Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 200: Messenger

She seems to have picked up a treasure.

Yue Jinghua stared at her tongue, looking at the dagger in her teeth, and opened a long, narrow mouth on the throats of the two dark twin wolves.

This was the fifth attack in a day, without exception, all killed.

Tooth is very fierce, and he has no mercy at all.

She just used a few pouches of water and a few packs of meat to find an extremely resistant thug.

When she was a female spy in her last life, she had seen some extraordinary politicians or business tycoons' bodyguards. Among them were special soldiers, but none were ivory.

After reaching a silent agreement with her, most of the time, the teeth just followed her.

He was born with a keen sense of crisis. On several occasions, when Yue Jinghua was about to step on the demon fire hidden in the sand, he would go as fast as possible and lift Yue Jinghua back to a few feet away.

The first time I picked up Yue Jinghua, there was a hint of doubt in the eyes of her teeth, which was obviously surprised at the "weight" of Yue Jinghua, how a man fluttered like a woman.

But before he could react, he was scolded by Yue Jinghua's head and covering his face, but people didn't like to be run around like a sandbag.

Scolding and scolding, Ya didn't seem to listen to Yue Jinghua's scolding, and when she was in danger for the second time, she hit him as usual, only slightly softer.

More times, Yue Jinghua was too lazy to curse, this person is obviously a lack of mind.

With the cooperation of the tooth and Snake Girl Gore, it took about a day and a half, Yue Jinghua finally got out of the quicksand.

The red sand was blown away by the wind, like the ebb tide, and gradually receded. In front of it was a hill with soft curves. The color of the hill was bright in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The black color was not the color of the hills, but the color of a dark grass.

Sugawara poison algae, a dark algae that grew out of thousands of years ago due to the blood and flesh of thousands of dark warcraft and demons.

The leaves of this algae are sucker-shaped, which can firmly **** the footsteps of pedestrians and mysterious animals in the past. After capturing prey, its sucker leaves will secrete highly toxic. As long as it contaminates human skin, it can instantly In the meantime, the flesh and blood fell apart, and the whole body rotted and died.

The most frightening thing is that this kind of algae reproduces very fast, as long as there is fresh flesh and blood nourish, just like wildfire Sugawara, it can grow several kilometers overnight. However, this algae has a characteristic, it is afraid of fire, as soon as it encounters fire, it will completely disperse as if it encountered natural enemies.

After listening to the description of Snake Girl Gore, Yue Jinghua visually inspected the boundless, long-lasting poisonous algae in the mountains.

These algae are almost natural city defense soldiers. If they are transplanted to Fontaine County and planted outside the city walls, they will become one of the best tools to resist foreign enemies.

Seeing the abnormally lush algae in front, his teeth frowned slightly, his instinct told him that these hills were not easy to walk.

"!" He noticed that Yue Jinghua behind him stepped forward casually, bowed down and squatted, and reached over the scoordium algae swinging on the sucker-like leaves.

A pair of iron arms stretched out, holding Yue Jinghua's hand tightly.

Yue Jinghua almost didn't yell, and Feng Feng raised a heavy eyebrow. The palm of the crocodile turtle's glove waved backhand and slammed into the tooth's hand.

It was a little awkward to notice that the face on which the tooth could not be seen was wearing special gloves.

But soon, he noticed that just before, the piece of abnormally smooth skin he touched was warm and hot, completely unlike the skin of a man.

Tooth's eyes moved up quickly. After seeing Yue Jinghua's smooth throat without the slightest features of a man, she opened her hands like an electric shock.

Smell the fresh human flavor, the toxic poisonous algae is hard to bear, the hands of the moon are stunned, and the gloves made by the crocodile turtle are tough and strong. The strength of breastfeeding cannot pierce Yue Jinghua's gloves.

Yue Jinghua took the opportunity to uproot a few clusters of Poisonous Poisonous Weeds and threw them into the freewheel. She seemed to find that the same kind had been plundered, and the Poisonous Poisonous Marsh on the hill gave out a rustling sound of rustling.

After waiting for her teeth to hold her back and run, Yue Jinghua popped a thumb-sized green fire between her fingers.

Although the green fire was small, it was extremely fierce. As long as the poisonous algae of Kakihara was caught on the green fire, it was instantly roasted into ashes, giving out the scorching smell of rotting meat.

It was astonished in the hearts of the teeth that the green fire, like pouring gasoline, kept swallowing the Sugawara poisonous marsh on the hill, and the fire spread from the size of the original palm to the whole hill.

At this time, at sunset, when the sunset was dark, this strange fire turned the entire hill into a blue sea of ​​fire. The heat emitted by the fire made people feel uncomfortable.

He, no, who is she?

Tooth looked at the young girl who was standing in front of the fire with a smile like Yulanchi, and her heartstring moved slightly.

After that crossing, the violent gas that had been dormant in his heart was forced down at that time.

The fire, two hours less, was basking in the east from the moon.

"It's the Lake of Death in front of me, and my destination is there." Seeing that the fire was almost burned, the girl's thumb and fingers were stunned, and a crisp finger sound was issued. The fire on the hills mysteriously went out. Then, "Tooth, this is the last way, how much more trouble you need."

Her tone was very kind, just like her old friend who had been with her for many years, before she set off again, she said casually.

Toothless and silent, he walked forward. At the last moment, he gave up the idea of ​​killing a sword and killing.

The blue fire, the mysterious bachelor girl, was far from simple as he thought.

Watching Tooth walk past the mountain alone, Yue Jinghua smiled. She understood that she had let the other party completely put down the killing. A moderate show of weakness can make the other party vigilant, but the occasional strength can also let the other party kill his heart. Deserved thoughts.

Tooth is a smart person, and she hopes that he will not make any unwise move on the last journey.

But it was more than a day to get along. Yue Jinghua gave birth to a fraternity of comrade-in-arms towards the teeth. Apart from the occasional rudeness, the teeth were a very reassuring comrade-in-arms.

It's like a puppet.

Yue Jinghua shook her head and smiled bitterly. How could he be a slapstick?

The two walked past the burnt hills, and not long after Yue Jinghua left, a crunching noise was heard under the dark hills.

A scorched hand protruded from under the soil, and slowly a black, zombie-like monster crawled out of the scourge of Kashihara Poisonous Algae, and uttered a giggling laugh, "Yes Nirvana, lotus, for many years, I haven't seen the Protoss here for many years. "

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