Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 145: Exquisite Prisoner

"Yue Jinghua, hand over the antidote, otherwise, don't blame the lonely and ruthless hand," Fa Yiyun broke free from the magic wand for a moment, he raised his hand, and dozens of torture tools were lifted up. There is also a pot of boiling oil, a tiger stool, a poisonous whip hanging upside down, and so on.

The richer the country, the richer the types of torture.

Fa Yiyun did not immediately confess. Fang Yunyun has some scruples about Yue Jinghua. On that day's Dan test, Yue Jinghua burst into awe, and she was almost a Dan master at the level of evil spirits. Such talents, no matter Dan Lu or other forces, would try to recruit.

Yue Jinghua stood up and stood up. There wasn't much burden on the chain behind her. She seemed to be an elegant female leopard, came up silently, and said a word.

After finishing that sentence, Yue Jinghua whispered again, "If the monarch feels that the news is not detailed enough, you can send someone to a place called Xiaoyao in the north of the city, like a shopkeeper for a detailed sales record."

If Fang Yunyun was struck by lightning, what Yue Jinghua said in his ears was just some sales records in the market. His face was not transfigurated. Yue Jinghua looked in her eyes and knew that he had already believed half.

Last June, Fa Yiyi asked Mrs. Yao to purchase a hundred sets of medium-level spiritual armor for 10,000 fourth-order Xuandan.

Three months later, Fa Yiyi passed the market again and purchased more than a hundred horses of the third-tier prairie steed.

In December of the same year, through the medicine lady, Fa Yiyi obtained a batch of steel used to make heavy crossbow. He had a private army. On that day, the palace was wrecked, and the soldiers and guards under his control gathered in the Shang Palace as soon as the fragrant incense.

"You mean, Mrs. Yao and Fa Yiyi have been colluding for a long time?" Fa Yiyun resentful.

"If it wasn't for the two of them already colluding, even if a small junior master of mine had refined poison dan, how could Mrs. Yao's eyesight not be seen." Yue Jinghua sighed, "I am also being Helpless, I have been infatuated with the law for many years, even if he wants me to die, I am willing, not to mention, he promised me personally, as long as it is successful, he would allow me to be a posterior. Unfortunately, I only afterwards You know, he made the same promise to Lissi. "

Sha Fei's unborn baby is hard to protect. If she ever had another accident, the law suit is the heir to the throne. After Fang Yunyun weighed and weighed a little, he immediately had a decision in his heart. Before the imperial power, what kind of flesh and blood, brotherhood, not to mention, in the early years, he repeatedly tried to embarrass him, but he was afraid he hated himself Into the bone.

Fa Yingyun snorted.

"Here are a few elixirs made from ambergris stalactite, which can be used to eliminate all poisons." Yue Jinghua saw that Fa Yunyun had shaken. "The monarch can go to the store of Fa Wangye to check it, or you can go to the next. The small drugstore in question is looking for information about the transactions between Horiba and Fawangye. "

Fa Yunyun groaned for a moment, took the elixir, and turned to leave.

At this moment, from the cell next door to Yue Jinghua, she stretched out two arms and hugged Fa Jinyun's thigh.

"Injustice -----" The scream of screams shook the whole sky.

"Bold," Fa Yunyun was in a bad mood, and looking down, he saw a fatty cake face and got under his eyelids.

"The Caomin Compass is a two-star mercenary. You are unjust, please let your Majesty be the master," before the man shouted the injustice and showed the badge of the two-star mercenary.

The close guards of Fangyun Yun rushed up like hungry wolves, pulling their legs, pulling their arms, pulling their arms.

After a while of punching and kicking, the big pie-faced fat man was barked and barked, almost without breaking his breath.

By the time the fat man calmed down, he had gone from a large white-faced bun to a sorghum-faced, swollen-faced, swollen face.

His mercenary badge was also beaten out of the cell and landed on Yue Jinghua's side.

As mentioned above, there are very few prisoners detained in Tianguo in Shang State.

Coincidentally, Yue Jinghua also had a prison friend.

As for the appearance characteristics of this inmate, use the words of the golden silkworm to describe it quietly. If you want to use the fat on the body of this Rosso to practice suet, the entire residents of Poro City will not worry about using oil for one year.

Yue Jinghua's prisoner's compass, he was put into the prison for half a day later than Yue Jinghua. The two came in as one front foot, and the other followed.

When Yue Jinghua was detained in, she was so excited that she looked inside and outside the prison.

After the compass was locked in, every two hours, he resembled an alarm clock with a clockwork, but the content was not a time teller, but an injustice.

Seeing that Fang Yunyun left in anger, Yue Jinghua knew that she had reached most of her goals and could not help feeling good.

She picked up the no mercenary badge at random, and raised her brows a bit when she saw the two shining stars on it.

"Good-hearted sister, please give me my life back," across the wooden fence, a face that is a little rounder than the fifteenth moon, squeezing green bean-sized eyes.

"You're a mercenary? What happened? Guan Jintian came," Yue Jinghua didn't rush to throw the badge back. She also had the same two-star badge.

This badge of the compass reminded her of the experience of a mercenary town, and also reminded her of Zack who died.

"I owe money," Compass wrinkled, Mung Bean glanced at the moonlight and ate the remaining white-faced buns in the cell. "Our mercenary squad was insolvent. I was the squad leader and was charged in Now, my brothers and sisters said that they had collected money to protect me, but for a few days, I had lost a couple of pounds, and they have not yet made a personal appearance. "

Throwing a few hoees across the gap, the compass immediately burst into a big smile.

