The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

There are two ways for Riolu to evolve in this world. First, if the wave power in the body is too huge, it will break through the racial shackles of Riolu and naturally evolve into Lucario. Second, after the intimacy with the trainer reaches a certain value, once the energy in the body rises and begins to jump, it will also lead to evolution.

And with the current intimacy between Riolu and Shi Qiu...

In the corner of his eye, Bubble Squirrel clearly saw that Riolu quietly took out the unchanging stone that Lalulas replaced from his backpack and held it tightly in his hand.

He suddenly felt uneasy sitting on the fishing platform.

Sure enough! Riolu is their biggest opponent!


In the a-1 forest.

Shi Qiu took a pen and wrote and drew on a virtual blue screen.

"That's it. Help me simulate the feasibility." Shi Qiu said to the virtual screen.

[QAQ, this is beyond my understanding. I can't guarantee the accuracy. ]

A small screen with subtitles suddenly appeared, shaking, with some grievance.

Aledo, with sharp characteristics, is simply a natural swordsman. As for the word swordsman, the first thing Shi Qiu thought of was the super popular anime Oni no Yaiba in his previous life.

What kind of breathing method plus various special effects swordsmanship, if it can be simulated, it is simply Aledo's natural skill library.

Although it sounds unreliable and unscientific, his existence is the biggest unscientific.

"It's a pity that I can't remember the details." Shi Qiu frowned.

On the virtual screen, an Aledo was simulating the use of basic water breathing swordsmanship, but the use of the water wave blade collapsed directly and the simulation failed.

Tsk, the feeling of having an idea but not knowing where to start, like a small feather tickling his heart.

How to start...

"You should know that I have some extra unique memories and knowledge." Shi Qiu slowly said to the subtitles.

The simulator and the previous life, the two real secrets in his heart.

Before, N guessed that he came from outside the elf world, and in the end he successfully perfunctorily used the real world. As the two gradually became familiar with each other and became friends, the young man no longer held on to the reason why he knew everything.

The two of them kept a comfortable distance for each other.

In the previous life, his current family did not know the past, the utopia in his heart.

But the simulator has a 100% understanding of his peculiarities.


Silence for a while.

[I can only know what you know. (Hands covering head, quietly observing)]

Shi Qiu understood the potential meaning of the simulator.

To some extent, 99% of the information obtained by a person's five senses, such as what he has seen, heard, smelled, tasted, and touched, will be stored in the brain through neurons. However, due to the huge amount of information, the brain may crash and die if it is completely processed, so 99% of it will be dormant. The activity value of the human brain is only in a certain range.

"Then mobilize the cognition of breathing swordsmanship in anime."

A large virtual screen was displayed, with lines of explanations and strange pictures.

[Fully concentrated breathing can accelerate blood circulation and heartbeat, so that body temperature will rise rapidly. Improve the body's muscle contraction ability. ]

[Method: Open the lungs and input a large amount of air into the blood. After the blood is frightened, the bones and muscles will quickly heat up and become stronger...]

This is a long-term exercise method to burn vitality, and Shi Qiu happened to have the power of Changpan blessed by the forest, which can just make up for the life energy lost in Aledo's exercise.


"(So Aledo went directly to the simulator for special training?)" asked Ice Vulpix.

"Yes." Shi Qiu nodded, "I was originally worried about the high intensity of this training, but he is obviously not afraid."

As a natural swordsman, Aledo is eager for advanced swordsmanship knowledge and training methods.

Ice Vulpix shook its tail a little uneasily.

Tsk, why does it feel that this partner who developed the latest moves has the most advanced skills?

It just so happens that the ticket to the Icefield Secret Realm has been returned from Articuno. He will go in for training tomorrow and see his grandfather who has been separated for a long time.

"(This is

Are you going to school? " "Riolu asked, sitting upright in his seat.

"Go to Kyoto University to participate in military training."

Shi Qiu swiped his Rotom phone.

As the first student with dual enrollment, there are still some problems in the cooperation between the two schools. Anyway, Rotom is assisting in every class now, so the school leaders simply lifted the restrictions on Shi Qiu.

All inspection exams and practical tests need to be taken, and daily compulsory elective courses only require Shi Qiu's online attendance rate.

Other problems and conflicts can be temporarily and actively solved.


Shi Qiu asked for a week's vacation and joined the military training halfway after arriving at Kyoto University.

The military training for freshmen at Kyoto University is organized according to the class. Shi Qiu is a class of his own, and it is not easy to arrange candidates alone, so he directly joined Class A to train together.

During the lunch break, Lu Qing and Rong Yue walked towards Shi Qiu together, handing him a bottle of water.

"Can you bear it? "Lu Qing looked at the height of the junior brother, who was much shorter than him, and was worried.

There is no junior class in Beijing University. Can Shi Qiu, a 15-year-old child, withstand such high-intensity training?

Rong Yue's hair was already tangled under the military training cap, and she lay on the ground panting to rest.

"Indeed, I can't stand it." She said, "You are of a special age. You should be able to make some concessions after talking to the instructor."

After caring about the junior brother, she was so distressed that she clenched her fists and began to pound the ground.

"Why should I, a trainer who specializes in super powers, do physical training? !"

Although she also practiced super powers to defend her thesis, it was much easier because she was not talented!!!

Shi Qiu clenched her fists at her mouth, coughed twice, and said hesitantly: "Emm... Is it really tiring? "

After a morning of scorching sun, Lu Qing was too tired to open his eyes, so he didn't look closely at his junior. At this time, after listening to Shi Qiu's voice, which didn't show any fatigue, he took a closer look and found that this kid didn't even feel tired at all. He was energetic and energetic, but there was a little sweat between his hair and face.

"Just right, the gift I brought you may be useful now." Shi Qiu took out a handful of small round beads from his pocket. The tiny transparent shell had a green light flashing inside. "The power of Changpan... oh, it's a crystal of healing ability, which can restore a certain amount of physical strength."

Lu Qing and Rong Yue didn't doubt it, each grabbed a handful and stuffed a few in their mouths.

Feeling the rapid relief of the body's wailing, Rong Yue clasped his hands together: "Junior brother, you are awesome."

"Oh my god, it really works!" Lu Qing was surprised, "So you are relying on the healing ability to cheat? ! "

Shi Qiu smiled: "Have you seen the video of the 'American Police Department Change' incident circulating on the Internet?"

"You mean...?"

"Who said I only have one special ability?"

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