Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 118: Semi-slinger

After Yue Jinghua came to the Canglong continent, she knew an iron rule.

This time the slaughter of snapping turtles, she and her friends can be regarded as the most ruthless words, to the fullest.

This town tortoise is also deserving of bad luck.

The seventh-order snapping turtle, and the snapping turtle that has absorbed the aura of the Yanbo Forest all year round, has a treasure all over the body.

The flesh and blood of the snapping turtle are all fed on the man-eating small green pupae. The most valuable thing in its entire body is undoubtedly its tortoise shell that can't be pierced by high-order spirits, a seventh-order xuandan, and the one that is almost whole body Spirit grass, full of three big bottles of turtle blood.

The three big bottles of turtle blood were easy to deal with. Yue Jinghua put it on her hand before covering the heat, and she didn't know that she was informed by Sherman and asked for it.

After Sherman knew the history of the turtle's blood, he was startled. The town's blood tortoise dared to let go? Is she too daring?

But then Sherman was at ease, and no one was rich or rich, and this sentence that was dangled by the director of Qiu Chu every day was not a fool.

"What about the tortoise? I didn't raise it. Besides, the tortoise in Shang State was worth a dime." Shalman shoved the three large bottles of turtle blood into his arms. It seems that it is a copy of Yue Jinghua, and his hands are dark and thick.

Yue Jinghua thinks that the black near Mo is more reliable than the near Zhu, and the contagiousness of such virtues is unbelievable.

According to Sherman, the blood of the snapping turtle can help to strengthen the low-to-medium-level mystery. She recently developed a five-element spider, which is strengthened with turtle blood, and the effect is naturally not trivial.

After processing three large bottles of turtle blood, the next step is to deal with the seventh-order crocodile turtle Xuandan. This is the essence of the crocodile turtle. It is obviously inappropriate to sell it. There can be several crocodile turtles on the mainland, but Keep it for a while and don't know where it was used.

"Oh, I want that xuandan," pinned the golden silkworm eyes, staring at the seventh-order crocodile turtle Xuandan, and Harako flowed again.

"It's not the turn of merit for reward. This time, Xiao Shan was seriously injured, and Xiao Qing also used up his power. You have nothing but a pair of wings," Yue Jinghua said, A flick of a finger popped the pin out of the window.

Before selling the silkworm, you have to call Qu Qu, and a round black Xuan Dan flew out. "First give you a fourth-order Xuan Dan. This time, you are doing a good job. Your half-chrysanthemum chrysanthemum-type treasure hunt works much better. When your deworming skill has improved to a higher level and you have learned to control the mid-level mysterious insects, I will give you the xuandan prize. "

Yue Jinghua noticed that this time, almost all low-level worms were sold for deworming gold silkworms, but the power of the Zerg should not be underestimated. If used properly, it will be an ace in her hands.

The blood of the turtle and Xuan Dan are temporarily affected, and the rest is the strange herb and turtle shell that have grown on the turtle shell.

That is, the herb attracted the golden silkworm into the trap, but its specific effect, even if Yue Jinghua searched all kinds of ancient medicine books, could not find its origin for a while.

In desperation, Yue Jinghua had to pull her face to look for the green pu.

"Seal the magic grass. It is normal for you to find this herb in the Danshu. It is not a herb and naturally does not appear in the medicine book. This is a rune-shaped spirit grass for breaking the magic seal." Qingpu One word broke the origin of this grass.

Fengmao grass looks like bluegrass, and its top blooms with bright red color, just like cinnabar. What makes it special is that it never grows alone. It is a parasitic flower that grows only on the shells of turtles.

It blooms every full moon, with seductive flowers, like mysterious power. This kind of flower is special because it can seal the power of gods and demons.

"I said earlier that the Yanbo Forest is where the Shangguo National Games are located. In fact, the Shangguo National Games is only a rhetoric. It really protected the Shangguo National Games for hundreds of years, but it is just an ancient protoss. Where did this stolen thief come, and the devil's grass was used only to suppress the totem seal? Shang Guoyun is bound to decline. It is useless to keep this devil grass, I want it, "Qingpu deliciously asked for this devil grass.

