Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 121: Overworked "Dead" Yue Jinghua

Fa Yiyi was scared, and every time he pronounced a word, his nerves twitched. At the end, he took a photo with his palm, and returned the butler with his waist card and a list shattered.

"Yue Jinghua !!" The roar of Faye Yi echoed in the palace.

Twice, he was planted in the hands of the same person twice, and Faye Yi still didn't know why he was on the moon again.

Of course, Faiyi didn't know it. In a short conversation, he was overcast twice. No, exactly, it was overcast three times.

What Feijian, old masters, all are nothing.

When entering the palace, Yue Jinghua decided that she would not be able to wear a weapon, not to mention that she introduced a waste material and carried a big sword, so what, so she hid the convergence cloud in the sea of ​​the star consciousness of Mexico in advance.

Unsurprisingly, no matter whether it was Faye Yi or Wangfu's guard, she saw that she was unarmed, and she took her precautions for granted.

Immediately afterwards, Yuehua was frightened and pretended to revisit the old things, angering Fa Yiyi.

The "Emperor's Flash" of the Moonshine Society is just a few days. As far as the degree of maturity is concerned, naturally, it is not yet a cannibal genus of the genus Lingmu. .

For example, when the sword of Convergence Cloud was negligent, the **** moved the sword behind him, unknowingly.

Fa Yiyi was very suspicious, and when he was in Cuiwei Lake earlier, he ate a dumb loss. He really mistakenly thought that Yue Jinghua had hidden a peerless master behind him.

He was jealous, lost his mind, and simultaneously hit the two mysterious skills of "stab" and "magic eye".

The two kinds of mysterious skills are superimposed and used, both of which are spiritual mysteries. Although Yue Jinghua is only the first time to use superimposed mysteries, the effect is beyond her expectations.

Fortunately, she not only retired as expected, but also received a considerable amount of spiritual loss, and one of them was Ambergris stalactus.

After leaving Wangye Mansion, Yue Jinghua returned to the rented courtyard and began to refine the snapping turtle.

The stalactic cold of ambergris, which has been exhausted, is a thick paste-like liquid, milky white, with an unpleasant smell like lime.

After taking out the stalactite stalactite, Yue Jinghua began to handle the snapping turtle shell.

As usual, she urged the chaotic green lotus fire, and as before, she chose a turtle shell and began to refine it.

Almost a hundred crocodile turtle shells were sacrificed, and it was not completely unharmed. Yue Jinghua was fully absorbed, held his breath, and stared at the chaotic shell of the chaotic green lotus in the palm of the hand.

In the final stage, when the turtle shell was about to explode, she grabbed her hand in the air, and the bottle of ambergris rose in the air. A drop of stalactite dripped on the turtle shell, and it just came into the shell. The snapping turtle shell has changed.

In that case, Yue Jinghua remembered the chemical acidification experiments that had been done in previous lives. The color of the snapping turtle shell first changed, from the original black to white.

Immediately after that, its thickness also changed noticeably. The rubble-like thick turtle shell became much thinner, and finally shrunk to a piece of paper.

Just when Yue Jinghua was about to begin to sculpt what kind of utensil the next step was to make the emulsified tortoise shell, the chaotic green lotus in the palm of the palm suddenly raised, the green lotus fire fluttered, and the piece of paper The thick turtle shell spit out.

The tortoise shell fell on Yue Jinghua's hand, and that turtle shell quickly stuck to Yue Jinghua's hand, as if it melted into the skin, and immediately stuck to Yue Hua's hand.

Yue Jinghua was surprised, and when she removed the lotus fire and looked at her palm, she saw that her right hand was like a silk glove with the top form of a land, and her color was almost the same as her skin.

"Gloves?" Yue Jinghua couldn't help crying or crying. She wanted to make two wrist braces at the worst, but now she made gloves. This kind of yin and yang error really made her laugh and cry.

Good things are paired, and the gloves naturally have to be a pair. In desperation, Yue Jinghua had to do the same, and another glove for the snapping turtle was produced.

After getting such a pair of gloves, Yuejing Hua immediately called out the meat bug and let it identify the grade of the gloves.

The meat worm twisted his fat body and reluctantly gathered in the past.

"Oh, I smell an unpleasant odor, it is a nasty snapping turtle," the meat worm "stepped" on the gloves two back and forth. "Oh, terrible ugly, this is what you made out of it? Alas, can't see You still have some talent for refiners. This glove is called Xiguang. It is characterized by wearing the same as the skin, and it is difficult for others to distinguish with the naked eye. The advantage of this pair of gloves is that it has a crocodile The basic characteristics of turtle shells are difficult to enter with water and fire, intoxicated by all poisons, and warm in summer and cold in summer. It is the best helper for picking poisonous spirits and poisoning. It is very suitable for you. You are telling the truth, you are not allowed to poke the chrysanthemum, you are not allowed to poke. "

"Oh!" The flesh bug was poked hard at the chrysanthemum again.

