The energy transfer was extremely huge. After all, Soraya was just an ordinary child. Fortunately, Shi Qiu helped him coordinate the energy. He himself had a high talent for energy scheduling and coordination. This scene was not a realistic illusion. It was successfully constructed under the cliff and in front of the roaring whale king. "It's time for us to leave." Shi Qiu and Soraya said. The little fox was exhausted and lay in Shi Qiu's arms. He looked at Fiona not far away with tears in his eyes and nodded slightly. [There are 10 seconds left before the end of the mission. ] [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. ] [The test has passed the series of tasks-important plot points of nature and time. ]

[Task completion: 100%]

[Return now.]

They gradually faded in the elegy that was still going on.

[Return failed! Execute the return command again.]

[Return failed! Execute the return command again.]

Shi Qiu's face changed.

His and Soraya's figures had completely become ethereal, but they were still standing there.


[Return failed! Execute the return command again.]

He suddenly remembered the tip that Xiaomo had given him before.


"[This newly emerged area is extremely unstable. As time goes on, although it will not disappear, it will be filled with more and more uncontrollable factors.]"

"[Especially without the support of real power.]"

"So Tian En is fake?" Shi Qiu cursed in his heart.

Tian En: ? ? ?


[Return failed! Detection of time node fluctuations... Judgment success! ]

[Information: Instant task has been triggered, capturing (3, 1570, -80, 796, ...) space coordinates, and transition is in progress. ]

The dizziness is more unbearable than any previous transmission.

If it wasn't for the emergency, Shi Qiu used the power of waveguide to protect his and Soraya's minds, he doubted whether he would be able to survive this transmission.

[The space-time channel is being repaired, and the return coordinates are being captured. Countdown: 10 days. ]

[Instant task: No specific target task, please survive within 10 days and wait for the channel to be repaired and constructed. ]

[Chapter?: Whale Rising]

Like a TV freeze, this line of subtitles twisted and fluctuated.


After a long period of darkness, Shi Qiu finally woke up from the dizziness, sat up and looked around.

They were no longer on the island, but lying on a beach they had never seen before.

Soraya was not by his side, and there was no trace.

"What is this...?" Shi Qiu looked at his exposed arms and face, which were covered with a thin layer of mucus, making Shi Qiu uncomfortable. "Zorroa! Zorroa!"

"(Are you awake?)" a soft voice.

Shi Qiu looked in the direction of the voice, and in the shallow water near the sea, a pink heart-shaped Pokémon was looking at him friendly.

It was a Nanny Mambo.

[Race: Nanny Mambo]

[Attribute: Water]

[Feature: Healing Heart]

[Carrying props: None]

[Level: 48 (Senior High Level)]

[Known moves: Slap, Live in harmony, Water Ring, Water Jet, Help, Wide Area Defense, Hold, Water Wave, Healing Wish, Immerse, Pray, Salt Water, Mysterious Guardian, Tidal Swirl. ]

"Thank you for saving me." Shi Qiu thanked him obediently.

Nanny Mambo usually lives floating on the vast ocean, and many different types of water-attribute Pokémon will spontaneously gather around it. If it finds an injured or weak Pokémon, it will gently embrace it with its fins and carry it to the shore.

The special mucous membrane covering the Nanny Mambo has a healing effect, and it will apply special mucus to the wounds of injured Pokémon.

"Have you seen a Zoroa? It looks like a fox with red and white fur."

"(I have seen it.)" Nanny Mambo replied, and pointed to his back with his eyes, "(Look, they are back.)"

Shi Qiu turned his head and saw a Greninja holding the familiar little fox, and a little crocodile that had been making trouble at its feet, slowly coming towards them.

The little fox was relying on its high place and was making faces at the little crocodile under its feet. It didn't know what it was saying, and the little crocodile was so angry that it screamed and wanted to jump up and beat him to death.

Looking at this lively scene, Shi Qiu could even see the little fox from the height of the Greninja.

A trace of helplessness can be seen on Leng's face.

"(Qiuqiu! You're awake!)"

The little fox's eyes lit up, and he didn't care about continuing to argue with the little saw crocodile, and jumped over from the hand of Koga Greninja.

The boy sneered and moved to the side with a malicious intention.

Zoroark fell into the soft fine sand and ate a mouthful of sand.

"(Shi Qiu!!!)"

The trainer who was called by his name in exasperation laughed: "Now you are jumping over, what about when I was not awake?"

You put the trainer in front of a strange Pokémon, and you went to play with the new friends you met. You are really good.

Shouldn't a Pokémon who plays in the illusion have a lot of tricks in his stomach? How can he be so simple, rushing around and easily trusting strangers?

Shi Qiu remembered that Zoroark and Zeraora were quite close in the simulator before, and he was a little worried.

Could it be that he was influenced by Zeraora?


This should be a team of companions living together.

Centered on the senior-level nanny Mambo, there are the gym-level 55 Greninja and the level 52 Thorn Dragon, the elite-level 39 Howler and the level 38 Golduck, and finally the level 16 Crocodile.

According to them, their habitats are not the same, but they got to know each other while slowly wandering in the sea.

They get along very harmoniously, and the most important one is the gentle big sister Mambo.

Several common or rare elves wandered in the ocean together.

"(Not wandering!)" Crocodile curiously rubbed the glimmer in Shi Qiu's hand, and did not forget to seriously refute him.

"(We are looking for Island Paradise!)"

"Island Paradise?!" Shi Qiu heard this familiar name and his tone rose.

The Thorn Dragon King was watching them silently, but suddenly asked, "Do you know the island paradise?"

Shi Qiu nodded and shook his head, "I've only heard of it, but I don't know where it is."

Zorroya glanced at the boy, said nothing, and continued to play with the boy's fingers.

Nanny Mambo and Greninja looked a little strange, and sighed after hearing the second half of Shi Qiu's sentence.

Shi Qiu glanced at the virtual map that was still running. It should be because of the real-time task, the location of the island was not marked as before, and he did lose the direction of the paradise.

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