Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 186: My name is lord

The winter sun gave off a faint heat, reflecting on Fontaine-gun on the periphery of the mysterious ridge.

After half a month of snow, it finally stopped today. A thick layer of snow has accumulated on the ground, and facing the ridge, you can see a frozen lake.

By the lake, rows of arrow bamboo forests were planted. After winter, the leaves of the arrow bamboo had been stripped, leaving only a bare bamboo body. At this time, the bamboo body had been frozen into ice edges, and under the light of the sun, a colorful halo was folded out.

"Crack--" On the quiet snow, there were four lines of crooked footprints. A little boy wearing a worn felt hat was carrying a basket and followed an old man carrying his back.

The old man looked about seventy or eighty years old, and his body was a thin winter coat that was so broken that he could see the fluff. The dark blue flesh was exposed inside. He turned around the arrow bamboo forest, and the murky old eyes lit up, pointing The periphery of the bamboo forest.

"There are winter bamboo shoots, Erwang, dig it out with Ye," the little boy's face was frozen blue, and two green noses frozen into small icicles were dragged on his nose.

Upon hearing that Ye Ye found the winter bamboo shoots, Erwang quickly took out the steamed buns in the basket, and the grandson and grandchildren gathered around the bamboo forest and worked hard.

The soil in winter was almost as hard as the ice cubes. Grandpa and grandson Erwang had n’t had enough food for a while, and the speed was very slow. It took almost half an hour before they dug up an arm with the thickness of an arm. Bamboo shoots.

In such cold weather, the bamboo shoots have been frozen to brown-black, and it looks just like a piece of dead wood.

But the grandchildren's eyes burst into joy at the same time.

After the bamboo shoots were chopped out, the old man peeled the bamboo shoots neatly, took out a chopper, and cut it hard. The frozen bamboo shoots were cracked in half.

In the hollow bamboo shoots, there are fat and overwintering stick insects. Erwang, who has not seen the meat for three or four months, couldn't help but sucked his nose, but was frozen by the cold wind poured into his nose. .

"Further planing, maybe you can find a few stick insects, your brothers don't need to be hungry," the old man touched Erwang's hand with a dry wood-like hand.

This winter came very early, and the snow was surprisingly large. Nearly nine out of ten rye in the county had not been harvested before it was buried by the snowstorm.

The rest of the grain used by the people for wintering has been taxed. Ordinary people like the Erwang family have no longer had coarse wheat in their homes.

"Master, when do you say we will have a lord?" Erwang carefully packed the winter bamboo shoots into the basket and asked the old man naively.

"Stupid child, we have a lord, our young lord, Lord Yue, will be trained by Dragon Rider Camp in Ottawa. When he becomes a great dragon rider, he will come to the territory," the old man touched kindly. In Erwang's head, the old eyes looked at the arrow bamboo forest on the sunny side of the lake.

"But everyone else in the village said that we do n’t have a lord. If there is a lord, we will not be hungry. In winter, we will also have winter clothes to wear, and we will not be bullied by people from outside the county." Erwang drum Face, a little discouraged.

For most ordinary people in the empire empire, the lord is their heaven, they are a sheltered harbor, lords in other counties come to the territory once a year.

The lord of Fontaine County has not appeared for three years, and some new born children in the county have never even seen the lord of Fontaine County.

The old man coughed and wanted to explain.

Suddenly, there was a whimpering sound of beast horns on the other side of the mountain, the sound was like a galloping horse, and it was like a tiger roaring in the mountains. I was thinking about this beside the icy lake in the empty snowfield.

The old man suddenly changed his face.

On the other side of the mountain, there was a sudden rise of snow and mist, rumbling sounds like avalanches, dozens of neat beasts rushed down the ridge like wind, accompanied by the fun of young men and women.

One head, two heads, and several heads were tall and leopards with snow-like lusters emerged from the side of the mountain. These snow leopards have small heads, snow-colored fur, and sensitive hands and sharp minions. Their speed was very fast, and the moment Grandpa and Grandson were shocked, they flew down from the ridge.

As if smelling the smell of a person, the irises of the leopards were red, and they wheezed in panic.

"It's the snow leopard of Bailu County, Erwang is going away," the old man's voice was horrified with horror, he shoved the child.

Soon, the old man gave up the idea of ​​escaping. Based on his decades of experience living in Fontaine County, ordinary people's feet are not as good as the third-order Xueling Leopard.

"Climb up without hearing Ye Ye's cry, don't come down," the old man pushed the child, holding the child's buttocks with his trembling hands, and sent him to the arrow bamboo.

Children in this area, all living in the environment of arrow bamboo forest, have all learned the squirrel-like ability to climb trees.

Erwang heard the almost anxious cry of Ye Ye, and he was very obedient. Two twine-like hands hugged a fargesword that was smooth to ordinary people, and his two feet were entangled in a fargeskin that was not too thick. , Send it up, and climbed up to a few feet tall.

Under the bamboo, Ye Ye could hear the crunching sound of stepping on the snow towards the lake.

"Master," Erwang whispered.

For a long time, no one responded to him.

The bamboo shook, and Erwang looked down, and he was so frightened that several snow leopards, several times larger than the cat, surrounded the arrow bamboo forest and tried to climb up.

After climbing a few times, the snow leopard found that they could not climb on the arrow bamboo, and had to shake their tails away.

Erwang hid for a while, then slipped off the bamboo.

He just stepped out of the arrow bamboo forest and snorted, a projectile hit his knee.

Awang slipped at his feet and slid all the way to the lake.

"Oh, you see what I found, there is a little cub here who is not dead yet, leave the old one alone, let the babies come and take care of this live," said a 17-year-old posthumous boy with a large forehead. Mouth, smiling ugly.

Not far from him, there were several young men and women dressed in good sable fur, each riding a four- or five-tiered mysterious horse mount, and the saddle of the mount was emblazoned with the words white dew.

Erwang looked forward, his throat was suddenly blocked, and Grandpa "looked" at him not far away.

A large piece of blood was spread on the ice, and Ye Ye's body had been divided into two halves. The mouth filled with stick insects was scattered aside. Ye Ye raised his eyes and "looked" at himself.

"Woohoo-" Erwang cried, "You killed Ye Ye, we will not let you go when our young lord comes back."

"Little lord, haha-little ghost, Fengdan County has long had no lord, but lord is still young," the young boy raised his beast whip in his hand, and was about to take it away from Erwang.

"!" The babbling boy only felt a whistling wind behind him. When he realized it, a sharpened bamboo had been inserted into his shoulder. He was suddenly kicked off Malay, and the next moment he was punched. A heavy punch hit the cochlea.

Booming, a large hole was broken in the lake surface of the Binghu Lake, and the posthumous boy was immersed in the water with a person's armor, and the cold water drowned his nostrils and mouth, and it shivered.

Just when he thought he was going to be drowned in the water, he was pulled out of the water.

"Kee, who are you, dare to hit me?" The boy with a spit of ice water greeted his eyes with a masked face.

"My name is the lord," said the boy with a half-mask, with a raised mouth corner, full of wickedness.

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