"Important !! Grade!" Yue Jinghua is fierce.

"Well, people bully insects ... The order is roughly between the middle order and the high order. By the way, I remind you that this thing is used to refine the alchemy, which is helpful for controlling the fire." It's more reliable, but the eyesight is first-rate, and its identification made Yue Jinghua very surprised.

The first time the refining tool produced the middle-level spiritual artifact, the whole eastern continent, I am afraid that there is only Yue Jinghua alone.

After the refining machine was completed, Yue Jinghua did not rest, and was preparing to start refining a few pills.

I didn't know she was just out of breath, her eyes darkened, and she held her breath.

The nose's breath gradually faded, and a dark mist blew into his eyes, his limbs began to lose consciousness, and the whole person shivered into a ball without moving, and fell heavily on the ground.

Fortunately, the huge noise caused by Yue Jinghua's landing touched Hong Ling waiting outside.

Hong Ling saw Yue Jinghua's hands and feet cold, and she did not respond after calling for a long time, her face turned pale.

She has never seen Miss like this. The Miss after returning from Beast Mountain, virtually she has become the backbone of all the people in the meditation courtyard including Hongling.

From Hong Ling's point of view, there is nothing that the lady can't do in the world.

If the lady has a three-pronged, two-short, Hongling dare not think about it, she carried Yue Yuehua on her back, but for a while, she didn't know where to go. The lady looked back to the meditation courtyard, afraid she would scare her to death. .

To find a doctor in Yongchuntang, that's even worse. The group of wolves at Liejiabao has ambitions, and she can't wait for the lady to die.

"Hongling, why are you so stupid? If the lady sees you, she will laugh at you. Calm down, calm down, where should I go now," Hongling anxiously, like an ant on a hot pot, Rotating in place.

She thought about it and took out a few months of Jinghua's new medicine, Xuandan, and swallowed it. Yuehua's breath was slightly smoother, but still not getting better.

When Hongling was so anxious that he was completely clueless, one felt his mouth warming.

"Well, I ca n’t wait for a beautiful woman to cry. My maid, go to the Royal Xuanzang Academy and look for the old man named Qiu." The fleshy fat worm crawled on Hongling's shoulder and wondered when it was arching Body, posing a chic movement.

It was the color bug that uttered words. Hongling recognized the golden silkworm, "color bug."

The meat worm still wanted to take advantage of it, but suddenly I screamed as if I had been poked, and the birthmark of the chrysanthemum on my back lit up again. Husband, I used three kinds of spiritual mysteries at once, and I used vicious tools just now. Fainting was exhausted. I won't find a place to let her heal. Otherwise, her five senses will be damaged, and she may die soon. "

As soon as Hong Ling heard it, she dared no longer hesitate. She ran all the way with Yue Jinghua on her back and hurried to Xuan Zang Academy.

After rushing to the outer courtyard, Hong Ling found Shalman, who was startled by Yue Jinghua's appearance, and the two found Qiu Chu.

"How did it look like this?" Qiu Zizi pulsed for Yue Jinghua and found that she had no scars on her whole body, but her pulse image and breath were abnormal.

Her breath is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and sometimes it seems to stop completely. Qiu Chuzi has always been a little dignified in her face.

When Yue Jinghua entered Xuan Zang Academy, Qiu Zi felt that she was unusual. She seemed to have no Xuan Li, but she had surpassed many students in the inner courtyard. She must have learned some special Xuan Ji mentality.

Hongling hesitated for a moment, and went to Jinghua to find Faye Yiyi to marry him, and then she became this pair. She handed out a piece of paper in her arms before Yue Jinghua was unconscious. .

Qiu Zizi accepted the letter, and the first purpose was three characters, "the letter of resignation."

Shalman was stunned, the woman went to the door to take the initiative to divorce, and to divorce before being married. Such a thing, even in the Canglong continent where folk customs were open, was rare to see for hundreds of years, not to mention that the man was still the King Yi.

Looking further down, Qiu Chuzi's mind was white for a while and then red for a while. After seeing the last paragraph, "Jun, Fa Yiyi lives up to Yue Jinghua's infatuation. Considering the resignation, Yue Jinghua will be Living, eating, and living in the future will bring a series of inconveniences, and specially compensate for the loss of ten years of youth. The conversion standard is as follows. With reference to the basic life of the Shang country population, one thousand fourth-order xuandan is used as the standard, which is equivalent to 84. In 2004, there were a total of 84,000 fourth-order Xuandan. Considering that Yuejinghua would not want to eat because of the divorce tea, it would form a huge spiritual burden. The special supplements are as follows: Canghai Cliff's top bird's nest 10 kilograms, Gao Cangcheng Millennium Ten snow ginsengs, one bottle of ambergris stalactite, one piece of fire unicorn ... "

After watching the autumn virginity, I couldn't help but frown. What awkward we had with Mrs. She Xiang that time, I should have married earlier and laid eggs earlier, and had more women.

