The young man smiled cheerfully and enthusiastically, "My name is Tel Lauren." Shi Qiu responded briefly, "Huaxia, Cunhe." Tel's eyes widened, looking surprised, "Are you a friend from Huaxia? Your spoken English is very authentic." He praised. "Have you lived in the United States?" Shi Qiu looked at the handsome young man quietly, with a carefree and optimistic look, and his expression was extremely rich, so he also laughed and talked nonsense: "Yes, I grew up in Yorkshire." He pointed to the foam squirrel on his shoulder: "This is my original elf." Foam squirrel, a regional elf that is extremely common in America. "But my brother took me back to China to go to school when I was old enough to go to school. So I just took advantage of this summer vacation to come back and have some fun."

"I see." The two followed the guide and continued forward.

Tel opened the Poké Ball, and a bug-type Pokémon with sun-like antennae appeared: "This is my partner, the Burning Bug."

"The red color of the antennae is very bright, and it looks like it has been cultivated very well. Are you a breeder?"

"Well... not really, but one of my companions is, and the Burning Bug can be cultivated so well thanks to the cultivation experience he gave me." Tel's fingers gently rubbed the Burning Bug's hair, "You came with your brother? Why didn't I see your brother?"

Shi Qiu continued to talk nonsense without changing his face: "Oh, there was a problem with his bill, so let me come in to visit first, and come to me later."

As he spoke, the Bubble Squirrel behind him seemed to have a headache because of the noise of the crowd, and moved into the backpack little by little with a bitter face.

The first thing this tourist group visited was the right side, which was the ruins of Reshiram. ‘

“Reshiram, the god who built the real side of the world with fire.” Tel sighed as he listened to the introduction of the tour guide in front of him.

Shi Qiu smiled and asked him: “Do you like the white dragon or the black dragon more?”

Tel’s face showed some entanglement, and hesitantly: “Ah? Is there anyone who likes this more?”

He showed some longing and enthusiasm: “They are all dragon gods of the world, synonymous with ideals and reality, and the embodiment of the spiritual and material realms.”

“I admire them very much.”

Shi Qiu subconsciously looked up at the mural in front of him, and the engine at the tail of the white dragon ignited the turbine, and the raging fire descended on the kneeling and praying crowd.

The young man’s voice changed from sacred to a little cunning: “However, from a personal point of view, I don’t believe in things that are too illusory.”

“Which one do you prefer?” The young man asked.

I prefer Rayquaza. Shi Qiu was expressionless in his heart, but he smiled when he looked up, "Of course I like white dragons the most."

Tel was stunned by his decisive answer: "Is there any reason?"

"Because I like furry creatures the most." Shi Qiu pointed to the flowing white hair of Reshiram in the mural.

The visiting team returned to the original starting point of the statue.

"Brother!" Tel was about to say something, when he saw the young boy next to him suddenly tiptoe and waved his hand vigorously not far away.

A green-haired young man wearing a peaked cap in the crowd was obviously stunned for a moment, and then rushed towards them.

Shi Qiu obviously had no intention of introducing the two to each other, and waved to Tel: "My brother is here, so I'll leave first, you continue to visit with the group."

After that, he walked towards the ruins in the direction of Zekrom with the young man N who had just come over.

Tel also waved his hand with a smile: "Have fun, little sir."


After the two walked silently for a while, Shi Qiu finally put down his sullen face, caught the foam squirrel that jumped from N, and rubbed his stiff cheeks.

"Tsk, as expected, boys should protect themselves when they go out." He muttered.

N remained silent at this nonsense and incomprehensible sentence.

Shi Qiu looked at N who was walking in the ruins of Zekrom but was openly dazed and distracted, and stretched out his tone:

"Question! Didn't you expose Zekrom in front of the Catholic team before?"

That was the time when we repelled Zeraora.

"...It should be, no, it's not necessarily." N thought for a while, "When I fought Zeraora, there was no living... unconscious Catholic team member on the field."

"So if they can't extract information from Zeraora, they may not know it.

? "Shi Qiu smiled, "Do you remember what you said? The first battle after the Catholic team retreated was lost, and the future will be quiet for a long time, don't worry."

"The foreigner standing next to me just now is 100% a member of the Catholic team."

"...How did you know?"

"No evidence, no reason, pure intuition." Shi Qiu had a blank expression, "Mr. N, can you let Zoroark follow him? We will take the Black Dragon to overthrow them tonight."

N nodded and replied: "Zoroark has already followed."


At night, Shi Qiu followed N and followed Tel Lauren's trail to a deserted place.

"Tsk, there is indeed a problem. Whose good child runs to the wasteland every day." Shi Qiu whispered.

A very common house bird, the bean pigeon, flapped its wings and landed leisurely on Shi Qiu's head.

"Have you figured it out? "Shi Qiu asked him, while impatiently knocking down Zoroark's arm that was on his head.

Zoroark nodded, and led them to a secret base with ease: "Go in, I have knocked down the human and elf guards, these are all illusions."

Shi Qiu passed the lifelike cool leopard and the guards in white and blue uniforms at the door, and followed Zoroark around the base.

It was quiet all the way, and not even a human or elf shadow was seen.

"Wait!" Shi Qiu was a little dizzy, and called out to the Pokémon in front of him that had turned into his appearance, "Are you going the right way?"

'Shi Qiu' kept walking: "Please don't underestimate a top-level elf of the King level, especially when he is a Zoroark."

After walking for dozens of minutes, the narrow passage became wider.

"What is this place used for?" Shi Qiu frowned when he saw the boxes and computers placed everywhere.

"Don't ask me. "Feeling his gaze, Zoroark waved his hand: "How can I know about you humans?"

A familiar cheerful voice sounded out of nowhere: "Of course it's to welcome you."

Tel Lauren suddenly appeared not far away, with a lively and sunny smile on his face, and a huge Vulcan Moth behind him quietly flapped its wings, suspended in the air.

"I knew you were coming, little sir."

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