The new phone call was a big success.

"How many things can you do in ten seconds?"

"You can't do anything in ten seconds, but you can think everything through in ten seconds."


[Transmission in progress.]

[The space-time channel is being determined...Confirmation completed!]

[Capture coordinates: (57, 89, -456, -22, ...)]

[Transmission successful.]

[You entered the b-1 area sea area.]

[You entered the "Island Paradise"]

Shi Qiu landed with Soroya, but not on the original beach, but on the island paradise again.

The difference is that this time the location displayed above has changed from [? ? ?] to [b-1 area sea area].

He looked around.

The island as a whole was approaching a piece of land, and a few figures could be vaguely seen on the beach in the distance.

Those were his elves.


[Information: Congratulations, powerful trainer, you have been recognized by the trial. ]

[Passed the sea trial! Now settle the plot rewards. ]

[Suit: Ocean Singer. (Increased affinity with water attributes, can obtain oxygen in water and carry out normal life activities.)]

[Special ability: None. ]

[Elves: **/-% (??? There is a problem). ]

[Garrison area: b-1 area sea area, island paradise. ]

[Extra rewards: island paradise (time transfer???), sea source (gift given when the gods fell), water stone (top quality), pomelo fruit, chocolate fruit, thousand fragrant fruit...]

Seeing the garbled characters and question marks in the elf reward column, Shi Qiu asked calmly: "What does this line mean?"

He pointed his finger at it.

Two seconds later.

[Notice: Simulation and time, this task has both reality and non-reality! ]

[Please don't worry about it, don't delve into it. ]

This is the prompt that appears when the task is first triggered.

A small screen appears immediately afterwards:

[Don't worry too much... Two states are not allowed to appear on the same timeline... It will cause time collapse. ]

The words on the small screen confirmed Shi Qiu's guess.

He set off according to his memory, and did not rush back to the beach where the elves were, but walked towards the center of the lake where Fiona lived.

When he arrived at the center of the lake, the first to appear was not Fiona and the Gyarados couple, but the group of dragons that had met before.

"(You are back so soon?)" The dragon that had carried him asked in surprise.

Shi Qiu nodded: "How long has it been since I left?"

"(Not much, just two days.)" Milotic appeared from the lake, "(Fiona should be very happy to see you.)"

Shi Qiu hugged Zoroark and was silent.

"...Where is the god?" the boy said in a dry voice.

"(He has fallen into eternal sleep.)" Fiona's tender voice sounded.

Shi Qiu and Soraya looked in the direction of the voice. Fiona was held in the air by a ball of water, with a slightly sad expression.

Seeing the familiar and favorite partner and Shi Qiu appear, it finally smiled.

Hearing this, Shi Qiu was silent for a long time.

"When the whale fell, what did the roaring whale king say at the end."

It should be something that was said vaguely. But in order to show the illusion to the god, they didn't hear it clearly.

"(Do you remember?)"

Fiona tilted her head, and the crystal clear ruby ​​on her chest shone with a breathtaking light.

"(The god said that if you remember, I will tell you.)"

"(Goodbye, Shi Qiu. I am waiting to meet you for the first time at this moment.)"

- -【At the moment of final death, I am looking forward to my first encounter with you. 】

"(He...he said so.)"



The boy and the fox disappeared from the dim light, and a very short time was like a beautiful dream, accompanying the elves at the beginning.

They were silent and set out on the journey to find the island paradise again.

How the other elves were, the whale didn't know, but he himself was not used to the boy's brief appearance and final departure.

There seemed to be something missing on his back. His body was obviously lighter, but he could no longer reach the previous height when he jumped.

He always talked, but not to himself. When there was no response for a long time, he suddenly realized that the boy had left.

His water curtain skills were even better, and the once disgusting megalodon sharks were no longer

Troubled. But when he was extremely excited and asked for praise, there was no clear young voice.

… …

They left nothing, and it seemed that they left everything.

One day, the most part of the body of the hornet was immersed in the sea water, leaving only the eyes above the sea, quietly watching the sunset in the evening and thinking.

Koga Greninja and the others should not be very adaptable.

Nanny Mambo's wide-area defense and mysterious protection always have an extra area on his back.

Koga Greninja and Thorn Dragon King, when they saw the attack coming towards his back, always blocked it immediately.

And there was obviously nothing there.

The spiritual energy of Golduck is becoming more and more powerful, just like an extra superpower attribute, but his control of energy is becoming more and more irritable, and he has completely lost his previous precision and patience.

The hornet looked at the heartless little saw crocodile who was shouting and playing everywhere, and burst into laughter.

The little crocodile was a child at heart. He was the saddest one that day, and he should be the one who has adapted the most now.

In his eyes, the little crocodile ran around energetically on the beach, but the next moment he was tripped by gravel in the sand.

Unfortunately, he fell on a big crab and was pinched hard by its claws.

"(Woo wow... Shi Qiu woo woo woo...)" The little crocodile covered his head and ran towards the nanny Mambo and the others aggrievedly. He was still shouting the name that had not been mentioned for a long time.

The whale was stunned for a moment... or rather, the other elves were stunned for a moment.

Look, even the little crocodile who has the least memory is not used to the departure of the boy.

Good times.

Not only did the arrival seem like a dream, but the departure also seemed so unreal.

The little crocodile's mention made them recall the scene when Shi Qiu left again.

The youth's previous calmness and gentleness all disappeared, holding tightly those exquisite and beautiful Poké Balls that they didn't recognize and could hold them, looking at them sadly.

A terrifying force separated them.

They were very smart.

Shi Qiu wanted to take them away, they thought. But it seemed that a god stopped them.

In this case, we are here to bless your departure.

So, don't blame yourself, don't condemn yourself for bringing us disappointment.

["(We thought about it and still hope to find the island paradise. We have been looking for it for so long. It would be a loss if we can't find it. Sorry, I can't accompany you in the future...)"]

They passed on their thoughts just like that. But before they finished half of their long and nagging words, they had already lost their only two listeners.

When the last farewell came out, there was only air left.

What a pity, they haven't said goodbye yet.

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