, and it was obviously a newly captured Pokémon.

But both the audience and his opponent accepted it very well.

After all, if the opponent sent the sky-defying Aledo in the Magic City Gorgeous Competition...

But now it seems that this ball sea lion should not be underestimated. It is obvious that it is the same as the foam squirrel on the opposite side, taking the path of music special attack.

"Red-faced dragon, snoring!"

Fortunately, in order to recover from sleep, they have practiced a targeted move against the sleeping state.

Heavy noise came out of the mouth of the red-faced dragon, easily disrupting the layers of hypnotic sound waves under the water singing that affected the red-faced dragon.

After the red-faced dragon escaped from the endless hypnotic environment, it opened its eyes directly in the next round.

"Now, roar loudly! Stomp your feet!"

With two bangs, the red-faced dragon began to stomp hard on the ground, accompanied by the cracks on the ground, and the thick ground energy exploded layer by layer.

At the same time, the endless and violent roars with evil energy tore a hole in the round-singing sound wave protection of the ball sea lion.

The ball sea lion couldn't stand steadily, and the sound wave control was forced to stop.

Seeing that the red-faced dragon easily reversed the situation just now, Shi Qiu frowned.

The current musical attainments of the ball sea lion are still much inferior to those of the bubble squirrel, and it is easy to be disturbed.

If it was Bubble Squirrel, the hypnotic nature of its singing would make Crimson Dragon fall into a deep sleep, so that he could not even receive the trainer's instructions such as "talking in his sleep, snoring".

Moreover, although this snoring and loud roaring can be seen to have flaws, it still does not affect their usefulness.

Crimson Dragon has some experience with the sound of heavy metal.

"Round pupils, freezing wind."

The shocking fairy energy enveloped Crimson Dragon from the eyes of the ball sea lion, making his heart palpitate for a moment, and even the power of stomping his feet was involuntarily reduced a little.

As for the not familiar loud roar, it was directly forced to stop and could not continue to use it.

At the same time, the condensed freezing wind condensed the ground, filling the cracks and irregular terrain, helping the ball sea lion to regain balance.

The ball sea lion looked serious and his mouth bulged.

Water waves · loud sound!

It was completely different from the gentle breeze and drizzle when singing before. This time, the sound waves represented the mighty power of raging waves.

The red-faced dragon adjusted its energy, barely escaped from the previous round pupil state, and roared loudly again to counterattack.

Unfortunately, the sound of the waves after the round singing was not something that could be blocked by the current loud roar.

The loud noise swallowed the red-faced dragon's loud roar with a huge vibration and drowned him.

Yan Tianyou and the red-faced dragon, and even all the onlookers, could faintly hear the sound of the surging waves.

"The red-faced dragon cannot fight, the ball sea lion wins! Therefore, the winner is Shi Qiu from Kyoto University!"

In the beehive of the Kyoto University team.

"Did you see it? The round pupil just now..." Versace's eyes were full of brilliance.

"It's polished a bit well."

The conditions for using the round pupil are harsh, and it is even less effective for elves with energy levels that exceed oneself.

The reason why it can have such a big impact on the red-faced dragon, breaking the stomping and roaring loudly, is partly because the fairy restrains the dragon type, but more importantly, it is because the ball sea lion has developed this move very deeply.

Jiang Xi frowned: "It should be specially trained to make up for the fact that the ball sea lion is not strong enough and the rhythm is easily interrupted."

"It will have a great deterrent effect on the evil type, dragon type or fighting type."

As a specialist in the evil type, he immediately felt a tricky feeling when he saw this move.

After all, the surprise attack and agility of the evil type, the domineering of the dragon type, and the high rhythm of the fighting type are mostly compact and airtight attacks. After being forcibly interrupted by Yuantong and facing this ball sea lion, it will directly fall into a bad situation.



In a beehive at a high place

"The ball sea lion..." Rong Dao touched his chin, "It's a new one, its energy level is not high, but its skills are very mature."

Xiang Qishu nodded: "And this ball sea lion should still have a hidden characteristic, the moist

" "Lucky boy, talented Pokémon appear one after another..." Rong Dao said, and he remembered the shock when Shi Qiu brought Diancie to him in the Tianxia Secret Realm. It is even said that when challenging the Miracle Gym, this kid didn't even pretend, and directly took it out to fight in the gym. "The person recognized by the legend..." Fire King also knew this news, but this carefree behavior made him have a much better impression of Shi Qiu. He likes this kind of arrogant and uncompromising personality. "How is the inspection of the Beehive Gym going?" The two of them simply chatted about Shi Qiu for a few words, and immediately returned to the main business of their visit this time. "I can only say that it is very troublesome. It is better not to hold the League Competition here. Use the first plan and hold it in the Cangqiong Stadium next door. " Xiang Qishu frowned when he heard this: "Is there a problem with the Beehive?" "No problem. "Evil King rolled his eyes, "But there are many blind spots in the position. Really deploying control is not only inefficient but also likely to cause trouble."

The League Competition began after the Hundred Schools Competition. Thanks to Ye Tianwang's move, the strength of the trainers in the Huaxia region once again became a hot topic in the world.

You can imagine how popular this League Competition was.

"It's not because you missed it!" Xiang Qishu glared at Rongdao.

Ye Tianwang Yubie, this writer who often flies around the world, is the best and most natural bait.

So the Huaxia Elf Alliance can use her to lure the American Catholic team.

"How do I know that the young man and girl are so sharp and weird! ... Speaking of a mafia organization in the American region, why did they target the Huaxia region?"

Especially in the Tianxia Secret Realm, the urgent desire for Shi Qiu, the stinky boy, and the malice towards themselves are shocking.

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