Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 141: Fire vs. Ding

The fourth round of the Dan test was not held immediately. Considering that Yue Jinghua and Lie Sisi had already exhausted their efforts, the Dan test was held after an hour.

On the way to Yue Jinghua's rest, a man in a costume dressed in came in and said a few words in Mrs. Yao's ears. Yue Jinghua's five senses can clearly understand the conversation between the two. .

The man said, "Ma'am, the big deal is bad. Elder Chen, the grandson of Danlu Chen, was wounded and just returned."

Mrs. Yao's face changed immediately. It turned out that the Dan Master posing as "Shen Jiangyin" was really a Dan Master, but he was not even a junior Dan Master. This time he was commissioned by his grandfather to send something to his wife, and incidentally stayed in the city of Poro for a few days.

I do not know whether it was vanity or a certain drinking too much. The lame Chen Gongzi actually declared that he was Dan Jiang's evil wizard Shen Jiangyin and scammed around.

The previous few times were watched by Mrs. Yao, and there was no big basket. But this morning, Mrs. Yao entered the palace to preside over the Danshi examination this time, and Chen Gongzi called "Shen Jiangyin" again. Name goes out to show off.

I don't know if he had a follower this time. First he was blocked at the entrance of the restaurant. Then he fell to the ground inexplicably. When he was carried back to the station in the city, he was said to be unconscious.

I even invited a few junior Danshi teachers in the market to look at it, but I couldn't see the reason. At this moment, someone came to report and said that I was afraid he was cured.

"Even if he used a high-end Lingdan, he still needed to take a breath, and immediately took the five-headed ginseng I had collected and swallowed it. As long as there was still breath, he returned to Danlu, and Shen Danshi must have Can save him, "Mrs. Yao was also anxious. If anyone died in her place in the city of Perot, it would be impossible to argue.

"But Madam, Shen Danshi doesn't save people easily. If he knew that Master Chen had impersonated him, he would have gone away immediately," the subordinate worried.

"Huh, stupid, since I ca n’t tell him the truth, I said that when Chen Gongzi went out on behalf of Dan Lu, he accidentally encountered a famous liberty master and insulted Dan Lu and Shen Jiangyin himself. People are in conflict, "Jiang is still old and spicy. When she heard that Chen Gongzi was wounded and scarless, she guessed that the other party must have hit the mental attack of others. It is said that after Shen Jiangyin reached the peak on Dandao, he has been paying attention to the mystery of mental attack in recent years.

After he was taken away, Mrs. Yao looked at Yue Jinghua violently, and saw the latter absently talking to Sha Fei, and secretly thought, only then did the people say that Chen Gongzi had been with a The woman with the surname of Yueyan had a conflict. Counting the hours, it was the time when Yue Jinghua was late. Could it be said that Chen Gongzi was injured for no reason but also related to Yue Jinghua?

On that side, Yue Jinghua was chatting with Sha Fei.

Today, Sha Fei is obviously more intimate with Yue Jinghua than she was a few days ago. I do n’t know if Yue Jinghua did well because of her outstanding performance, or something else.

However, during the tea time, Sha Fei has already matched Sister Yue Jinghua. "Sister, sister heard that you have taken a few days off from Lord Fa, your sister really wanted to open it. He is also a Prince, anyway." Asked.

This incident was also very lively in the palace.

"Sister Sha, do you think that a woman who is married to a high-weight person is happiness?" Yue Jinghua narrowed Faye Yun, who was not far away, and saw that he and Lisi had a good conversation, but Faye did not know how to go Where did it go.

Yue Jinghua was vigilant, she glanced secretly, and found that Qin Gang had disappeared, except for the law suit.

Sha Fei seemed to be stopped. She looked a little heavier, and then glanced at the clouds, unhappy; "The younger sister is very thorough. It is just a woman, if she does not rely on a man, How can it be? "

"I told a story with my mother-in-law. The beginning of the story was started by a martial girl ..." Yue Jinghua said slowly. When the fourth round of the Dan test began, her story had just finished.

Sha Fei's face was as usual, but the piece of pip she was holding was already soaked.

"In the fourth round of the test, Dan Fang's name was Yingshen Pill. It was prepared by Dan Lu, a retired old master Dan Miao Dan, based on the constitution of the mother-in-law of the concubine. Road prescription.

As soon as the prescription came out, Yue Jinghua and Lie Sisi were all together, Yingshen Pill?

Yingshen Pill is also a medium-level spiritual elixir, but the difficulty of this elixir is comparable to Zhenxuan Dan.

The biggest difficulty in refining Hechemaru is not the same as melancholy, but the process of refining.

Yingshen Pill is made from a fourth-order spirit grass called infant ginseng. This kind of ginseng is different from ordinary ginseng and ordinary spirit grass. It has hands and feet, and it runs around in the mountains on weekdays.

It takes a special method to catch it.

