Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 128: Dragon Bloodline

The moon is like a silver plate, which is hung high above the dragon tribe mound.

Cotton-white clouds were piled in midair, and the maggots were still.

Thousands of swords and minds, quietly, suddenly, came the sound of bursts.

A figure like a dragon roaming through thousands of residual swords.

The crystal beads of sweat hung from Yue Jinghua's forehead, and she stared at the big sword in her hand. After half an hour, she wielded a sword.

Scarlet Yunlong has been a humanoid for a long time. Before leaving, it told Yuejinghua its famous taboo, Yunnuma. If the two have a fate in the future, maybe they can meet in another world. Immediately, it left thousands of swords.

Yunzuma also told Yue Jinghua that the thousands of swords and imagination are competitive space. As long as she expands properly, the arena will continue to expand the difficulty, which is very good for her cultivation. After returning to the median plane, he will not come again in the short term. This arena is even a parting gift he gave to Yue Jinghua.

Before leaving the space arena, Yunlong looked back at Yueyuehua. If he thought about it, he only felt that Yueyuehua's breath was very familiar. It seemed to be a deceased person, but for a while, he couldn't remember it. Who is it?

Many years ago, the two dragons in the space arena were lacking one. This space arena no longer exists.

Concentrating the power of creation on the wrist, slowly and flatly launched a sword, which seemed to be extremely slow, but I know that in the swing of the sword, the slow and the disease, the sword waved a series of rays like rays Sword shadow.

The wrist trembled flexibly, the sword was fed, and the sword shadow suddenly drew up, becoming extremely fast.

The sword shadows fell on the ground like the dyed clouds around the rising sun before and after the sunrise.

It's just that these "clouds" have left traces of a few feet deep, just like the claws of a beast, and their power can be seen.

Yunlong taught Yu Yue Jinghua's sword style, called Yundie, Yue Jinghua called it the second type of convergence cloud.

Converging clouds in the first form, split the sky, with the power of the thunder, came out in a single strike, extremely fast, can make that sword, the required mystic power needs at least the heavenly realm, forcibly used, more times, Will bite back.

This type of cloud stack taught by Scarlet Cloud Dragon Dragon in Yue Yuehua is exactly the opposite. It is slow and fast.

This sword move was also the most commonly used one when it was compared with old opponents.

The former master of Gongyun, Jianzhao's fascination, quickly carried the power of the situation.

The clouds of Yunzhan Yunlong opened the sword slowly.

Slow, but in fact it was secretly charged, suddenly broke out, attacking the opponent was caught by surprise.

Yue Jinghua once again stood in Qian Jian Wan Yi Zhen. Facing Wan Qian Jian Yi, she waved her sword, her figure was like a shocking hong, and her sword was like Xia. With Xiao Yun's footsteps, she had A bit of the beauty of wearing stars.

"Broken," it took only 30% of the weekdays, Yue Jinghua broke through thousands of swords, and she regained the sword style with satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, in just three days of the month, I realized the knight's knack, and at one time I was able to pick up the five shadows of the sword, and applied them to my knowledge. After the sword's shadow was formed, he quickly struck out with the thunder.

Yue Jinghua didn't know that her application of Yundie was very related to her personality. After becoming Yue Jinghua, she used to play the role of a pig and eat a tiger. Even with a sword, she was slow. After the fast, I just wanted to attack the enemy by surprise and shameless.

After realizing the second type of convergence cloud-after the cloud stack, Yue Jinghua swallowed a drop of green liquid, and after she completely absorbed the green liquid, she left the thousand swords.

After leaving the sword array, Yue Jinghua reviewed her cultivation situation again, only to discover that in the short period of half a day she had fainted, her mental strength had been further improved. The mysterious star is extremely brilliant. Looking at the skeletal muscles of the body, with the help of Qingye, it also becomes stronger.

"It's almost time to go and meet that sea eel," Yue Jinghua smiled, eagerly trying to leave Moxian to know the sea.

Sen Luohai is indeed the place where the gods are exiled. In this area, five fingers are hard to reach, and the water temperature has become cold and bitter when you dive to more than 50 feet.

The slower the water flow, the harder it is to find traces of live fish, the light is dim, and only a small amount of marine plants shaped like kelp are growing strongly.

Yue Jinghua's mouth was "breathing", and her left and right ears were split into two long and narrow gill marks. As she stepped down, the gill marks throbbed like fish gills.

She is now in the sea area of ​​nearly 50 feet. What helped her dive smoothly was not a method of closing the breath of the demons, but a special spiritual treasure.

A faint blue bead was being held in the mouth by Yue Jinghua at the moment. This bead was a sapphire blue bead captured after Li Huaxue had been killed in Dan Mozu earlier.

Yue Jinghua also dived by the method of absolute teaching, but soon she found out that this method of air tightness can only dive down to 40-50 feet, it is impossible to enter the deep sea area, not to mention 300 feet. The location of the undersea windmill.

