After spending two weeks in school, Shi Qiu initially had the ability to control his thoughts.

Since then, he has picked up the simulator that was at the bottom of his bag. He repeated the exploration every day, and went to N's cabin at night to ask Zoroark for advice.

Walking through the a-2 forest area, Shi Qiu could feel that the attitude of the elves here towards them had obviously changed.

He greeted the young man: "Good evening Zoroark, is Mr. N not here today?"

Inside the cabin, Zoroark, who had turned into N, nodded expressionlessly: "He went out to take care of the newborn cubs."

Although they came every night, they rarely met N.

Training is mostly about polishing skills and physical skills. Zoroark often appears in the image of other elves. With the strong foundation of peak strength, he is of great help to the three little ones, especially Riolu.

Shi Qiu sat in the wooden house and saw through the window that Bubble Squirrel, Ice Vulpix and Riolu were all exercising very efficiently. He took out a very thick book and put on gold-rimmed plain glasses to read.

"It is very important to protect the oxygen in the alpha guide muscle, especially for fighting elves. Maintenance methods usually go through three ways: First, specific tree fruit energy blocks. Mix the peel of the pomelo fruit with peach fruit and orange fruit and soak it in 35% concentration of Cell liquid... Second, massage specific areas. Use your fingertips to press back and forth from the three-wire position to the ear position..."

"It is worth mentioning that some scholars have also found the existence of alpha guide muscles in some ghost-type Pokémon, which may indicate..."

Zoroark came in and looked here with a little curiosity.

"Has today's training mission ended?" He spread the book on the table in a good-natured manner and pushed it forward so that Zoroark could see the contents more clearly.

Zoroark shook his head and pointed out the window.

Outside, three elves were facing the air, attacking and dodging in a tense rhythm.

"Is it an illusion?"

He nodded: "After these days of observation, I have a basic understanding of these guys, so I used the illusion to create an illusion of equal strength to help them better polish themselves, just in time to test their training results."

Oh, it turned out that the three little ones welcomed the weekly test assigned by Teacher Zoroark?

It is a basic requirement for a trainer to be familiar with the abilities of his own elves. He leaned against the window and watched intently.

Seeing this, Zoroark's eyes flashed a ray of light, and Shi Qiu's sight suddenly showed the opponents of several elves.

Opposite the Bubble Squirrel was a translucent Vulpix, and opposite the Vulpix was an Eevee, only the opposite of Riolu was his own illusion.

Shi Qiu:......

It can only be said that in just a few days, Zoroark has figured out the personality characteristics of several Pokémon.

Shi Qiu looked at it for a while, and suddenly lowered his head mysteriously and approached Zoroark, asking for information directly: "By the way, what other Pokémon does Mr. N have?"


Seeing that Zoroark didn't say anything, he didn't get annoyed, but just murmured to himself: "This version of N has received ideal recognition... As for the black configuration, I remember that there should be Gear Monster, Rib Turtle, Archon and Double Dodo Ice in the game."

"By the way, Zoroark, can you..." Can you make an illusion of a black dragon for me to see? He swallowed the second half of the rather rude request.

The wooden door creaked, and N walked in: "My other companions are scattered in the forest, and they only come back to this wooden house when they rest."

He looked at the boy sitting in front of the window, thinking silently.

Shi Qiu is obviously not a trainer who blindly pursues the combat power of Pokémon. He fully respects the wishes of Pokémon and gives them his guidance and understanding as a trainer.

Even for Zoroark's training, Shi Qiu will only understand it instead of interfering in it.

Rather than saying that they are masters and pets, it is better to say that they are friends or family who accompany each other.

N smiled gently: "As for the ideal Zekrom, it is sleeping."

"Among the legendary Pokémon that ran away, Kyurem is one of them. In that battle, although Kyurem was successfully sealed with the help of the power of the four holy swordsmen, it also absorbed a lot of the ideal source power."

"After that, the world was broken, and Zekrom split a certain amount of the original power out, and then turned into black stone and fell asleep."

Shi Qiu: "? What about Reshiram? Didn't the real hero appear?"

"No, when I was walking with my ideal, the truth still remained as a legend and did not appear."

"......" Facts have proved that games and animations will always be games and animations, and the real world is often more impermanent and complicated.


"But what." Shi Qiu asked.

N stretched out his hand and touched the boy's heart.

"I seem to feel that there is a real sight in you."


Soon, summer vacation came, and summer camp activities in major universities were also launched.

Shi Qiu and the three elves had a good rest at home for a week, occasionally singing and recording videos, and throwing training and memorizing aside.

It was not until the eve of the summer camp activities of the top ten universities such as Kyoto University, Magic City University, and Mizuki University that they packed their luggage and took the Rotom Suspension Train to Kyoto City.

After getting off the bus, there were crowds of people and posters of Naughty Panda everywhere.

"The representative Pokémon of Kyoto City is Naughty Panda." Shi Qiu thought about the national treasure of his previous life, and his palms itched.

As a former authentic Chinese citizen, the love for pandas is engraved in my bones!

Bubble Squirrel: Oh, yes, yes, you have a lot of space in your bones, and all the love for Pokémon is in it.


As soon as I got out of the station, a familiar feeling of disgust and coldness hit me.

Shi Qiu calmly put away Riolu: "Vulpix, strange light, charming voice. Bubble Squirrel, echo."

The two Pokémons were still playing around on the trainer heartlessly, and only the space seemed to be distorted.

However, the next second, boundless darkness fell.

Several thick waves of evil penetrated the illusion in front and attacked Shi Qiu and his party in the dark.

Shi Qiu hugged the two elves and barely dodged, but was hit on the waist and his clothes were torn.

A woman wearing a Gothic princess dress and a group of people in various outfits came out.

It was Thurman, the coordinator who appeared in the Veil City.

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