Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 194: Covenant, Blood Mosquito King

After Yun Luo took out the steel needle, she looked as if she had changed her personality, her complexion suddenly disappeared without any trace, she clenched the steel needle in her hand respectfully and muttered something in her mouth.

"The planting pattern, with my order, strengthen its attack, break the enemy's rule," the steel needle, which seems to be undoubtedly the same as the ordinary embroidery needle, spontaneously detached from Yun Luo's hand.

A clear Ruoquan force was injected into the needle body, and in an instant, the original iron-colored needle body issued a pearl-like soft light color, as if alive, walking on the withered flower vines flexibly.

On the flower vine, an extra wave of gorgeous lines immediately appeared. The lines were burned into the flower vine, and the aura was sucked by the blood-sucking giant mosquito. The flower vine stopped shrinking.

Ye Zi, who controls the flower vine, only feels that the pores in her whole body are quickly opened, and fresh spiritual power is poured into her spiritual wood core.

Just relying on a single needle, you can activate the spiritual power of the flower vine for a second time under the conditions of snow and ice.

this is? Ye Zi looked at Yun Luo who was holding his breath in wonder, did Yun Luo also practice some amazing magic. On the Canglong continent, it was a crouching tiger, a hidden dragon, a month of shock, a cloud of luo, all of them were teenage girls, but they all had incredible merits.

Without further study, Ye Zi noticed that the mosquito swarm outside was also dizzy and turned by this sudden and strong spiritual force, and the attack was much slower for a while.

Right now, Ye Zi is running the spiritual power in the body, "Boom", the flowers and vines are twisting like a few sharp whips, crackling a few times, and immediately spread out.

The mosquitoes were shaken away by the flower vine, Ye Zi took the opportunity to roll up Yunluo and fled in the direction they were in.


A piece of frozen soil under my feet exploded, and a group of overwintering blood-sucking giant-winged mosquitoes were drilled from the inside. Only the blood mosquitoes that were drilled out this time were one that took the lead and was three times the size of other blood mosquitoes.

The wings are covered with colorful flowers, and the sniffer tube near the mouth is like a sword, flashing cold light, and is the king of blood mosquitoes.

"What a ghost place," Ye Zi then realized, they broke into a terrible frozen land, and if they wanted to escape from it, it would be difficult for them to get up to the sky. Could the two of them only die here today?

At this moment, a fat-belly spider was drilled underground, and a thick stick of silk was sprayed from the spider's mouth.

"Om--" The king of blood mosquitoes fanned the fan wings and quickly took the mosquitoes back. With this opportunity, Ye Zi and Yun Luo calmed down, and just about to escape, they saw the snow in front of them. Out of two people.

A man was wearing a mask, half-faced and handsome, with a smeared smile on the corner of his mouth. The other person was surrounded by four colorful spiders. The two stood side by side and looked at the snow to pull the wind apart.

On the other hand, Ye Zi and Yun Luo, at this moment, look pale and messy, and one is holding the other, looking pitiful.

Yue Jinghua smiled and showed her white teeth. "Shalman, you lost, they really survived to the present, ten fourth-order Xuandan, brought it."

Shalman poked his lips and muttered, "You are the boss of the money in the beggar's bowl. It's true, I really don't know what **** happened to the two of you, and the blood mosquito was still intact. As she said, she found ten fourth-order Xuandan, and threw it to Yue Jinghua in pain.

I thought Yue Jinghua and others came to see them in the snow, and Ye Zi and Yun Luo who were grateful were in their hearts, and immediately fell down. The two women had a mood to bet on their lives, and they only Worth ten Xuandan Xuandan!

"I'm still doing something, and I'm not here to save us," Ye Zi knew that Yue Jinghua had a few powerful summoning beasts. Even if he could not kill the blood-sucking giant winged mosquito behind him, as long as he was entangled with the blood-mosquito king, he would take a few It is more than enough for a person to retreat.

"Oh, what this says is that I and you are not close to each other, and have only known each other for half a month. At this time, even a poached egg can only be fried for half a lifetime. I came out to see you, but it was in my mother and On Tengwu's face. Just find your whereabouts. If you risk your life to save you, then it depends on my personal mood. "Yue Jinghua noticed the frozen earth that looked very unusual at a glance.

The blue-colored snow hurled by the mercenaries? that is? Yue Jinghua's heart moved, a name flashed in her mind.

"You're blackmailing!" Ye Zi yelled, and now she could not wait to jump on it, strangling the cold-blooded and ruthless woman alive with flowers and vines.

"Shalman, call your family's earthworm spider back, but don't hurt it for irrelevant people, but it was fed with a lot of xuandan, very precious," Yue Jinghua rolled her eyes. She did not open a charity hall, and the two girls were particularly disobedient and saved once, for the second and third time.

Instead, let's take a hard way and let them learn a lesson.

Almost felt the blood mosquitoes approaching behind, and the cold wind flapping his wings, Yunluo thought of the gleaming thorny straw near the blood mosquito king's mouth and screamed: "I promised, I promised, the debts of the foreign hospital don't need to be repaid Come on, save me. "

"What about you?" Yue Jinghua smiled slightly at Ye Zi.

"I," Ye Zi stomped. "I will listen to you in the future. It's not good if you run away."

"Deal," Yue Jinghua had a casual look, suddenly changed, her figure disappeared into the snow.

Sharman's fingerprints were formed, and the four-colored spider next to him slid into the mosquito swarm.

Booming, the fire spider sprayed out a wall of fire, covered with bare blue snow, and the wall of fire staggered a few feet,

A large amount of mucus was sprayed out of the mouths of the other three colored spiders. As soon as the mucus encountered the mosquito fins, they stuck together.

The mosquito swarm was inconvenient to fly, and it was even more inconvenient to dodge. As soon as the wings met the fire wall, dozens of mosquitoes ignited immediately, and they fell into the fire.

The blood mosquito king seemed to find that the two in front of him were not entangled, and he retreated, and his wings had to be drilled under the frozen ground.

I do n’t know if it ’s too late to dodge. The raised mosquito's eyes are dark, and a figure has already been killed, which has caused the teleportation of the moon.

Yue Jinghua laughed at the blood mosquito king two times, and with an unscrupulous look, the blood mosquito king without human consciousness was scared and almost forgot the shock wings.

A six-star array was raised from under the king of mosquitoes, and it was completely wrapped in the six-star array.

Yue Jinghua said something in her mouth, and a brand of Xingmang soon appeared on the wings of the mosquito king.

Immediately afterwards, the relevant memories of the Blood Mosquito King also appeared in Yue Jinghua's mind, including the mysterious beast that inhabited this area, and the one that was hidden deep in the periphery of the mysterious beast's ridge, with a size of hundreds of miles-Lan Xuetian .

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