Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 169: King's return

The local Yin Yin broke away from his body and fell into the boundless darkness, and the temperature of Yue Jinghua's blood was still left on the lips of Fa Yiyi.

He didn't regret it, leaving a dark star pattern on Yue Jinghua's neck, at least he could make her remember her forever, and her body was bleeding with a ray of blood.

Like a withered leaf falling from a branch.

Drop --- Drop ---

He is going to fall into the dark hell, the **** where the corpse of ancient Warcraft is everywhere, weak and strong.

In the ear, the mother-in-law sang a ballad and quietly persuaded him to fall asleep.

Eyelids were getting heavier, and Fa Yiyi let out his hand, falling like he was about to embrace something.

Fall, keep falling ---

The red and white fireworks rose slowly over the Amazon River. At the highest point in the air, it exploded, and the sky seemed to have a blurry light rain.

In the 23rd century, the last half hour before the new year is coming. According to the custom of the United States, half an hour before zero, beautiful and strong citizens, either at home or in open squares. And the bar, waiting for the brightest fireworks in the early morning.

They didn't know that this year's New Year, they did not usher in the long-lost fireworks, waiting for them was an explosive news that made the entire interstellar tremble.

After more than half a year, the hexagonal building with a height of 229 floors seemed to be a sharp blade, bursting out of the ground and piercing the clouds.

Just over a thousand meters away from the hexagonal building, the roof of an office building that was common in the 23rd century. The tall man in a standing collar trench coat took a deep puff of cigarettes, flicked his fingers, and dropped the end of the cigarette.

In mid-air, the smoke tail resembled a moth with red-winged wings.

The man's face was hidden in the dark, and he took a photo of his arms and pressed it under his lips. The fine words like whispering sounds leaked from his thin lips, and he could faintly hear, "Little Seven ... ".

The wind was stronger, and the man pulled the collar and disappeared into the tall building.

At 00:00:00 in the morning, just when a cluster of colorful fireworks burst into the sky accompanied by the cheers of people.

"Boom," a huge spot-shaped semicircle passed through the eyes of television, the Internet, mobile phones and countless pairs of outdoor revelers, constantly expanding.

After about a minute, somebody finally reflected back, "Oh my God, it's a hexagonal building! The hexagonal building exploded."

Just as the hexagonal building blew up, a cosmic shuttle took off from the tarmac underneath the hexagonal building, which, like a bullet, cut through the sky.

"Reported at headquarters that a newest Gamma light speed machine was stolen and was flying to the direction of the planet Gamma at a speed of 3000 sub-light years per hour," the United States intelligence agency learned of the bombing of the hexagonal building. Immediately called the Milky Way Galaxy map.

Above, they soon found a flying spot-shaped flying object.

"It has been two attacks on the hexagonal building within half a year. The last explosion caused the death of more than 20 intelligence agencies. This time the explosion was even more serious. Many buildings, including the basement of the building, were damaged, and casualties were More than a hundred people. The president has issued an order to kill the attackers at all costs. "The American intelligence service immediately dispatched dozens of space shuttles, chasing after the space shuttle in front of the meteor shape. .

Immediately afterwards, the United States Space Army launched a two-day, three-night universe track.

In the dark space, the man's hand skillfully manipulated this so-called shuttle machine in the history of the US spacecraft, just like a skilled fighter pilot.

After passing through a dense asteroid belt, the men's beautiful glide dives successfully led the two planes behind to collide, and another side rushed down, and an airplane hit the asteroid.

"In another 40,000 sub-light years, we will enter the atmosphere of Cama's planet," the man put down the satellite detector inside the aircraft, and a dusty planet appeared in front of him.

"Xiao Qi, I will soon find the reason for your disappearance, waiting for me," the man's eyes saw a pain.

Half a year ago, Grey League sacrificed two top female spies overnight.

Yue Xiaoqi, a woman who had existed like Grey's left arm and right arm, till the moment she died, Grey's all thought so.

But after she left, Greyhound knew that he was wrong.

The existence of Yue Xiaoqi has surpassed her left arm and right arm, and her existence is like air.

Every night, thinking of the free and easy-going woman who never frowned before danger, he had a sense of suffocation due to hypoxia.

I don't want to admit that Yue Xiaoqi is dead, she won't die, he didn't even find her body, disappeared with her body, and the mysterious classics brought back from the planet Cama.

Subconsciously, I believe that the strange death of Yue Xiaoqi must be related to the book known as the first strong soldier in history.

Arriving on Gamma Planet, finding the excavation site of the book, there may be hope for the reason why Xiao Qi is missing.

"嘭-" The fuselage swayed violently, and an armor-piercing grenade squeaked, rubbing the wing of the aircraft, and the grey owl awoke from the memories.

He quickly pulled up the joystick, and the fuselage sensitively drilled into a dense asteroid belt.

"Warning, the speed is close to the light annual speed, may I ask if you want to reduce the flying speed?" In the cabin, the central computer issued a warning sound.

獠 Staring at the detection screen, his hands continued to pull the speed joystick, and under the screen, the speed warning light blinked constantly.

"Warning, the engine oil exceeds the warning level, please stop nearby," frowned, noting that during the planetary shuttle just now, the fuel tank behind his plane was broken.

"嘭-" Two armor-piercing shells followed after it, and the fuselage was hit. Behind them were at least five or six American elite Space Force aircraft approaching.

"Well," I glanced at the screen and pressed the joystick in my hand, and the high-speed aircraft suddenly turned its head and rushed towards the high-speed American aircraft behind.

"Boom--" A deafening explosion, and the wreckage of an airplane wrecked with heavy billowing smoke fell over the sky just a hundred ya light years away from Cama.

At the moment when the plane exploded, Fa opened his eyes dreadfully, falling into the endless darkness.

There was no more weakness in his eyes, only a decisive and cold.

Under him is a light hole that is gradually expanding.

French clothes.

No, the new-born spy king, Hui Yan, didn't hesitate. He clamped his arms, and a barb dived into the light hole.

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