"Slow, one report at a time, you can send it, tell me first, how to deal with the shells of the snapping turtles?" Yue Jinghua also learned a lesson, and dealing with people like Qingpu is polite.

"A stupid woman, the shell of a snapping turtle, is the best defense material in the world. Such a good material, you have a chaotic green lotus fire, not used for refining, is it used for furnishing?" Qingpu Yifuyi Sleeve, rolled away the seal devil grass, disappeared without a trace.

"Endocrine disorders, yin and yang have always been strange recently," Yue Jinghua couldn't help complaining.

She took out the turtle's shell, tapped it with her fingers, and made a metal-like sound.

The shell of the snapping turtle is extremely hard, and it is a good tool for casting shields and armor. She knew this already.

It was also because of seeing the super **** defensive power of the snapping turtle, Yue Jinghua adopted the "lever tortoise" method, forcing the snapping turtle to expose several weak weak ribs in the mouth and lower abdomen, killing in one fell swoop. Snapping turtle.

If it's hard to hit hard, it's difficult to pierce the snapping turtle's super defense just by her and the incomplete "converging cloud" sword.

Besides, the refiner is completely unfamiliar to Yue Jinghua. The past life is unfamiliar and the later life is unreasonable. It is undoubtedly difficult to get started.

"Dead horses serve as live horse doctors. Anyway, there are a lot of crocodile turtle shells. If they are broken, they have the right to practice." Based on the principle of alchemy and alchemy, Yue Jinghua took out a bunch of black turtle The shell began to refine.

The turtle shell of a snapping turtle is the material with the largest body area and the largest amount. The turtle shell is filled with a small half of it.

The shell of the snapping turtle is made up of diamond-shaped piece armor. Each piece is about the size of two palms, the color is like jade jade, and the tiles are thick.

Hold on to your hands. Yue Jinghua tried to scratch her surface several times with her "soft fingers" without leaving any traces.

Yue Jinghua counted it all, and she had about a hundred snapping turtle shells on hand.

The similarities between alchemy and alchemy are shaped by fire, supplemented by spiritual power.

Yue Jinghua, based on her knowledge of the Canglong continent's known armors, roughly classified several defensive weapons, including shields, armor, boots, wrists, helmets, and other equipment.

If the shell of the turtle shell is refined, it would not have been killed by Yue Jinghua if it was not the speed of a snapping turtle.

Boots, the first was denied.

Then there is the helmet, which bears a tortoise shell-like helmet, which affects the combat mood. The helmet was decisively abandoned.

Of the remaining three options, Yue Jinghua can only choose armor, shields and wrists. The best situation is that she is inherently good at refining, and she has developed a complete set of armor at one time.

In the next few days, a sound of firecrackers blasted out from the courtyard. Every time Yue Yuehua jumped out of her face.

"Yi", after another crisp sound, the extremely hard turtle shell was blown into pieces by the blue chaotic green lotus fire. Yue Jinghua jumped out of the alchemy room and breathed fresh air.

After pouring a few sips of cold water, Yue Jinghua secretly said that this was the first time. Too pit, alchemy and alchemy are not the same thing at all.

Alchemy is just a fusion of a sap of spirit grass, but the refining device is a big challenge to her mental strength. On several occasions, she couldn't hold it at critical moments and exploded the shell to be refined.

Earlier, half of the turtle shells that had been filled with desire had shrunk to only five pieces. In the past few days, she had wasted a hundred snapping turtle shells.

Even though this Snapping Turtle didn't take much effort, the tier 7 Snapping Turtle is not rotten cabbage. I do n’t know when it is going to get such a shell next time.

Yue Jinghua scolded herself for being a loser, but now there is no other way.

A few days have passed since her retreat refining the alchemy, but the assessment of the master Yongdan was only half a month away.

Depressed, Hongyao came in with a lunch box, which contained delicious meals.

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