The two of them were busy, but the two of them were busy.

Rong Yue, Lu Qing and the others quickly came to their senses and started talking to Shi Qiu again.

In the distance, the teachers from the two schools were gathered together, talking about something.

Shi Qiu watched the battle between Song Zi and the student on the opposite side for a while, and after thinking about it, he raised his hand to signal the teacher.

He dragged out his tone lazily: "Teacher, is there any important part later?"

"No, but the farewell ceremony will also be held today."

To listen to the old principal's clichés?

"Hey? Can I ask for leave?" Shi Qiu lowered his head slightly, his fine black hair cast a shadow on his forehead, his expression could not be seen clearly, but his tone was a little pitiful: "I am sick and have a fever. I didn't sleep much last night. I want to go back and rest for a while."

The teacher spoke faster than he thought: "Ah? Then go back and have a good rest. I will go and talk to your class teacher."

Shi Qiu looked up, swept away the discouragement and pity, smiled at the teacher with sunshine and liveliness, walked quickly, and did not forget to wave: "Okay, thank you teacher! Goodbye teacher!"

"... Goodbye."


"It's impossible to rest, but I don't want to read books~"

Shi Qiu shrank into the sofa, flipped through "Detailed Explanation of Primary Breeders", and then threw it aside.

Forget it. Let's explore the map in the simulator. Since all of his members have entered the elite level, the restrictions on the a-2 forest area seem to have been lifted.

He took out the [Ticket to the Forest] and entered the a town from the a-1 forest area.

[You have entered the a town. 】

"It is still a deserted and desolate place."

Shi Qiu released the three little ones. This was the first time he came to this place in person. He had explored it twice before through the simulator, but he didn't get anything except some medicine and Poké Balls.

The pixelated flames on the phone are now gone, and wild Pokémons and broken doors and windows can be seen everywhere.

"(Humans are coming again.)"

"(Humans... have a comfortable smell...)"

The sensor door of the Pokémon Center seems to have broken down, and it can't open automatically like outside the simulator.

Shi Qiu was silent for a while: "Riolu, Bullet Fist."

The simulated open world naturally has the gameplay of the open world. He just made the style of the Pokémon Center more in line with the current town.

It was unexpectedly intact and tidy inside.

Shi Qiu saw traces of recent use on the Pokémon healing machine, and recalled the previous simulated operation on the phone and the familiarity of the wild Pokémons with him: "Simulation and reality have certain differences, but the operation on the simulator may also be reflected in reality..."

"Besides, the style of the Pokémon Center is the style of the Unova region." The shelves and glass counters of the store at the entrance were covered with a thin layer of dust, and the inside was empty.

Shi Qiu went out and smiled at Little York and Tantan Mouse who were secretly observing in the bushes at the door, causing a group of Pokémons to flee.

There is really nothing to explore in the town of A, and there is not even a gym, so it is impossible to judge the location through the animations and games of the previous life.

The rooms of the residential buildings in the town are either in ruins or the doors are locked.

He and the Pokémons violently entered several of the intact buildings, but they were all covered with dust and spider webs.

"Let's go and take a look at the A-2 forest."

[You have entered the A-2 forest area. 】

Shi Qiu tentatively groped forward and found that the previous air barrier had disappeared as expected.

The sun was shining and the air was fresh. They walked forward slowly in a good mood.

Shi Qiu closed his eyes and spread his arms to feel it carefully: "Hmm... There is a kind of comfort different from the A-1 forest."

"(Go to hell!)" Suddenly, a pickpocket cat suddenly appeared behind him, and the sharp claw blade pierced his heart with an ominous black light.


Riolu kicked the pickpocket cat fiercely, with a cold light in his eyes.

At the same time, the foam squirrel and the ice six tail also knocked away several elves that attacked with bad intentions.

Shi Qiu put away his smile and stood there calmly, trying not to cause trouble to his own elves who were protecting themselves.

"A very high level." Except for the pickpocket cat that was knocked unconscious by Riolu at the beginning, the other elves still had combat capabilities after being knocked away and quickly fled. You know, this is not like training with seniors.

Vulpix and Bubble Squirrel were unreserved.

[Race: Pickpocket Cat]

[Attribute: Evil]

[Feature: Lightly Armored]

[Carried Item: Peach Fruit]

[Level: 29 (Professional High Level)]

[Already learned moves: Grab, Sand Swipe, High Five Surprise Attack, Scratch, Claw Sharpening, Troublemaking, Surprise Attack. ]

[Taught moves: Provoke, Sneak Attack, Thief, Throw]

"An excellent Pokémon that already has a mature attack system." Shi Qiu commented.

Features Lightly Armored and [Thief] [Throw], [Claw Sharpening] and [Sneak Attack].

High-speed assassin flow, an elusive assassin.

He threw a ball tentatively.

Just after he put it in, the entire Poké Ball vibrated violently and exploded in just a few seconds.

Really a wild Pokémon?! Then where did he get the list of moves to teach?!

"Bubble Chinchilla, sing." Shi Qiu's hands glowed green, and he simply treated the wound of the pickpocket cat to prevent his wound from worsening and saying goodbye to the world directly.

Then he asked Bubble Chinchilla to hypnotize him, at least to ensure that the pickpocket cat would not wake up when they finished their exploration.

"The Pokémon in this forest... have such strong aggressiveness and combat power."

Shi Qiu stood up.

Those Pokémon completely ignored Bubble Chinchilla and Riolu, and all rushed straight to him as a trainer.

It was really strange. As a walking Pokémon mint, he had never seen a wild Pokémon that had such malice towards him at first sight.

And... "Rather than malice, it's better to say hatred..."

He swept away the previous spring outing atmosphere and gathered three Pokémon.

Ice Vulpix whistled softly, and the gorgeous aurora enveloped them, and gradually returned to colorless; Bubble Chinchilla silently plucked the bell, with only occasional faint sounds.

With the help of the queen bee in the previous simulator mission copy, even though the hiding method was much cruder, it was barely enough.

They all restrained their presence and explored forward cautiously.

The deeper they went, the more frequently the elves appeared.

Unlike the way the elves in the a-1 forest area survive, there are no tribes here, and the species are mottled and messy. There are more elves in the Unova region in the previous life game, and they are all high-level and excellent elves, living together harmoniously with few conflicts.

Shi Qiu even saw a burning bug and a shining Maril.

Suddenly, Riolu pulled the trainer's sleeve and pointed to a figure not far ahead.

"That is...? The Coconut Monkey that just attacked me?"

The Coconut Monkey was obviously not wandering around, but moving forward with a purpose. Shi Qiu and the elves looked at each other and followed quietly.

As they slowly went deeper, a clear forest path appeared under their feet. Shi Qiu glanced at the blue virtual screen in the corner, which still showed [a-2 forest area].

The road began to become narrower, the trees became taller and denser, and the light became dim. The figure of the coconut monkey in front could no longer be seen. They became more cautious, but still continued to explore forward without hesitation.

After walking a few dozen steps, the view suddenly became clear.

Gentle warm light, crisp bird songs, wild flowers blowing in the wind, and elegant wooden houses.

There was a swing hanging on the tree in front of the house.

Shi Qiu suddenly realized and looked at it carefully.

The handsome young man with green hair sat on it lightly and gently treated the wound of the coconut monkey in his arms.

He raised his head slightly, stared at this side for a while, and suddenly laughed.

"Hello, children, it's our first meeting."

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