The task was originally supposed to be completed after the military training, but now it has been four or five days longer... What are you going to do?)" asked Bubble Squirrel.

"... Then let's start the task tomorrow." Being busy and doing real work is not a bad thing under the current circumstances.

Shi Qiu picked up his backpack and took the little gray mouse with him: "Let's go, ask for leave from school in advance. It's hard to take online classes in the simulator."

Foam Chinchilla gave a bad idea: "(You can let N log in to your account... Anyway, it's across the Internet, who knows who is behind...)"

Shi Qiu tapped the little gray mouse's head lightly: "Not to mention how presumptuous this method is to N, what if the teacher suddenly wants me to turn on the microphone? What if I turn on the camera? What if I get caught?"

"Only you can come up with such a bad idea."

Foam Chinchilla was not convinced and whispered back: "(Who said that? Why don't you ask Ice Vulpix? Do you believe that the idea that the stinky boy came up with is worse than mine?...)"

Shi Qiu: ...I'm tired.


The next day.

Shi Qiu took all the Pokémon, including Zeraora, who had not been captured, and entered the b-1 area sea area.

He looked at the task prompt that reappeared and could see that the space in this sea area had become more unstable.

"Are you all ready?" Shi Qiu asked, holding Zoroya who was waking up from a nap in his arms. Seeing the elves nod, he pressed [I accept] on the virtual screen.

[Large series of tasks: Nature and Time Open]

[The task location is being transferred to you. ]

"Oulu?!!!!" Riolu screamed.

Shi Qiu subconsciously looked back and was surprised to find that except for Zoroya in his arms and his own body becoming virtual and undergoing a jump, the rest of the elves, whether it was Bubble Squirrel or Riolu, were all in place without any reaction.

It was completely different from the first mission transfer.

"Bubble Squirrel!" Time was running out, and there was no time to say anything more, so Shi Qiu shouted Little Gray Mouse.

As his initial elf, their tacit understanding needs no further explanation. During the period when Riolu had psychological problems, Bubble Squirrel could only replace him and become a temporary big brother to protect the family.

Bubble Squirrel nodded quickly under Shi Qiu's gaze.

After a familiar dizziness, Shi Qiu stood at a place he had been to before.

Under the bright sunshine, it is still half forest and half ocean.

Shi Qiu is on the flat ground where the two meet.

[Choose the area to explore this time. ]

[Note: This choice will affect the subsequent tasks. ]

[1. Forest in area a] [2. Sea in area d-5]

The first option has gone dark.

Familiar with the scenery and options, Shi Qiu did not have the curiosity of the first time, but felt an absurd emotion.

What if, when he first triggered the large series of tasks "Nature and Time", he chose to explore the sea instead of the forest?

"[This choice will affect the subsequent tasks.]", this prompt contains much more things and profound meanings than he imagined.

Shi Qiu clicked on the second option.

[Task goal: Live in the island paradise for 7 days. ]

[There is no danger in this mission, please relax and enjoy the 7 days in the paradise. ]

[Tip: Walking in the paradise, in order to coexist peacefully, the strength is locked below the professional level (level 20). 】

[It is detected that your strength does not meet the requirements, and now the blockade is being carried out. "10%...40%...80%...The blockade is over.]

Immediately afterwards, unlike the previous mechanical subtitles, a line of words like a scroll slowly unfolded.

[Act 1: Whale Cry]


[Race: Shi Qiu (manually crossed out), human]

[Attribute: Grass, Fighting]

[Feature: Tian En (H)]

[Level: 18 (Ordinary Level 8)]

[Moves: Chang Pan Power, Wave Power.]

Shi Qiu looked at the subtitles line by line, and could clearly feel the vigorous energy in his body slowly entering the shackles.

"The amount remains unchanged, but the outlet for venting becomes smaller and difficult to call. "He muttered to himself as a green light flashed on his hand.

He did not feel any discomfort in his body, and his two abilities could still be used normally, but he could not directly output high-power life energy, nor could he condense wave missiles, and his self-protection ability decreased.

Shi Qiu accepted the simulator's real-time test calmly.

force blockade, not too worried about his situation.

From the first Celebi incident, he played a supporting role in the mission, just need to witness the development of the plot, and there will be no excessive requirements for his strength limit.

At the same time, a virtual map appeared in the corner, on which the location of the island paradise was thoughtfully marked.

Shi Qiu held Zoroark and faced the boundless sea.

"Nothing..." Shi Qiu frowned, took two steps forward, and looked at the simulated map.

"Do you want me to swim directly?"

Judging from the distance he moved on the map, the size of the map is not large, and the island paradise is about dozens of kilometers away from him.

The power of Changpan restores physical strength, and the power of wave guide relieves mental fatigue. In this case, the two abilities are used in a long-term and steady manner. Thinking about it this way, it is really possible to swim over alive.

"Zorua." Shi Qiu couldn't stand his calm look, so he shook his hand vigorously: "Can you learn surfing? I have a [Surfing] move learning machine in my backpack."

In the game, as long as the elves in the team can learn this move, no matter how small the elves are, the protagonist controlled by the player can step on the back of this elf and ride freely on the ocean.

Zorua glared at the boy like a fool.

Shi Qiu was not to be outdone and said, "I didn't count on you."

Come on, come on, take the bait, I can accept anything from small ball flying fish and fat chubby.

With his characteristic [Tian En (H)], no matter what it is, he will definitely exclude the Magikarp option with the largest proportion at the first time.

So! He is not worried at all!

However...when there are only N cards in the card pool, you still exclude all N cards, what will happen?

It will be empty hook.

After 3 hours.

"..." Let's have an elf... Magikarp will do...

Tian En: No, you don't want it, I'd rather not have one than have Magikarp to discredit my reputation.

"Zorroa..." Shi Qiu's voice was hoarse.

Zorroa yawned and replied weakly: "(What's wrong, did you catch it?...)"

He cheered up and looked at Shi Qiu who was sitting still, his posture had not changed at all until now, and sighed softly: "(Wow! Is this what Shi Qiu said about persistence is victory?)"

Zorroa thought of the special training time before.

When he was honing the illusion, his prank was discovered by the pickpocket cats, and he fell into a trough for a while, and he couldn't get excited about honing his abilities for a long time.

If he couldn't even fool a professional pickpocket cat, how could he achieve the goal of fooling Zoroark? !

Is Shi Qiu bluffing him? ! !

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