Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 188: Nobles and civilians

Yue Jinghua was speechless for a moment, and she didn't know how to answer. She didn't pretend to be her brother and imply the lord of Fontaine County.

Before coming, she had only used Fontaine County as a temporary shelter.

But the child with a blue nose and a swollen face in front of her eyes, with the color of Greek wings, let her have a kind of fish bone in her throat that she couldn't deny.

Yue Jinghua is an unfamiliar soul from the 23rd century. She can't and can't understand the status gap between the nobility. She can't understand why a land without a lord's shelter has lost such a sadness. breath.

It was embarrassing that several carriages stopped by the lake.

With her sensitive five senses, Yue Jinghua heard the unusual roar of the beast a few miles away. Fortunately, she was ahead of the crowd and rushed over first, otherwise the child of Fengdan County might be in danger.

"Poor child," Lie Rou and Yun Luo, who came in the next step, descended from the car, and the blood on the ground was pitiful.

Since Liejiabao happened, leaving Shang State, Lie's temperament has changed significantly along the way. I don't know if I have a real dragon dagger to protect myself, or I can see people's warmth, fierceness. Rou seemed much more determined, and did not say much about the scene of the killing.

Seeing the death and injury of the grandparents and grandchildren, Lie Rou, as the lord lady of Fontaine County, felt even more guilty. She could not help but walked forward and held Erwang in her arms to comfort her.

Erwang He was so close to such a distinguished person, he couldn't say anything, but stared at Lierou, stupidly speechless.

Watching the child's thinner and withering arms, Lierou was busy ordering Hongling and Red Medicine. One person packed the corpse of the ground, and the other took out the dry food and dried meat.

"First let the child drink some porridge," Yue Jinghua stopped Lie Rou's move to Erwang food. "This child must be hungry for a long time, and rashly ate, and his stomach will break."

When Yue 7 was a homeless child without government supervision, she had seen a homeless child who was hungry for five days. After grabbing a few loaves, she vomited and swollen her stomach.

Lie Rou shuddered, and silently withdrew the dry grain. Hong Ling looked at the sour nose, picked up some firewood, and cooked some porridge on the spot, and fed the frightened Erwang to drink.

"These people are so hateful, why should you let them go back? Are you still afraid that the people of Bailu County will not succeed, hum, no spirit," Yun Luo is a typical jealous temperament, she just followed behind, and did not have time to meet Go to the group of people in Bailu County. Otherwise, when she sees such things that indulge her family's mysterious beasts and hurt others, she will straighten those people directly regardless of their identity.

In her opinion, Yue Jinghua, as the man of the Duke of Blood Sakura, saw the people in her territory being deceived, and released the evildoers back, either cowardly or lacking in backbone.

"What are you talking about? A puppet who only knows how to eat and drink is qualified to be shocked," Shalman said, seeing his friend was insulted, and he was furious to confront him.

After spending some time with Yunluo, everyone knows that the delicate lady of the Yunhu Chamber of Commerce is actually a waste material with no sense of vitality and no maintenance skills. Along the way, Tengwu, who has a stable personality, was with him, or she would have offended how many people she had been because of her arrogance.

"Tengwu," I saw Erwang snoring, and I didn't care about scalding, I drank half of the bowl of porridge water, Yue Jinghua frowned, came forward and called Tengwu, "You already know Fengdan County What happened? "

When everyone just got off the bus, they were slightly moved to see such a tragedy. Even Ye Zi, who had not looked at the human race, helped find dry wood. Tengwu seemed to have expected Feng The situation in Dan County remains unchanged.

"Blind, Tengwu, do you know what's going on here? Yeah, you followed the caravan in the countries around the world and must have passed through Fontaine County. Those people really ate the bear heart leopard gall. Yes, let alone hurt people with mysterious beasts, "Yun Luo immediately shifted her attention.

Under Yue Jinghua's severe persecution, Teng Wu only felt that there was a strong mysterious power over his body, so that he had the illusion of protecting the country and the Lord Long'ao in an instant.

How is it possible that the other party is nothing but an ordinary aristocratic armor, how could it be?

Tengwu refreshed the mystery in his body and cleared his mind. He said sincerely: "Girl Yue, I'm sorry, I didn't tell you about Fontaine County before you came. But, as a member of the Yunhu Chamber of Commerce, There is no obligation to tell you about Fontaine County, this is the housework of your Duke's House. "

Within the empire, the hierarchy was distinct, and the aristocratic territory was like the **** supported by the aristocratic man, and others could not be touched.

"No obligation? Mr. Teng, remember a word, rights and obligations often complement each other. In that case, please ask Mr. Teng and your family to leave Fengdan County immediately. Fengdan County does not welcome you. Starting today, for The safety of the territory and its people. As the lord's daughter, I would like to order the closure of Fontaine County for three months and rest. During this period, anyone or a horse carriage passing by Fontaine County, will ... Fiercely shining, he immediately turned his face away.

When she saw her order, Shallman immediately released the five-element colored spider, Hong Ling clasped the bowstring, and Shanyun Leopard made a roar.

"Hey, you woman, why are you so capricious that you don't let us pass by Fontaine County, how do we get into the belly of the mysterious ridge of the mysterious beast," Yun Luo has never seen such an unreasonable woman, respectfully, The next moment immediately changed into a personal look.

If the people of the Yunhu Chamber of Commerce want to enter the mysterious mountain ridge, there is no other way to go, but if they take other roads, now it is snow-capped mountains, and other mountain roads are dangerous, and they are likely to encounter avalanches and very unsafe.

"Besides, you still have to accompany us to find the clue of the mysterious beast egg." Although Yunluo was delicate, she followed Yue Jinghua and others along the way, and also found that they did indeed have trace investigation and control of the mysterious beast. Outstanding.

"It's a matter of priority, or does Miss Yunluo think that those few mysterious beast eggs can survive the lives of tens of thousands of people in Fontaine County?" I will give you a check, she naturally understands that Yunhu is a very important partner, but this partner obviously needs some test.

Yun Luo was asked this way, and suddenly she was speechless, I didn't know how to answer.

No matter how precious the precious treasure is, it is more important than human life. In business words, Yunluo and Tengwu, no matter who they are, can't say, human life is not as important as a few mysterious eggs.

"Lord, you are really Lord Lord." After drinking a few mouthfuls of warm porridge, Erwang looked rosy. He seemed to understand Yue Jinghua and others, but he heard Yue Jinghua. After an order, he quickly dropped the porridge bowl in his hand, ran over, and hugged Yue Jinghua's hand, "Master, you are here, is it someone from our village, you will never have to be taxed. Anymore? "

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