The two of them were in a mess.

"This... is an accident..." Shi Qiu said with difficulty.

He had a bad feeling, picked up Vulpix and Bubble Squirrel, and started running with Riolu.

Behind him, the ice blades were like raindrops.

"Where's Rotom?! Rotom is broken too?! Stop it, I can't get out!"


Outside the field, teachers from several colleges and universities looked solemnly at the young man who was fleeing in a panic on the big screen. Among them, the teacher from Kyoto University looked even uglier after hearing Shi Qiu's words.

It's bad, there's an accident.

No one dared to make a temporary decision to cut off the online live broadcast. The audience was not stupid. There were so many people at the scene. Since Shi Qiu's props on his wrist were destroyed but he still stayed in the venue, both the barrage and offline audiences began to feel something was wrong.

"What's going on?"

"Summer camp organizers, please take a look... There is a child still inside?"

"It should be okay, right? Isn't it said that Articuno is the guardian of Kyoto University?"

"Maybe this boy is more talented? The teachers want to test him more?"


No, it can't be a test. After seeing the not-so-good expressions of the Kyoto University side, many responsible teachers had some idea in their hearts.

Maybe Articuno is going berserk...


"The power of waveguide is in my heart." Shi Qiu shouted casually, hating that he didn't practice much and couldn't even use it skillfully. He could only hope that the information from the anime he watched in his previous life would help him. "Riolu, help me guide it!"

Blue light began to fluctuate on Shi Qiu's body. He felt the bone-chilling coldness gradually dissipating and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, fortunately, the waveguide can have some effect."

After saying that, he began to grit his teeth again: "Is the simulator fake? Didn't I say I'm already level 38? Why is my body still as fragile as a piece of paper!"

The power of Evergreen restored physical strength, and the power of waveguide relieved mental fatigue. Shi Qiu and the three elves hid from place to place and endured for dozens of minutes.

After a cry that pierced the sky, Shi Qiu gave up hope in the outside world. He gently tapped the elf ball of Zoroark on his waist, and a subtle space fluctuation appeared.

"What's going on? Why is the screen black?!"

In the venue, snowflakes appeared on the big screen, and all the Rotoms in the venue lost signal and contact one after another, leaving only the ones on the periphery wandering around aimlessly.

"The champion and the ice king have arrived." In the conference room, the staff hung up the phone and said.

The people present felt a little relieved: "Fortunately, considering the uncontrollability of Articuno, the higher-ups let the champion and the king arrive in Kyoto City in advance."

"After this incident, Articuno's position and the way the Chinese region interacts with it will become ambiguous again..."


"All resolved?" Shi Qiu asked Zoroark who had returned.

The simulator, this trump card, could not be used in the live broadcast. In order to avoid exposure, Zoroark could only let the Rotoms "malfunction" one by one.

Zoroark nodded, looking forward with a solemn expression: "(He is coming.)"

In the wind and snow that blocked the view, the figure of Articuno slowly approached, flew to not far from Shi Qiu, and stared at Shi Qiu quietly with cold eyes.

"Tell me your purpose." A cold voice sounded from the bottom of Shi Qiu and all the elves' hearts.

My purpose? What could I have? Am I not just a student who came for the test?

"You may have misunderstood. I have no intention of offending you. I am just a student who came for the test..."

Halfway through the conversation, the Articuno on the opposite side became visibly impatient, flapped its wings, and a huge snow tide rushed directly.

Zoroark narrowed his eyes and quickly blocked in front. He waved his arms and used the Dark Blast to firmly receive it, and then fired a jet of flame at Articuno.

Misjudging Zoroark's strength, Articuno was caught off guard and flew up in anger:

"(How dare the ignorant god's followers usurp the throne!)"

The two elves disagreed and attacked each other fiercely.

Shi Qiu felt the terrifying energy fluctuations and knew that this was not something he could intervene in. He carefully gathered his own elves and put them into the elf balls one by one regardless of the worries on their faces, watching the battle ahead anxiously.

"Zoroark can't hold on any longer... I should have known not to let Mr. N out!


He stared at the battlefield, looking for an opportunity. Just as he was about to find a gap to pull Zoroark into the advanced simulator to avoid the limelight, he suddenly felt something in the air tugging at the corner of his clothes.

It was an illusion!

Shi Qiu grabbed the hairy but powerful arm with one hand and asked in a low voice: "Zoroark? "

Zoroark did not show his figure, but took Shi Qiu and quietly retreated.

Obviously, he had the same idea as Shi Qiu, to find a safe place to teleport back to the forest.

On the way to evacuate, Shi Qiu dug out the ticket in the corner and immediately clicked [Yes] on the virtual screen of the simulator.

In the corner of his eye, he saw a blue cold flying shadow, quickly attacking.

No! Too late! Articuno is too fast! Cold sweat dripped on Shi Qiu's face.

A dark figure attacked from the side.

[The ticket to the forest has been activated.]

[The character... the elf... has been generated and is entering the simulation map.]

[The current simulation map: ***'s *margin and *popular areas.]

[You have entered the a-1 forest area.]

"Zoroark! "Shi Qiu shouted in shock.

Zoroark lay dying on the green grass, his handsome black and red hair covered with frost. Shi Qiu subconsciously used all his strength to heal him.

However, the next second, the fierce blizzard hit Zoroark accurately and knocked him out.

Shi Qiu looked up in disbelief.

The entire forest area of ​​A-1 was covered with snowflakes since I don't know when. Articuno flew proudly in the air, Looking at them coldly.

There were rustling sounds around the forest, in the bushes, on the grass, and in the leaves. The elves in area A-1 all popped their heads out curiously to observe.

Shi Qiu picked up Zoroark, who had lost his ability to fight and fell into a coma, with difficulty, and sat there, looking around absentmindedly.

The elves were originally just happy and a little curious, but after seeing the extremely miserable Shi Qiu and Zoroark, their eyes were red, and they attacked the gods in the air in unison.

Leaves and water, petals and flames, mental power and close combat, waves and light, all attacks were annihilated in the wind and snow.

The A-1 forest area, where the temperature and weather have never changed, ushered in the first winter.

Shi Qiu stared blankly, and the blizzard had already hit him.

Bubble Squirrel, Ice Vulpix and Riolu broke free from the Poké Ball and blocked him. Sonic Boom and Fine Snow once again struggled to block the blizzard.

Shi Qiu wanted to cheer up quickly. Come, looking for a new opportunity, but it seems that the soul has left the body as if it is separated from the world.

Foam Squirrel and Ice Vulpix were blown away by the storm, and Riolu stood silently and froze into an ice sculpture.

In a trance, Shi Qiu met the eyes of the mechanical retired ranger.

[Range: The ranger is the core and pillar of the forest. ]

[Do you have the awareness of taking the forest as your home and living and dying with it? ]

The silver-white seed mark appeared on Shi Qiu's forehead.

"This is usurpation."

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