The sky was full of clouds, and the sky was full of clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds rose, as if it was a fairyland.

How could the foam squirrel, who often likes to use [Pilgrimage Sound] to bully the weak and the soldiers, not find the crisis behind this sacred beauty?

Now looking at Soraya's sunny smile, it feels a little wrong.

What is this called? Natural white, is it naturally black when it is white to the deepest?

Suddenly, a shaking sleepiness came over me.

The foam squirrel woke up and slapped his tail.

[Music venue·noisy].

Suddenly, the little gray mouse was much more clear-headed, but a little ashamed.

It's over, I'm going to be laughed at by that stinky boy.

Originally, seeing that Zoroark was at a low level, I couldn't use the three skills I had carefully polished to bully him. Wouldn't that be bullying a child?

Just see through it and add a few sweeps and slaps.

Now, because of giving up the battle rhythm, I forced my own music venue out.

Shi Qiu smiled and watched the excitement on the referee's bench, and Zoroark was guarding his safety beside him to prevent accidental injuries.

"You dare to give up the battle rhythm... If you are not embarrassed, who will be embarrassed, Bubble Squirrel?"

The battle rhythm is a very important thing in traditional battles.

When the two sides are at the same level, once the battle rhythm is completely taken away by one side, every command you give next may be led by the other side, and you will easily fall into a trap.

Bubble Squirrel, Ice Vulpix, Riolu. These three elves have experienced hundreds of battles, and because they have been involved in super high-level battles many times, they have a high vision. And because their energy and moves are very well coordinated, they are very good at defensive counterattacks, and they can easily shift the battle rhythm that has been taken away.

But illusions are special. If you dare to give me enough advance notice, I will dare to cross the level and make you feel extremely uncomfortable.

At this time, where the sea of ​​clouds was surging, a narwhal appeared from the clouds like a dream, and its whole body was as dazzling and mysterious as the starry sky. Accompanied by a very melodious whale cry, it sank into another sea of ​​clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds became more real, and even felt soft and watery.

The whale cry contained a double attack of physical and spiritual.

The foam squirrel gritted his teeth and the music venue was fully opened.

Okay, the little cub actually played with him.

Today, my brother will teach you how to play with sound.

A very light chant.

The golden line appeared out of thin air, and the playing notes accompanied by the sound of bells almost instantly coordinated the whale cry of the sea of ​​clouds in Soraya into the movement.

The whale cry changed from melodious to ethereal, and entered the ocean from the sky.

Zoroya screamed and lost his ability to fight instantly.

"Zorroya can't fight, Bubble Squirrel wins!"

Shi Qiu shouted loudly, scribbling on the notebook.

"(What a shame~)" Ice Vulpix sneered disdainfully.

It's fine to use the music venue, but you also use the pilgrimage sound skills to bully the child. It's just that Zoroya trained late and his foundation is not as deep as yours.

Bubble Squirrel smirked: "(Yes, who made me have more skills?)"

"(One plus one, a total of three, really a little more amazing than you.)"

Wait, dead fox, if the wonderful trip doesn't play you stupid, I will sing the song of destruction in reverse.

Ice Vulpix gave a fake smile in return: "(Yes, two against one, you don't have three, at most one and a half.)"

Wait, stinky rat, if the snow walk doesn't put the sniper on your head, I will replace the absolute zero with a jet of flame.

"(Hehehe...)", "(Hehehe...)"

A fox and a rat sneered at each other.



The second match was between Aledo and Riolu.

With the previous experience of Bubble Squirrel, Riolu was not ready to hand over the rhythm of the battle to the swordsman on the other side, and appeared in front of Aledo in a flash of lightning.

[Close Combat]!

A light flashed on Aledo's arm blade.

[Water Breathing, Type III, Flowing Dance], a move that combines attack and defense, makes the body move at high speed like a stream of water. Because the action is too fast, only a few afterimages are left wherever it passes.

His energy level is not as high as Riolu, and his speed is not as fast as the small Riolu, so he was forced to enter a defensive battle.

Coincidentally, Water Breathing can be regarded as a breathing style that focuses on attack and defense in breathing techniques.

"(I can't attack it.)" Riolu frowned and dodged the second type of water wheel.

The use of breathing techniques greatly improved Aledo's physical fitness in all aspects.

Its existence is to allow ordinary humans to overcome the gap in strength with ghosts. It is not surprising that it allows Aledo, who is already level 29, to fight with the demeanor of an elite.

The water breathing combined with Aledo's mastery of instant movement puts great pressure on Riolu.

"(Oh my goodness, if Riolu continues like this, he will probably fall over, right?)"

The Bubble Squirrel held a small microphone, and the Ice Vulpix was coiling around the unmelting ice, and the two Pokémons whispered in unison below.

Can breathing methods, such unscientific things that cross comics and series, be played?

Aledo has only learned one of them in the beginning...

Shi Qiu, just ask, do we have such a material library for our skills?

"Riolu has to use skills." Shi Qiu thought secretly as he watched the battle on the field.

Sure enough, after fighting for dozens of rounds, Riolu had no choice but to suppress with his foundation like the Bubble Squirrel.

With fighting dance steps, the Deserter's skills, which were born from feints, easily found a flaw in the perfect water breathing swordsmanship, and kicked the teleported Alakazam out of the field.

Alakazam was kicked and seriously injured. Although he did not lose his fighting ability, he surrendered directly with self-awareness.

Shi Qiu came over with a notebook: "It's very exciting, you are all excellent."

"Now it's divided into two winners and two losers. Ice Vulpix chooses one from the loser group."

Ice Vulpix chose Alakazam.

After Shi Qiu's treatment with the power of Evergreen, the third game was between Alola Vulpix and Shiny Alakazam.

This battle was a little simpler than expected, and even more neat than the battle with Riolu just now.

The reason is that Ice Vulpix has a serious skill restraint on Alakazam.

In the ice and snow venue, first, Aledo had no way to track and attack Ice Vulpix, and could only be teased like all of Ice Vulpix's previous opponents. Second, Aledo's Water Blade would occasionally be frozen by Vulpix.

Ice Vulpix's freeze-drying moves are not low in development, and with the ice and snow venue, it can directly block the water breathing to the greatest extent.

After enduring a flaming fist, Ice Vulpix easily advanced to the winner's group with a freezing beam.

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