Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 190: Empire Dragon's Back

"It's majestic!"

The people looked up, and saw the white snow, the mountains on the ridge of the mysterious animal waving like silver snakes, the wind blowing, like white elephants galloping, snow and mist, in such a world landscape money, people can not help but give birth to a species The illusion of being as small as a man.

Taking a deep breath of the cold wind blowing from the snow-capped mountains, Yue Jinghua and others, led by Erwang, went all the way to the mid-mountainside where the people of Fengdan County settled.

Since Teng Wu had decided to help everyone, he simply relaxed his mind. He was well-informed, walking along the road and telling the story of this ridge that spans thousands of miles.

It is located on the ridge of the mysterious beast of the dragon war empire, and it is also called the empire's dragon ridge mountain system. It is rumored that the founder of the war empire, Dragon Teng I, once pointed at the ridge of the mysterious beast with a sword, and shouted, "The dragon ridge does not fall, the empire will last forever."

It seems to be in response to the words of the emperor. In the past millennia, although the dragon war iron hooves broke through half of the continent and suffered multiple attacks from other countries, this towering dragon ridge standing in the southern ridge of the empire is still the strongest empire. Backing, no cavalry of a neighboring country can break through this natural ridge.

It is a ridge. In fact, the mysterious ridge is a huge mountain system. Nearly a dozen peaks of different heights are distributed on it. Based on the measurements of the Imperial Military Department, the known mountain system line is thousands of miles. Just know.

In the known history of the continent, there is no clear record of where the end of the mysterious ridge is.

Some people say that the mysterious mountain ridge is a dragon ridge of an ancient dragon. The end of the dragon ridge is an ancient dragon that can swallow thousands of mysterious animals.

There are also rumors that the end of the ridge is a vast and infinite Gold Coast. At the mouth of the coast, you can find the only empty beast on the mainland, which can lead people to the other end of the Canglong continent, the western continent.

The story of the mysterious ridge is far from it. The peaks on the ridge, except for Fontaine-gun, are different in the landscape of the other peaks. It is rumored that there are five elements of high-ranking mysterious animals appearing in different peaks.

Due to the presence of the mysterious beast, there is also a mercenary post on the ridge of the mysterious beast.

Of course, these are just hearsay. For ordinary people, the mysterious mountain ridge is an access road from the Shang Dynasty to the Dragon War, and it is also the most abundant place in the eastern mainland with mysterious animal resources and spiritual wood resources.

Fontaine-gun is one of the least visible.

Compared with the mysterious animal valley where Yuejinghua first came to the Canglong continent, the mysterious animal ridge is a huge treasure house.

"I think the scenery here is beautiful, especially the many snowy roads, which are very suitable for sightseeing places in the winter. Why not develop tourism resources?" The horse-drawn carriage walked on the open snowy road. Watch the vast snowy field and the charming arrow bamboo forest.

In the 23rd century when natural resources were on the verge of collapse, Fontaine County was comparable to the European Alps.

"In the early years, Fontaine County has indeed attracted many hunters by virtue of the snow. However, since the Duke's Mansion has not fallen behind, there have been mysterious beasts in Fontaine County without the County Guards. When it fell, even the crops were destroyed and no one dared to come here for sightseeing, "Tengwu said with emotion.

It is a mysterious beast again. It seems that if you want to manage Fontaine County, in addition to Viscount Moore's group, you need to deal with the mysterious beasts in this area.

Yue Jinghua frowned, secretly planning.

After walking up the mountain for a while, the spacious snowy road gradually disappeared, and a pass appeared in front of it. The pass was barely able to pass a carriage.

Erwang saw Tongkou and jumped out of the car excitedly. After passing through Tongkou, he shouted,

"The lord is coming-the lord is coming-"

Yue Jinghua walked into the pass, and the severe cold in winter disappeared. She looked at the pass, and there was a mysterious Xuan array with good quality, and the warmth emanated from that mouth.

After hearing the children's call, the village, which was as quiet as a ruin, made a dull sound of pushing the door.

In a dilapidated rock house closest to Qiaokou, a middle-aged big man walked out, and only one person came to see Erwang. The middle-aged big man sank.

One after another, several people with thin clothes and yellow complexion walked out of different but equally worn out houses.

Yue Jinghua noticed that this group was only two or three hundred people. Except for the burly middle-aged man who took the lead, the oldest were the elderly and children.

Most of the old people are like dead wood, while the children are sucking their fingertips and curiously looking at the gorgeously dressed guests in front of them.

The middle-aged man had an incredible face on his face. Lord, Fontaine County has not had a lord for a long time.

"Erwang, who do you say is coming?"

"Lord, here is the Lord of the Ducal Mansion," Erwang dragged the middle-aged man's hand affectionately, and then he collapsed his face again. The leopard killed. "

The middle-aged man glanced at everyone, Yue Jinghua was secretly shocked. This man who looked at the same as the ordinary crop man was not weak, and then he saw that his steps were steady. When walking, his arms almost never shaken Is a famous soldier.

Holding the child tightly in his arms, the middle-aged man stepped forward, blocking his mouth, staring at Yue Jinghua and others with vigilance, "Who are you? We have no lord."

The man's tone was unwavering, and after Fontaine County was abandoned by the Duke's Mansion, there was no lord here.

"Uncle Nan, it was they who saved us. The mask brother who took the lead was our young lord," Erwang kept the man's voice.

"Captain Nan, have you forgotten us?" Lie Rou seemed to recognize the man in front of her, and she stepped out and stepped forward. When she was young, she married from the Shang Kingdom to the Dragon War Empire. On the way, she once had her country in Fengdan County. At that time, the man named Nan Muyu was the deputy captain of the Fengdan County Guard.

Only a few decades later, Lie Rou also relied on vague memories to recognize the man who had gradually lost his will in the torment of snow and suffering.

When he saw Lie Rou, the man with a breath of soldiers stopped and said, "Mrs., you are the Duchess. Why are you here?" It is said that after the Duke's Mansion went bankrupt, the wife took a pair of young children Business country.

The elegant woman in front of her, who was unforgettable after seeing it, was indeed his wife.

What about these young people behind her? Nan Muyu glanced at the crowd, and soon nailed his eyes to Yue Jinghua and Yuechen's faces.

"It's small ..." After seeing half of her face hidden in the mask, she was shocked next month, and Nan Muyu immediately recognized that she was the famous lady who was a famous waste material in the dragon battle.

Miss waste material, the Duke's Mansion actually let this famous Miss material come here. Could it be said that the Duke's Mansion really completely abandoned Fontaine County, Nan Muyu's face became heavier and he had only eyes in his eyes There was a gloomy storm.

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