On the contrary, this blue bead, which has been carefully collected by Yuejinghua's careful collector, played a role at a critical moment.

Although I don't know where this sapphire blue pearl pear flower snow came from, the biggest possibility is that it was made by her uncle, Yan Luo, who is called Qianshou.

The blue bead is a condensed tear of centuries-old people. External use can heal wounds. If it is contained in the mouth, it can also help people in the deep sea to give birth to "mimetic gills", no matter how deep they enter. Can enjoy free breathing.

However, there is also a big disadvantage of this blue lotus. Once it is contained in the mouth, the mystery cannot be used, otherwise the seawater will be poured back and it will choke people alive.

After stepping out of the thousands of swords and imagination, Yue Jinghua began to contain the blue beads. From deep to shallow, she observed the situation of the exile on the sea floor.

To her disappointment, she soon found out that some of the words that the uncle had said were true, that the sky and bottom of the Sun Luohai could not fly and cross.

She used a fourth-order Xuan Dan as a bait, and she sold the golden silkworm into the sky. As a result, the maggot flew into the air, and she encountered an invisible gas, which was directly hit by Venus and almost disappeared. Drowned to the bottom of the sea and mourned.

Heaven failed, Yue Jinghua tried to find out the extent of the nearby waters, and the imprisoned area was about ten nautical miles.

As long as it is more than ten nautical miles, if you want to go further, there will be a torrent of rushing, and it's just rushing back, no matter how you experiment repeatedly.

This also indirectly verifies that the words that absolutely must say are not false. The only way to leave the sea of ​​exile is to dive into the bottom of the sea 300 feet deep and unlock the seal of the submarine windmill.

As for the Nan emperor's ring, Qingpu still hasn't broken the spiritual imprint on its surface.

Yue Jinghua no longer had any thoughts, and the day of the appraisal by Yu Yongdan was approaching day by day.

This time, she plans to dive a few more feet.

After entering the area of ​​fifty feet, the original waters turned into a continuous ridge. On the most ridge, there was a cave shaped like an intestine.

Only near the sea cave, Yue Jinghua heard an earthquake-like roar.

The sea bat eel rolled in the sea cave, and the sea creatures on the side were a little closer, and immediately swam away.

Devil's crystal powder processed without any treatment is very toxic.

If there is no timely detoxification method, the longer it stays in the body, the toxicity is enough to rot the intestines.

The sea bat eel has been poisoned for several days, and every day, it is as painful as a mosquito bite, making it worse than death.

"Oh, obediently, I can carry it. I replaced it with other mysterious beasts. It's already rotten through the belly," Yue Jinghua lay on the sea ridge, her figure dangling in the sea sand, like an insignificant Sea beast.

As long as she didn't move, the sea eel could not find her.

After a while, the painful roar faded.

In the sea cave, a huge black flat head was found.

The body of the sea eel is obviously much slower than before, and for a moment hesitated, the eel did not resist the pain caused by toxins in the body.

It slowly swam to the bottom of the sea.

Yue Jinghua felt a joy in her heart, and slowly followed her to the deep sea.

The weird thing is that the seawater, which is already so cold, is getting warmer as it goes down.

The dim sea floor gradually became brighter. Some creatures on the sea floor began to appear around.

After seeing the sea ray eel swimming, those undersea creatures quickly swam away.

After about 200 feet of diving, I finally saw the bottom of the sea.

There was a white windmill in front of it.

It was a white windmill about two stories high, and its wings slowly swung under the impact of the sea water.

It was a large, mystical power array. With the swing of the windmill's fan wings, the bottom of the mile was shrouded and glowed with vitality.

A large number of underwater creatures, hermit crabs, and small fish surrounded the windmill, seemingly enjoying the benefits of the white light.

As morays approached, many undersea creatures were startled.

Yue Jinghua did not expect that this would be the case at the windmill on the sea floor. Obviously this is a sanatorium for underwater creatures.

But there is a weird scene. Of all the sea creatures, there is only one snail, and when it detects the approach of the sea bat eel, it does not move.

That snail is about the size of two fists, and the shell is covered with dazzling red-brown ring patterns. It looks very conspicuous in the blue water.

The sea eel also seemed to be taboo about it, carefully moving away along the conch.

The sea ray eel swam into the Xuanli array, and a white light lit up. The sea ray eel bathed in the white light and made a cheerful croak.

There was a layer of black toxin on its surface, and the toxin of the devil crystal was obviously weakened by this white light.

"Oops," Yue Jinghua couldn't think of the windmill array still having such a role. If she waited any longer, she would only be free of the poison she had worked so hard.

Once the poison of the devil crystal is solved, let alone a month of shock, even if there are ten of her, it is not enough for the sea bat eel to abuse.

Yue Jinghua gritted her teeth, closed her breath for a long time, and quickly took off the blue beads in her mouth, pedaling a few feet.

A half-moon-shaped water pattern immediately formed in the water.

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