When using it to make infant ginseng pills, the freshness of the medicinal materials must also be ensured. The infant ginseng must never be killed, but it must be slowly refined by using the Danhuo array.

In the process, the infants from time to time gave out baby-like howls, and the wailing sound had a strong charm effect. If the master of alchemy listened to it, he felt hairy, and he was not careful. Alchemy failed.

Yue Jinghua and Lie Sisi are still big daughters of Huanghua, and they are both the first to see the baby ginseng.

I saw Mrs. Yao ordered two medicine baskets to come over, and the top of the medicine basket was sealed with mysterious seal. She grabbed the two baskets with her left and right hands, only to hear "嘤 嘤 嘤 嘤", a creepy baby cry came out of the baskets.

Mrs. Yao grabbed two infant ginseng.

Each baby ginseng looks like two smaller versions of babies. It is powdered, the leaves on the body are like sparse hair of the baby, and the fat ginseng must be like limbs, and it looks like life.

"Two girls, you can each take one infant ginseng, as long as who first cultivated the elixir, and the mother-in-law of the concubine will be effective after taking it," Mrs. Yao hurled it and threw the infant ginseng at two .

Lie Sisi was ready. When she saw Jin Chan Ding, the tripod flew up, opened Jin Chan's mouth, and swallowed the baby ginseng. From time to time, "Ding" cries out in Ding Shen.

Yue Jinghua had never held a baby in her life and her life. When Mrs. Yao lost it, she deliberately made trouble and deliberately lifted the mysterious restraint on the baby ginseng.

I saw a "baby" scratching his teeth and dancing, and the original baby-like baby turned fierce, and his crying mouth exposed sharp thorns, which bite Yue Jinghua in one bite. Finger.

I didn't know how to bite this way. Instead of biting Yue Jinghua, she was held down by her backhand and **** with "soft fingers".

"The little guy turned his face and didn't recognize anyone, but he learned very quickly." Fortunately, Yue Jinghua considered the following alchemy, and put on the Snapping Turtle gloves, so she was not bitten.

It is just that although the baby ginseng is subdued, the mouth still screams with stern cries that make the eardrum swell, which makes Yue Jinghua annoying.

After secretly carrying out the Nine Turns to make star power, after driving away the irritability in her heart, Yue Jinghua pondered for a moment, and suddenly said loudly, "Mrs. Medicine, please prepare a good old wine for me."

The old wine was delivered shortly after, and Lisisi had already begun to refine the elixir.

Yue Jinghua unhurriedly opened the seal of the old wine. After taking a sip, she showed a bit of intoxication, and then she found a large gold-textured bowl from her arms and directly took a bowl of wine. It seems that I intend to drink directly in Izumo Hall.

"Indiscriminate, Yuehua is shocked, you dare to be so presumptuous in front of the monarch," Fa Yiyi shot up.

"Master Fa, what are you panic about, this wine is not moved from your storeroom," Yue Jinghua held a big bowl and laughed. "But speaking, the wine in this palace is really not as good as yours. The wine in the treasury is good, I remember that in the treasury of Wang Ye, there are good 'yunmi wine' on the fifty altars. "

It was only when the Chinese were shocked that the Chinese words were exported.

This cloud honey wine is a special product of a sub-city in the Shang country. It only produces a maximum of one hundred altars a year. It is no more than ten altars to pay tribute to the palace every year. It is unexpected that there are so many wines in the Fuyi clothing. It seems that his brother is really hidden.

Fa Yiyi's complexion was white and red, and he didn't dare to say more. He was afraid that Yue Jinghua would talk nonsense, and he could only sit down dumbly.

The spirit of that alchemy glanced at Yuehua.

Yue Jinghua raised the big bowl, but not drinking. I saw that she poured the whole bowl of wine into the mouth of the ginseng. The baby ginseng who had been wailing and coughing was filled with a few bowls of wine, and her stomach was swollen. When I got up, the tender ginger-colored body also turned pink, resembling cooked shrimp, and still drank wine from time to time.

The crowd then realized that Yue Jinghua asked for wine, only to infuse "drunk" baby ginseng.

As soon as the baby ginseng was drunk, Yue Jinghua opened alchemy, and she saw that she quickly selected the medicinal materials for refining the baby ginseng, added them one by one, and ignited the flames of fire.

Lie Sisi watched Yue Jinghua's every move with cold eyes. The two of them competed in the same field. They were very close. Yue Jinghua was only able to perform some operations, which was a little more proficient than alchemy. Lie Sisi knew that if she did not rely on Jin Chanding today, she would be sure to lose.

Why, what kind of ugly, impassable waste, in a few months, from a person who does not know alchemy to become a veteran alchemist, what is her three years of hard work?

Zhen Ni, Zhen Ni, did you have to be oppressed by Yue Xiaoqi in your previous life. After being born and reborn in this life, you still have to be at the mercy of this ugly woman.

No, she would never allow the same thing to happen to her again, and Lisi's face showed a crazy look that seemed similar.

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