After all, the two of them were busy.

There is something wrong with Riolu.

Early in the morning, Shi Qiu was eating breakfast, watching a group of elves sitting around him, and suddenly this sentence popped up in his mind.

These two days, they have been living in the teacher's apartment arranged for them by Yuda. Kyoto University, Yuda University and Mizuki are all in Kyoto, not too far away from each other, and the apartments here are very convenient for going to any school.

At this time, Shi Qiu watched Riolu practicing boxing and kicking kung fu, eating, taking care of Zoroark, etc. without any abnormality, but he always felt that something was wrong.

The most effective way to maintain the relationship between family members is to play straight, talk about everything, and let all misunderstandings and contradictions be strangled in the bud.

But Riolu is introverted, so he always needs to find some clues first.

He began to ask other Pokémons indirectly, asking them if they had noticed any good or bad behavior of Riolu that was different from usual.

"(You said Riolu is not right?)" Bubble Squirrel thought about it while holding the small microphone.

"(It should be struggling whether to evolve or not.)" Bubble Squirrel thought about the time when Aledo dug a hole for Ice Vulpix, and was thoughtful.

"(Last time I saw, Riolu took the Stone of Nova from his backpack.)"

"Evolution? Stone of Nova?"

It is possible that Riolu is struggling with the issue of evolution, but the Stone of Nova... Riolu's panel did not show that he was carrying the Stone of Nova?

"Why are you hesitating about evolution?" Shi Qiu asked humbly.

Bubble Squirrel pointed to Aledo not far away, and then pointed to himself: "(Of course, it is because I can be held by you if I don't evolve, but I guess I will feel guilty about it... or something like that.)"

A strange reason appeared.

Shi Qiu sighed, "I see."

What Bubble Squirrel said made some sense, but he always felt that the reason was not as simple as it could be.


Today's military training still requires students to work with elves.

Aledo has always been careful, and Shi Qiu noticed his attention on the blue puppy in the morning. Without waiting for Shi Qiu to speak, he made room for Riolu on the grounds that he needed to hone his breathing and sword skills.

Shi Qiu smiled awkwardly.

I feel that when there are too many elves, sometimes the atmosphere between them is more subtle.

Although most of the time, the elves get along well with each other.

For example, Ice Vulpix will remember to add Bubble Squirrel when drawing a picture, Riolu will pour milk for Zoroark, who he didn't like before, and Zeraora helped Aledo hone his sword skills last time.

However, there will also be a lot of time when the undercurrents hidden between them surge. Although Shi Qiu appears calm on the surface, he can actually feel it vaguely in his heart.

The young boy was very talented in pretending not to see it, and he always felt that if he was exposed, he would find something incredible.


The military training in the morning was a cooperative cross-country race.

There were four checkpoints on the 250-meter path, and students and elves were required to do an obstacle course.

The obstacles might be troublesome and difficult for ordinary students, but for Shi Qiu and Riolu, who had a foundation of agile physical skills, this was their comfort zone.

Everyone, including the instructors who had fought with them, thought so, but...

The third group, five students including Shi Qiu, started the obstacle course.

"Be careful!" Rong Yue couldn't help shouting from below.

When Shi Qiu was climbing on the net rope, he didn't notice the loopholes set in it, and his feet were empty, and he looked like he was about to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, Riolu next to him was quick-witted and quickly pulled Shi Qiu to help him stabilize his body.

"That was close." Shi Qiu took a breath.

Falling from this height, at most you will feel a little pain when you fall, and you won't even get a fracture, but it's embarrassing...

One person and one elf crossed the net rope, and Shi Qiu breathed a sigh of relief: "Thanks to you, hey... wait a minute! Be careful!..."

Shi Qiu and the others saw that Riolu, who was so reliable just now, didn't notice the blocking rope next to him and was tripped by the rope the next moment.

This time, it was Shi Qiu's turn to pull him in time.

Riolu looked at the boy in a daze.

Shi Qiu chuckled: "It's over, this time our status is really going to be ruined."

"Hurry up, the people in the same group in front are almost gone."

Next, one person and one elf still made mistakes, and it can be seen that they were not in the state, and they were openly wandering. Fortunately, they were able to help each other in time, so as not to fall badly.

"Did they not sleep well?" Rong Yue was a little dumbfounded and asked Lu Qing in a low voice.

Lu Qing frowned, observed carefully for a while, and his expression was a little weird: "Not really... Why do I feel..."

Why do I feel that this person and the elf are both worried, and all their attention is on each other? But I frequently fall into traps and make all kinds of mistakes, but I can still protect each other in time.

These two are still very serious. The more mistakes they make, the faster they want to go, the more they pay attention to their companions, and the more mistakes they make...

It's so weird.


At lunch.

Shi Qiu was eating and suddenly laughed out loud.

The right time, the right place, and the right people, playing a straight ball requires a certain background to be effective.

"Tell me." Shi Qiu sighed, put down the bowl and chopsticks, and there was an emotion in his eyes that could not be refused, "What are you worried about recently."

"(I...)" Riolu pursed his lips.

"Don't you want to evolve?"

"(No!)" Riolu changed his hesitant and immediately denied it.

"(Before, I did hesitate for a while and took the Unchanging Stone from my backpack.)" Riolu said, "(But soon I decided that I wanted to evolve into Lucario.)"

"(But, Shi Qiu...)" Riolu's voice trembled slightly, "(Soon I found something more terrible...)"

"..." He frowned, with a bad feeling.

"(I failed to evolve, Shi Qiu...)"

A calm voice, with a faint cry.

A blue light came out of the blue puppy, and after a while it gradually disappeared, remaining the same.

It's not about whether to evolve or not, but that it can't evolve.

Shi Qiu immediately realized that this matter is much more serious than he thought...


Riolu can't evolve, this matter is not a big deal for Shi Qiu, he doesn't care. Whether it's Riolu or Lucario, whether it's strong or weak, he will like it very much.

However, Riolu's evolution is an intimacy evolution, and the bond between them naturally reaches or even exceeds the requirements of evolution.

The boy will not use the success or failure of evolution to prove the existence and amount of their feelings.

But Riolu will.

The moment the first evolution fails, he will doubt his feelings for the trainer.

"(I can't respond to the trainer's feelings properly.)" The emergence of this thought, and as it continues to grow over time, more thoughts will arise from it.

"(Will I hold everyone back?)" "(Am I worthy of staying with Shi Qiu?)"

These will destroy him.

Even Shi Qiu can't help directly. The more considerate he is, the more close he expresses, the more guilty Riolu will feel, and the more he hates himself.


Trouble. Shi Qiu remained calm on the surface, but began to think hard in his heart.

For the first time, he felt that he had no idea where to start. It was impossible to stay away and not to get close.

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