Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 139: Found a Needy Danshi Male

The second round of alchemy came down, Yue Jinghua has immediately reduced to the bottom role from the initial eye-catching.

Everyone thought that Lissi would be the winner of the Dan division selection today.

"Feng Chuo, ten Tongluo Dan, excellent results, entered the next round of assessment," just as everyone was talking about the third round of competition, who will win the final victory, an unfamiliar name broke into everyone's ears.

Ten, but also ten, with a 100% success rate?

Feng Chuo, where did this come from?

Liess frowned, looking at a thin man not far away.

The man was about twenty-five and sixty-six. He had a malnutrition of bean sprouts and was fairly clean. At a glance, he knew he was poor.

Yue Jinghua noticed that Feng Ding's Dan Ding was also very worn, and it was a broken bronze Ding.

Seeing Yue Yuehua looked at himself, Feng Chuo nodded in good faith, his Danhuo array was just behind Yue Jinghua. He just saw Yue Jinghua making alchemy.

When she saw her, she also picked up her mouth, and Feng Chuo thought that the other party was connected with her own life. "When you are going to refine the alchemy, remember to use the fire in the front and the dark fire in the back."

"Well, the soil is ugly, this person has made you an alchemy rookie and was teased," pinned the silkworm.

Just now when Tongluo Dan was made, Yue Jinghua deliberately made a few wastes. God knows that if there are no more or less, they will be made into six elixirs. The difficulty is as little as the test. the same.

"Thank you Xiongtai for your kindness," Yue Jinghua won't sell the golden silkworm's exchange of consciousness. Taking advantage of the alchemy gap, she very kindly spoke with Feng Chuo.

It turned out that Feng Chuo's family lived in the suburbs of Poro. His alchemy was learned from an old Danshi teacher in the village.

"I heard that when I became a Dan Master, I could take Lulu. There was no decent Dan teacher in the village. When I took Lulu, I built a Dan room." Feng Chuo scratched his head in embarrassment, and his original intention to learn Dan This is because Danshi's job is profitable.

As long as a Dan room is built for the village, more children can become elixir boys, or even Danshi, so that the village can become rich.

This person's experience is very similar to Feng Wanwan. Yue Jinghua couldn't help but feel a little favor for him.

"Work hard, there will be a school in your village sooner or later," Yue Jinghua patted her shoulders with a big grin.

"Bitch, I have only known each other for a long time," she said, glancing openly, Li Sisi looked at the eyes with a resentful look, and Yue Jinghua's danji seemed to be very ordinary now. It's the shabby Dan Shi who threatens her a bit.

Liesi smiled a little, and walked to a male Dan teacher behind Feng Chuo, and said, "This elder brother, the Dan fire on my side is very fierce, and it makes me dizzy. , Can you please, change me to the flames? "

Seeing the beauties approaching for help, and listening to Jiao Didi's begging, the master Dan was like drinking an old wine, flushed, and agreed with a sip.

Yue Jinghua saw Lie Sisi's move and left a **** in her heart. Just when she wanted to remind Feng Chuo, she listened to Mrs. Yao's announcement that the third round of alchemy began.

Before she could stop it, Yue Jinghua had to return to her own Danhuo array. Feng Chuo was a personal talent. Unfortunately, this time, she was invincible and could only be wronged by the "Hope Engineering Man".

However, Yue Jinghua had another idea in her mind. Xiaoyao's business now has a lot of fun. Alchemy relies on one person alone to make alchemy, which is laborious and laborious. It might as well invite a full-time Danshi.

The style is honest, but with the guidance of a junior Danshi, you can have today's achievements. If you can make a good job in the future, you will definitely become a good Danshi.

The third round of Dan test, the refining of Zhenxuan Dan officially started.

Lissi exhaled and selected five herbs. Zhen Xuandan had been her nightmare for a long time.

But now with Jin Chanding, everything is different. Lie Sisi raised her eyes and looked around. Most of the Dan divisions began to practice alchemy after selecting the medicinal materials.

The former Feng Chuo has already begun. When he was practicing alchemy, he was a little different from ordinary people. I saw that under his control, the Danhuo array was sometimes dim and sometimes bright. In different fires, the magic effect of the medicinal materials reached the extreme.

The most difficult place to make Zhenxuan Dan is the five herbs with alchemy, which are medicinal. If the mixing ratio is slightly uneven, the body will explode.

Sure enough, the alchemy was just over half, and some dandings had not even heard the danxiang, and they heard bursts of explosions. Several dandings had exploded one after another, and the alchemy masters were miserable. The slightly better gray-headed face, some even scratched by the broken tripod, had to be bandaged for treatment.

There is a faint danxiang in the dandy wind of Danding.

"Good boy, I actually know how to add Qilian grass seeds to the five flavor medicines to neutralize the properties of various herbs. It is really a personal talent," Yue Jinghua casually refining Dan, Zhen Xuandan, at least she also refined. The Bailai furnace can be refined even with the toes, and it simply distracts and looks at Feng Chuo to refining Dan.

At this glance, Yue Jinghua found that Feng Chuo did have two brushes.

