Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 180: The voice of Mrs. Xiao Zheng

The flower ice thorn saw the blood-sealed throat, and it was also contaminated with extremely severe methamphetamine. As soon as Yue Jinghua was slightly contaminated, methamphetamine would immediately occur and comatose in this snow-covered forest.

Yue Jinghua, who had been closing her eyes and opened her eyes, opened his eyes, swooping out the big sword like a long eye, and the sword gas was astonished in the snow.

A series of white snow was set off, and the flower thorns were blocked by the snow gas and shook into powder.

"Hidden for such a long time can be considered calm, come out," Yue Jinghua shook off Bai Xue from her dress, shook her long hair back, and her eyes flashed past.

The crystal petals quietly fell off. A 15-year-old girl, Liu Meixing, with beautiful eyes, dressed in purple tulle, stood barefoot in the snow and ice, her eyes full of contempt.

"It turned out that you had found my whereabouts long ago, the ugly woman, handing over the yin and yang in your gourd," the girl was exactly following Ye Zi, who had been next to Yue Jinghua.

In the past few days, Ye Zi also wanted to secretly deal with Yue Jinghua a few times. However, the head of He Shao and the master Tian Xuan named Teng Wu were cautious all the way, and she never had a chance to start.

It wasn't until Yue Jinghua left the big army tonight and entered this snow forest that Ye Zi found a chance.

"The patriarch you said in your mouth is Moon Dust?" Yue Jinghua practiced Xuan Gong and Sha Gong alternately in the past few days, and she has made further breakthroughs, especially after she practiced Sha Gong, to other ethnic groups The feeling is even more acute.

On a certain day, Yue Jinghua unintentionally found a wave from Yue Chen's side. That fluctuation is completely different from the mysterious force or the evil force commonly seen on the mainland.

The breath of this woman who can control the attack of flowers is very similar to that of Moon Dust, and it is completely different from the breath of other mysteries on the Canglong Road.

It's just that compared to the young girl's slightly violent breath, the moondust's breath is more ethereal and seems to be more holy.

Yue Jinghua can judge that the two of them are not from the Canglong continent, and even they are probably not from this plane.

"Shut up, surrender Tianyang Shuo and Diyin Ling, and you will not be allowed to call the name of the patriarch in the future." It's grim.

Tianyang Shuo Di Yin is related to whether she and the patriarch can return to the forest underworld, she must take back from this ugly woman.

"It turned out that Tianyang Shuo Yin Yin is a treasure in your clan, let's talk about it, just give it back to you," Yue Jinghua revealed an indifferent expression, and took out the wood-shaped Yin Yin from her heart. The yang and jujube nucleus-sized Tianyang shuttles will return to the leaf purple.

Ye Zi is from the forest underworld. Except for a brief contact with Fa Yi and others, he has rarely dealt with the human race, let alone the sinister nature of humanity.

When she saw the moon, she surrendered the treasures in the clan so easily. First, she was suspicious, but after all, she could not afford to get back the treasures. She stretched out her hands and wanted to take the treasures.

When I knew I was going to get two treasures, Yue Jinghua closed her hands again, pretending to be confused: "No, you and I have never lived. How can you believe that the treasure is yours with your words? As long as you are a liar, should I not lose money, or wait until I call Lunar Dust, and then I will talk about it. "

Ye Zi was anxious. She asked for Tianyang Shuo Di Yin, and the patriarch did not agree. She said in a panic, "You can't go to the patriarch. This pair of Tian Yang Shu Di Yin, use our forest. It is made of thousands of treetops and fruit cores on the samsara tree of the underworld. It is extremely hard and inaccessible. Only the men and women of my tribe can use this pair of spirit treasures. "

Yue Jinghua glanced away and found that there were rounds of tree lines on her body.

"If it is really a treasure in your clan, what are the functions of these two wooden puppets?" Yue Jinghua couldn't help it.

Ye Ziqi was desperate. If it wasn't for Moon Dust who wouldn't let her hurt Yue Jinghua, she would have to unload the Yue Jinghua in front of her. Where would she accompany her? The plane is banned. As for the role of Tianyang Shuo, I don't know. "

"You have long colluded with Fa Yiyi, and it is not difficult to know the magical use of Diyin. I do n’t know what you are saying, but you do n’t know the function of Tianyang Shuo. It must have been faked to steal Lingbao," Yue Jinghua was about to put away two Lingbao.

"I only know how to use Diyin. If you don't believe me, I can ..." Ye Zi couldn't help but blurt out, and found herself leaking. Ye Zi hurriedly covered her mouth, staring angrily at the moon.

Scraping the plane forbidden, does this woman in front of her face need to find the weak point of the plane plane, she can use the dimple to cut through the plane by herself?

"You sly ugly woman, obviously you don't want to give Lingbao to me, you just want to deceive my family's secrets. Besides, stay with you for a day, the patriarch won't talk to me in the underworld. You killed in the wilderness, "Ye Zi became angry and shameless, her beautiful face was exposed with a dark color, and behind her were six foxtail-shaped devil flowers and vines dancing freely.

Each of the flower vines has the thickness of a strong man's wrist, and the rattan is densely covered with nail-like barbs. The rattan can be long or short, fiddled in the snow and snow, and it makes the snow fly, and for a moment, it covers the sky.

The sound of "噗" was rattling, and the rattan rattled, like a few sharp arrows, flew towards Yueyuehua.

"Ye Zi, stop." The sound came from behind him, and Moon Dust, wearing a fur, stood in the snow. He glanced at Yue Yue with a look of annoyance.

Ye Zi's flower vine stopped abruptly in the air, Ye Zi bit her lip tightly, staring at the moon in shock, and turned away.

In the snow, there were only Yue Jinghua and Moon Dust. Moon Dust's face was under the fur and fur, which was more delicate.

What he always wanted to avoid, after all, happened, like he didn't know what to say, and Moondust was in the snow, motionless.

It turned out that Moon Dust hadn't slept soundly in the past few days. From Ye Zi's appearance, the past about the forest world will appear in his sleep from time to time.

That night, he fell asleep under the soothing solitude, and was suddenly awakened by nightmares in the middle of the night.

For some reason, he felt a cold in this white and quiet snowy night. He couldn't help thinking of the day when he was lying on Yue Jinghua's back that day, and warmth surged in his body.

He lifted the heavy curtain and walked to Yue Jinghua's carriage. Yuechen noticed keenly that no one was in the carriage.

What made him even more disturbed was that he also smelled the scent of the flowers on Ye Zi's body, so he followed them all the way.

Just arrived and saw the conflict between Yue Jinghua and Ye Zi.

Yue Jinghua swaggered her lips and moved in the direction of Ye Zi, "Don't chase?"

Moondust hesitated, and walked to Yue Jinghua's side, and said dumbly, "Since you already suspect, why not ask?"

"What if you asked, you would say it when you wanted to say it, you wouldn't say it, even if you asked," Yue Jinghua casually sat down in the snow and grinned.

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