Although the situation was very complicated, it was difficult to understand.

Even though he had a premonition and was mentally prepared, Shi Qiu still needed some time to slowly accept his golden finger after it came back to life.

He had no ill feelings towards the simulator, but seeing its obvious intentions, he subconsciously didn't want to obey directly.

Oh, not only that. Shi Qiu patted the blue puppy that felt good.

He still remembered that Riolu was imprisoned.

"Do you think the male content in our group of creatures is too high?"

Shi Qiu suddenly discovered something and said to his companions, "It seems that the only one who is close to us... Mr. N's double Duoduobing is a girl."

She is still a gentle big sister with peak combat power.

Several Pokémon, including Zoroark, turned their attention back, and Riolu said hesitantly: "(It seems to be true...)"

Hearing Riolu's words, Bubble Squirrel and Ice Vulpix gritted their teeth in disappointment.

"I want to raise a daughter! I want to raise a little girl!" Shi Qiu raised his hand and suggested, "How about we raise a Ralts?"

The atmosphere became stiff.

Riolu calmly pointed out: "(Didn't you say that all partners are destined, what about timing and fate.)"

The young boy's eyes drifted around twice, and he said confidently: "Now is the time, I feel it!"

Zorroark was heartless. In his mind, Shi Qiu was just looking for him to find a playmate, and he raised his little paw to vote in favor.

The Bubble Squirrel in front of him used his tail to firmly press down his little paw, and the Ice Vulpix beside him whispered to the cub considerately: "(He was not found for you, think about it, with an extra Lalulas, Shi Qiu's time with you will definitely be halved.)"

The Bubble Squirrel lightly added firewood to make the fire more vigorous: "(Then Shi Qiu will not cook for you when you are hungry, Shi Qiu will not hold you and comfort you when you cry, and you will no longer be the little baby who can nestle in his arms at night.)"

Zorua suddenly realized, and under the satisfied eyes of Ice Vulpix and Bubble Squirrel, his little mouth curled, and his melancholy big eyes instantly began to water.

Woo wow! ......

Shi Qiu hurriedly picked up the little fox and began to comfort him.

Bubble Squirrel and Vulpix looked at each other secretly, and the little gray mouse rushed forward first: "(We agree... but Zoroya...)"

Ice Vulpix used its tail to help the trainer wipe the tears from Zoroya's face: "(So, let's think about it again...)"

Shi Qiu was troubled by Zoroya's crying, and responded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, yes, I just said that casually, dear, don't cry."

Riolu watched the whole process, coughed twice in a low voice, and finally did not expose this impromptu double act, and walked behind Shi Qiu silently.


"Alas, I finally got up the courage, but it turned out that Zoroya disagreed." Shi Qiu blabbered, and after revising Zekrom's paper, he directly submitted it to the most influential PKM research journal.

"Since there is nothing else to do, let's go back to the Chinese region tomorrow." He planned the itinerary in his heart.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door: "Hello, is Mr. Shi Qiu here?"

Shi Qiu looked through the peephole and saw two male policemen in police uniforms, and raised his eyebrows.

"It's me." He opened the door, "What can I do for you?"

"Hello, I'm Charles, this is my police ID." Charles showed a small notebook and said indifferently, "Don't worry, I came to you this time just to understand some things."

"Do you think it's convenient for you to go with us?"

Go? Shi Qiu stretched out his tone and said lazily, "I'm afraid not, officer."

The young police officer next to him couldn't stand the perfunctory look of the foreign teenager, and said sternly: "I have to remind you that you are now very suspicious! We reasonably suspect that you have a certain connection with the villain organization Catholic Team!"

"Without the corresponding procedures and legitimate reasons, you should have no right to force me to go with you."

Charles sneered and waved his hand. A symbolic bird of the senior level suddenly appeared and stared at him with great pressure: "You will choose the right one, right?"

The room was suddenly filled with suffocating mental power.

"Okay." Shi Qiu shrugged and motioned them to lead the way, "If you insist."


In a lounge of the police station.

"Do you know this person?" On the Rotom screen, there was a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

Shi Qiu nodded: "I have seen him. Three days ago, I met him by chance when I was visiting the Dragon God Ruins."

"Humph, say it again! Was it by chance or on purpose?!"

"...Wow, I thought everything on TV was fake, but you guys really ask questions like this?" Shi Qiu was not happy and retorted with a half-smile.


"Okay, Luo Shi." Charles interrupted with a frown, staring at Shi Qiu with cold eyes, "Please cooperate with our work."

"According to the information, you arrived in the American region at 10 o'clock in the evening on August 11 four days ago, and entered the Dragon God Ruins the next morning."

"And stayed in the hotel for two days after the visit. I booked a return flight at nine o'clock last night."

"Your purpose of coming to the American region is just to visit the Dragon God Ruins, right?"

"Yes, I just want to visit the Dragon God Ruins during the summer vacation."

Charles was silent for a while, and then released another picture, which was a picture of Shi Qiu and Tel talking to each other under surveillance.

"Originally, the case-related content needs to be kept confidential, but I have to tell you that this person, including the entire tour group, are members of the evil Catholic team in the United States."

"You followed this tour group with a purpose from the beginning. Why?"

Shi Qiu said very sincerely: "There is really no other reason, but I thought it was a local tour guide group, and I wanted to get a ride."

Charles's face was gloomy for a moment, but he quickly suppressed it and asked: "Then what did you talk about with this young man?"

"He introduced me to some legends about the black dragon and the white dragon, as well as the contents of the murals on the ruins. There is nothing else." He still told the truth.

The middle-aged police officer sighed: "It seems that you don't want to say anything, so don't blame us for using some special means."

The symbolic bird that had been quietly waiting on the side flew up with ill intentions.

Shi Qiu laughed angrily: "I have nothing to hide. You want to attack humans directly, aren't you afraid of causing accidents and leaking out?"

Charles no longer concealed the malice in his eyes, and said contemptuously: "He is just a little-known coordinator and member of a singing group. What does it matter as long as we get the information?"

Shi Qiu was almost annoyed by the series of accidents this summer, and the anger that had been suppressed since he met Tel Lauren burst out directly.

He looked coldly at the symbolic bird that used hypnosis, with blue light in his eyes.

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