He didn't have a good class of Dan fire, nor did he have a good Dan Ding, but his knowledge of herbs is better than any Dan teacher in the field, and it seems that he should be born to eat Dan.

In just a quarter of an hour, he sought out a sixth medicinal material based on the medicinal properties of the five medicinal materials for refining Zhenxuan Dan, but which would not affect the medicinal properties.

This man is brave enough to dare to fiddle with the old Dan Fang.

In the same way, there are the drug ladies and Lisisi present.

Yue Jinghua noticed that Lie Sisi's eyes were not good, and her lips squirmed, as if she was thinking something, and she quickly lost something in Jin Chanding.

Suddenly, a weird wave came from Ding Nei.

Yue Jinghua stunned God, and she felt a wave, similar to the spiritual wave of the mysterious beast.

Most people on the field have not cultivated mental powers, so they have no unusual reactions.

However, Fa Yiyi raised his eyebrows a little, and saw that the mental fluctuations came from the direction of Lisi, he did not move.

"Boom", with a loud noise, another mouthful of Danding broke.

Ding gray rises, covering the eyes of everyone. But this did not conceal the first-class consciousness of Yue Jinghua, and through the layers of smoke, she saw that Jin Chanding had changed.

Jin Chanding, who had been lying in the Danhuo array, turned into a golden toad. The golden toad looked ugly, covered with poisonous crickets, and had a red mouth that swallowed from time to time.

With a bang, the head of the red tongue was spring-like and shot at Dan Ding.

The elixir of elixir, before elixir, will reveal elixir.

The stronger the elixir, the better the quality of the elixir.

Within Dan Ding, the vaguely exuding Dan Qi had just formed, and was swallowed up by Jin Chan, and then there were several Dan Qi, without exception, all swallowed by Jin Chan.

Dan Xiang gradually disappeared, and Feng Chuo who was standing in front of Dan Ding also felt a bit wrong, but he didn't know where the specific problem was. His nose was already sweating sharply.

Lie Si smiled sneer, and read something again in his mouth, and the red tongue in the mouth of the golden toad twirled around Feng's neck.

"It is really a poisonous woman. It is not enough to destroy Dan. It still hurts people's lives," Yue Jinghua snorted, and the Nan King Ring on her finger lightened.

Spiritual attack-The **** thorn has already been launched, and dozens of spiritual mysterious thorns invisible to the naked eye stabbed at the golden toad silently.

Hissing --- Jin Chan's red tongue hurt a lot, and immediately returned to Jin Ding.

Lie Sisi only felt a sway of consciousness, and people stepped back without realizing it. In the flames of flames, the flames of flames were unstable and immediately extinguished.

"Dan Cheng, Kai Ding test Dan," as Mrs. Yao called out, everyone stopped.

Liesi looked into the crowd and found nothing strange. Who was attacking her just now?

"Of the sixty people, twenty-three were Danding's rupturers, and twenty-four abandoned them midway. It was Feng Chuo who successfully refined the elixir. No, this is the waste Dan. Chuo, it's just that in his Dan Ding, among the ten elixir, all the elixir has no effect.

"How can it be a waste dan? It's impossible," Feng Chuo muttered to himself, looking pale and staring at the waste dans.

He didn't stand the failure, but he shouldn't fail here. Before he left the village, he promised the children in the village that he would take the money back to repair the school. This is all over.

Looking at Feng Chuo's miserable look, Lie Sisi had a grinning smile on her lips.

But when she opened her Dan Ding, her smile obviously narrowed down, "Lie Sisi, six Zhenxuan Dan, Cheng Dan rate of 60%."

It must be the fluctuation of Jin Chan that affected alchemy, Liesi gritted her teeth, she thought secretly, but then she thought about it, even if it was only 60%, at least she had refined Zhenxuan Dan. It's better than some people have made waste dan.

Zhenxuan Dan was really hard to make, and Madam Yao and several others were thinking about it.

Lie Sisi's Dan skills are good, and she was right to choose her.

Few people noticed that in the inconspicuous corner of Danhuo Zhen, someone was slowly opening Dan Ding.

In the month of the month of surprise, when the rate of Dandan's Dandan was only 60%, everyone took it for granted that she would not be able to make the true Xuandan with the lowest Danish rate. Even if it was made, she would not win. After the first two rounds, Li Sisi won the victory.

"This scent," because of the waste dan, the itchy nose was itchy with a sluggish wind. His nose is naturally sensitive to all kinds of herbs and elixir. As long as he has smelled it once, he must be Will keep in mind.

When refining Zhenxuan Dan just now, Mrs. Yao's medicine lady once took out a true Xuandan. The smell was almost exactly the same as the Danxiang he smelled now.

"Well, don't just look at their elixir. I still have a stove, don't look at it together?" Feng Chuo looked in the corner, the girl half leaned on Dan Ding, looking red and grinning. Road.

"Your elixir," everyone thought it was funny, Chengdan rate was only 60%, unless there is a miracle, otherwise ...

But after Yue Jinghua completely opened Dan Ding, the lady's expression changed suddenly.

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