Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 150: Hongyan is angry (4)

"Well," came the laughter from the wall, but at this time, no one went to investigate who made the laughter.

Lie Changshun's face turned black and red, embarrassed.

Lie Rou Xing's eyes widened, her feet staggered, and she unknowingly took a drink.

Smell the wine, and everyone knew that the ordinary, weak and submissive woman had drank wine in order to be brave today.

I don't know if it is the wine up, or if it is really suffocating for too long, the fingers of the fiery soft jade bamboo shoot one by one.

"A pair of old couples. My mother died tragically, and my father ran away insanely. It's unreasonable for you to do things in secret."

"You old lady, you know that I don't want to marry, but you still push me into the fire pit, really a mother-in-law,"

"General Tianwei, Helai Tianwei. My dad said that General Tianwei was just a dog slave smashed by the royal medicine,"

"Brothers of France, one of you is vulgar and promiscuous, and the other is ungrateful. The Legalists are so, the Shang State will perish."

"Come here, take down this idiot, and slash it with a knife," Faye Yungui, a monarch of a country, has never been so abusive in public, intuitively angry, and re-shooting with a single palm, he hurriedly, Actually forgot to clap his hands, which was the secret code he had discussed with Gong Wei earlier.

The heavy applause shot down, and I heard the crowd's sword flashing, and many people disguised themselves as guests' palace guards and pulled out their sheaths, enclosing the group of people like France.

The moon was just empty, and the candles used by worship heaven and earth ticked the red oil.

Fa Yiyi was not panic. He smiled slightly, and the cup held in his hand fell loose and fell to the ground.

With the sound of "Boom--", it seemed like a Mars had smashed into gasoline.

The high-hanging lantern of the happy character exploded, and a smoke resembling a musk spread out, and the mysterious man who smelled the aroma fell to the ground without exception.

The smoke soon cleared, and several people stood in the field.

Except for those who have taken the antidote of Fayeyi and Qin Gang, and the poisoned lady who secretly poisoned, Lierou, Queen Mother and others who did not know Xuan Gong, all the others waited on the ground.

Only then did Fang Yun understand, he was conspired by Qin Gang and others.

"Faqiyi, Qin Gang, you dare to use poison," Fajiyun was weak all over, and I didn't know what antidote was formulated by Mrs. Yao. After the fragrance was inhaled into the body, the mysterious power in Dantian was dispersed, and it was impossible to condense. Mysterious.

"The soldiers are not treacherous, Fa Yunyun, if you want to blame, you can only blame you for being foolish, rest assured that you will die very happily," said Fa Yiyi, and with a wave of his sleeve in his hand, a pale golden mysterious power will fall on On Fa Jiyun's head, at this moment, a dark shadow struck from the dark.

The shadow was so fast that even Qin Gang did not expect it.

Fa Yunyun and the queen mother quickly retreated a few feet, followed by the dark shadow, and dozens of silhouettes were taken out one after another.

For example, the wolves swallowing prey in the forest, the action of the silhouette is agile, and even if it is exactly the same, the time of landing is almost the same.

Everyone wore a hawk-headed axe around his waist, and a bronze mask on his face.

On the axe was still ticking the blood that was not hot, everyone was like Shura from hell, with his murderous spirit.

One of them was the one who saved Fa Jiyun and the queen queen. I saw a half-mask on his face, and a chin was exposed. He also held an axe in his hand, but only the right hand of the axe. , Leaving only three fingers.

"Assassin's Alliance, one of the top ten Guards-Afterglow," Fa Yiyi looked at the man and felt his scalp numb.

In the Assassin Alliance, the top existence is the top ten killing gods, but as the outside world knows, the top ten killing gods are not just individuals, it is a symbol of the ten assassin families.

Behind each generation selected as the top ten killing gods, there are their families to rely on, there will be a guard army under the seat.

The strength of the Killing Gods Guard is unusual. Their individual combat capabilities may not be the strongest, but once the team fights, their combat capabilities even exceed the masters of the top of the heavens.

It is rumored that the top ten killing gods include multiple groups such as shadow dagger, shadow axe, shadow sword, shadow sword, and shadow bow. Each group is led by a high-level assassin who is second only to the top ten killing gods.

Among them, the most famous is the group of afterimages.

The Remnant Shadow Group was named Remnant because they are the most special group in the guard group. Their members, including their guard group leader, are all disabled.

These dozens of flying silhouettes were more or less mutilated, or legs or blind.

If they were elsewhere, they would probably not even beg beggars begging along the street, but they would be different from the day they entered the Assassin Alliance.

Everyone in the Remnant Group was an orphan abandoned by their father and mother since childhood. They were adopted by the Assassin Alliance, either for survival or death. Because of their disability, they have more perseverance than ordinary people and are more likely to be weapons of murder.

It is such a group of disabled assassins. On the assassin list, the asking price ranks as high as 100,000 fifth-order Xuandan, and ordinary people cannot afford the high cost of the group.

"Far yiyi, you traitor and thief, like your **** mother-in-law, are the most ruthless bones," the queen queen with blood spitting eyes, and laughed proudly.

Who would have thought it would be the queen mother-in-law who reversed the situation tonight.

Although the law suit is defense-proof, it misses one person alone.

The queen of Shang State could survive the brutal battle of the palace, her courage and courage far surpassed that of her son Fa Yunyun.

She even anticipated Qin Gang's possible mutiny earlier, so she hesitated to spend a lot of money and invited the residual image group.

"Assassin Alliance? The king promised you that she would send out less Xuan Dan, and the king would use twice the Xuan Dan, no, three times the Xuan Dan to buy their mother and son," thanks to the evil jade. The rules are fairly clear. He knew that many of the assassins were those who had benefited from the uprisings. As long as they promised heavy money, they would probably be defeated.

Although with the help of Qin Gang and Mrs. Yao, he really wanted to fight with Can Ying, and the law suit may not be outdated, but he still wanted to win the victory tonight.

"You and I are also old knowledge. It is reasonable that I should agree to your conditions. But this time, the Empress Dowager Shang Guo, you can't afford it anyway, Brother," said the man. , Took off half of the mask on his face.

Moonlight and light reflected each other, and the man's face appeared.

On the wall of Liejiapu, Yue Jinghua, who had been lying for a long time, suddenly opened her eyes, and Fa Yiyi was speechless.

"Xie Yu!" I saw the group leader of the Cannying group, with a cat's eye and black garnet on the right ear, and the corner of his mouth bent to sneer, his appearance was exactly the same as that of Xie Yu.

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