Who said that giving birth to a daughter is a lost money, and giving birth to such a daughter as Yue Jinghua, then it is a golden brick.

This is a divorce book. It is obviously blackmail. This woman is talented and talented.

Sherman looked at it for a while, and then it was worthless for the moon.

"Hahaha, the old man is really looking away. I haven't seen such a woman in my life. Just punch this, and the old man won't watch her die." Qiu Chu couldn't help but patted the table and laughed come out.

"Dean, first you rescue Jinghua, I don't know if the sinister Faye Yi secretly killed Jinghua," Shalman gritted his teeth, and she and "Yue Jinghua" were both at the same time. I hate scumbags like France.

"Don't panic, you can't die for a while. She just entered a state of closed consciousness. The girl named Hongling closed up your crying face and looked obscured. To be honest, your lady is affected What is the injury? How did you think of looking for your husband? "Qiu Zi changed his face and became extremely fast. He was still laughing there a moment ago, and he turned his face up at night.

There was a stun in Hongling's heart, and she thought for a moment, "The dean Qiu's eyes were like a torch. The lady's injury was because she used too much mental energy and exhausted. As for why I came to you, because, except you, I I do n’t know who to look for. My young lady, who has been bitter since she was a child, has been bullied. She has said that Dean Qiu is a hidden man and she is your student. You must never There will be no death. "

Hongling followed Yueyuehua for a while, and the level of knowledge and lying also grew like climbing a ladder. The lady said that when she meets someone, she will show weakness first, then she will show her pity and sympathy, and she will do the first two things. The last thing to do is to be cheeky.

The so-called slap is not a big smile. Everyone loves to listen to good words, and desperately praises Dean Qiu, so that he completely forgets him, and when he flirts, he will agree to his request.

"Well, this girl has some vision," Qiu Zizi raised his head so high that he couldn't be proud.

With Hongling's favor, Qiu Chuzi would not be so easy.

After listening to Hong Ling's words, he was secretly surprised, and Yue Jinghua cultivated his spiritual skills. Spiritual cultivation, a very remote cultivation method on the mainland, unexpectedly, this female doll who has carried the name of waste materials for many years has learned spiritual mystery.

"You leave the person, as to whether you can save it, you can only see her good fortune," Qiu Zi waved his hand and let Hongling leave first.

Hongling looked at Shalman for help. Shalman was helpless. She didn't leave outsiders. She could only appease Hongling. "You go back first, I'll ask the dean."

"However, Ms. Sherman, in a few days it will be the selection of the Royal Danshi. I am worried ..." The Miss is very concerned about the selection of the Royal Danshi this time. If she misses it, although Hong Ling is anxious, she has nothing at the moment. Things are more important than Yue Jinghua's life. After repeated persuasion by Sherman, Hong Ling had to leave the Royal Xuanzang Academy.

After Shallman sent Hongling away, he immediately returned to the room, and Qiu Zi stood next to the bed, constantly testing the breath of Yue Jinghua.

"Dean, you must have a way to save Jinghua, right?" Sherman begged.

"Well, unfortunately, your dean hasn't returned yet. She has some research on spiritual mystery, but I don't know anything about this," Qiu Zizi shook his head.

"No, it won't, you must have a way, can you send Jinghua into it ..." Sherman said restlessly, and she quickly looked out the window, not far away, the humble one standing upright. Cultivation room.

In the outer courtyard, there were only a few houses, and most of the houses were fully used. Only the training room, neither Salman nor Yuejinghua, ever entered.

Qiu Zizi's order banned them from entering the training room, and they were not allowed to connect nearby.

"Shalman, who told the house?" Qiu Chu was a little dissatisfied. Regarding the training room, Qiu Zi, never talked to a few students in the external school. One is because their cultivation is not enough. The other is that he is afraid that these students will resist after learning the secret of the training room. Can't stop ****, did something irreparable.

"It's Liu Xi. When I was with Liu Xi, I heard him talk about the secret of the cultivation room. It is said that there is a mysterious force there that can bring people back to life ..." Sherman said in a hurry.

"You know, that room is the most terrible place in the world. I will not mention this again. I will try other methods to cure Yue Jinghua," Qiu Chu was angry, and he swept away. Sleeve, walked out, and Shalman stood still, without speaking for a long time.

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