There are several forms of mercenaries. A single-action mercenary is called a free mercenary and it only needs to be registered with the mercenary union. The next higher level is the mercenary squad. The mercenary squad consists of a minimum of oil individuals and a maximum of ten.

As a mercenary, Yue Jinghua also came into contact with some poor mercenaries. Some people will be sued by the entrusted master and put in jail because they cannot complete the entrusted task or lose the entrusted delivery. This is in the mercenary The world is not uncommon.

But because of a debt, a mercenary was put in a prison, which was really the first time I heard about it.

"Hey, big sister, you don't see it, you know the market. I tell you secretly, we owe this amount," Compass held out his short finger, compared it with a four-character first, and then a finger. .

"Ten thousand fourth-order Xuandan?" Yue Jinghua didn't believe it, but she didn't understand how much courage it took to entrust the master to hand over a task worth ten thousand Xuandan to a novice. Mercenary Squad.

"Hey, you look down on us too much. We are the second generation of soldiers. Which one of them is sold and worthless. Don't be scared. We received 10,000 fourth-order "Xuan Dan's pearl-level mission," said Compass proudly.

"You, the mercenary mission of the pearl class?" Yue Jinghua shook her head, expressing her disbelief, which was too much: "The mercenary manual stipulates that tasks above the pearl rank can only be free by four stars or more Mercenaries, the team evaluates that mercenaries above Samsung can take over. Your team has a maximum of two stars, and it is impossible to take up such a high-level task. "

The mercenary system on the road is divided into individual evaluation and team evaluation.

Free mercenary upgrades only need to accumulate tasks. In principle, one-star mercenaries complete a stone-tier mercenary mission, two-star mercenaries complete 30 shell-level missions, and Samsung completes 40 pearl-level missions.

The mercenary squad is different, it requires the completion of team tasks of the same rank in order to advance. A stone step team task is equivalent to five mercenary tasks of the same level. Therefore, Luopan and others are no more than a one-star mercenary squad, and it is impossible to take on such a high-level mercenary task.

"Don't believe it, wait, you are also a mercenary?" Luo Pan realized it.

Yue Jinghua nodded and shook out her two-star mercenary badge.

Seeing that the other side was also a mercenary, and he was obviously younger, he was already a two-star mercenary in one round.

"You're right, but that's the general situation. There are some secret rules in every industry and trade, and mercenaries are no exception." Yue Jinghua came to the Canglong mainland for a short time. It was only a short time to contact mercenaries. It ’s been a month, and I do n’t know much about industry rules.

In some cases, in order to be able to rise rapidly, some newly formed mercenary squads can, through certain methods, be able to receive mercenary missions across stages and obtain higher mercenary points, that is, to provide pledges.

"As long as the merchandise union is provided with a pledge equivalent to the delivery of goods, you can accept all tasks below the unparalleled level. As long as the task is successfully completed, you can earn mercenary points and appreciate the pledge," Although Luo Pan and his new group of mercenary friends are rookies, they know more about the mercenary rules than Yueyue.

The members of Luopan's squadron are mostly in their teens and twenties. The formation of the squadron was only two or three months. Except for the fat men, the other mercenaries were all one-star mercenaries.

These people are the same as the compass. The fathers and mothers are powerful mercenaries. The compass is the eldest son of a five-star mercenary.

However, after these people were not mercenaries, they washed their hands with more pots of gold, or did business or entered the country of a large country. Their children, from birth, were born with silver spoons and golden spoons. Not to mention being a mercenary, not even seeing a few drops of blood.

The reason for forming such a small unit of "Bing II" is because of curiosity.

After several people formed a squadron, they started searching for mercenary missions.

Like all newcomer mercenaries, they initially received trivial small tasks and had little mercenary points.

After much consideration, the most “senior” two-star mercenary compass in their team came forward and applied for a cross-stage mission to the mercenary union. Correspondingly, they also paid the mercenary union several middle-class spiritual orders. Magic weapon.

These people have a good family room. Although they are hiding out of the family, they still have some valuable things with them.

"How did you become a two-star mercenary?" The mercenary handbook records that only a squad of at least one two-star mercenary can form a mercenary squad. But the fat compass said just now, that the most difficult task for him to take over the country was to help a farmer in the suburbs find the missing cattle.

"It happened to happen, that day, I went out of the city to help farmers find cows. I accidentally lost my way, and I could only sleep in the woods in the middle of the night. I heard dog barking in the middle of the night, and I was too lazy to get up and turned over. I continued to sleep. When the day dawned, I was under the pressure of a beast that looked like a dog. I think that the beast died as well, so it ’s better to carry it back to the stew pot and dog meat pot. Once you know it, The fourth-tier cat head wolf happened to be a monster on the mercenary town reward list. Later, the mercenary union people helped me to add one and became a two-star mercenary. "

The compass was honest.

Yue Jinghua and her friends fell down instantly, and looked at the fat man's body that was enough to discolor Tarzan, imagining the miserable condition of the poor cat-headed wolf.

As I was talking, a jailer came in and brought breakfast, but it turned out that it was already unwittingly.

At the sight of the jailer, the fat man even crawled and rolled over. "Brother, have my brothers come to redeem me?"

This second generation of mercenaries, even if they did not complete the task, could make up the money around them, and they could still afford the loss of the Red Pearl mission.

"Redemption? What is the redemption? You have offended the monarch just now, and you have to shut it down for at least another ten days. Also, the value of the goods you escorted has been re-estimated, said to be underestimated, the twelve missing mystics The egg was identified as a high-order mysterious egg. Among them is a topographic dragon egg. It is said that the egg alone is worth 500,000 five-order xuandan. You just have to wait to pass through the cell, "said the jailer. Then, the compass swooped, fell to the ground, and passed out.

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