Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 321: Starfall Drilling Sand

Nan Muyu's family has been living on adventure for generations. Until his generation, he turned into the county guard of Fontaine. However, he still has a lot of equipment necessary for adventurers. He dug earlier. The broken open mountain cone is one of them.

The open mountain cone in Nan Muyu's hand is not very eye-catching. It can be made of a gray metal called gray gold. Although the awl is not large, it is only five inches long, but the texture is very heavy. Yue Jinghua is used to make some high-end spiritual artifacts, and it is also very possible.

But at this time, the cardigan cone was broken into two halves, the position of the cone head was severely cracked, and Nan Muyu was also distressed.

What is so hard that even gold and gold can crack.

Yue Jinghua approached the wall mentioned by the crowd.

This wall is only ten steps away from the discovery of the nine-day crystal plate, which seems to be the end of the Xingluo mine.

Unlike other walls in the mine, this wall looks very abrupt. It is about two meters high and about three meters wide. It looks like it has been smoked and blackened.

"Brothers have tried everything. Watering and burning, they almost bombarded with Xuanjing." Nan Muyu gritted his teeth and tried everything. But this black wall just sealed the exception. .

The minerals in the mine are almost developed, but according to the shallow survey, the size of the cave is more than that.

Asagiri also suspected that the Xingluo mine is likely to be much larger than the one that has been developed at present, and even runs through the entire Kalan Mountains, and the Xingluo salt and Xingluo stone excavated at present are likely to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Yue Jinghua retired a few people, wandering in the cave for a night, and found Qian Yuan again.

"Sir, I have already confirmed that this wall is very weird and spiritual knowledge cannot penetrate," Asahi saw Yue Jinghua and said her earlier attempts one by one.

"I asked you to come here, I want to ask you, do you know how to draw a strengthened mysterious array? I have a mysterious fire, its power is amazing, but I think that to melt this black wall, only my mysterious fire Bacheng is not enough, so I need a kind of mysterious force that can strengthen my mysterious power temporarily, or mysterious array of mysterious fire. "Yue Jinghua's mysterious fire is naturally chaotic green lotus fire.

Earlier, she had used "Zhu Qinglian Fire" to make "soft fingers" made of star-falling iron, so Yue Jinghua believed that as long as she had enough power, or if she would take Chao Qinglian Fire to the next level, maybe she would Can melt this weird black wall.

However, Yue Jinghua uses the chaotic green lotus fire, which consumes a lot of mysterious power. If you want to persist to block the entire black wall, at least you must reach Tianxuan and even Danjing.

Improving cultivation is by no means complete in the short term. Legendary masters can draw enhanced mysterious formations, so Yue Jinghua Xiao Ai thinks of 泺.

Asahi thought for a moment and immediately had an idea: "Subordinates know a medium-level mysterious array called Jiuqu Formation. This formation method was originally discovered by a Dan master. It is said that as long as it is drawn on the ground Shaped like the Jiuqu Yellow River, injecting the fire spirit into it can exert several times the power, and the tinder will not be easily extinguished. However, this kind of mysterious array has never been drawn by its subordinates, but it has only been heard by people. , The chance of success is not high. "

To draw the mysterious array, the essence and blood of at least five ranks of mysterious beasts are needed, and then supplemented with xuandan, the cost is huge.

"There is no gratuitous harvest in the world, and no effort for nothing. You should use it as a pen to draw a picture," Yue Jinghua said, ordering Hongling to find the animal blood needed by Asahi to paint the picture, Tansha and so on. Series of materials, waiting for her to draw Jiuqu Dan fire array.

Asahi tried three times before and after, the first two times, as she said, when the drawing was halfway, the blood of the animal could not solidify into a pattern, and the entire evaporation function was a shortfall. Fortunately, the third time she painted, she was quite proficient in strokes. Finally, before dark, a fire array shaped like Jiuqudan was drawn.

Asagiri told Yue Jinghua about the formation of her formation. She sat cross-legged and relied on the rich mysterious energy in Xingluo Mine to recover her exhausted mystic power.

Yue Jinghua offered a chaotic green lotus fire, which gradually injected the fire element into the Jiuqu Dan fire array. The blue flame instantly ignited the Jiuqu Dan fire array. This array method is also mysterious. It can gather the fire elements without collapsing. Once the chaotic green lotus fire condenses, it is at least three or four times more violent than before.

The star falling into the mine, which is cool in nature, is full of fire and extremely hot.

Asakusa was also awakened by this sudden enthusiasm. Looking at the chaotic green lotus fire that was beating in the flames of fire like a ghost fire, although it was extremely beautiful, it had a breath of death that was difficult to restrain. Asahi could not help but be shocked, and was more skeptical of Yue Jinghua's true strength. This blue fire was by no means the common mysterious fire.

Yue Jinghua's expression was so dignified that the spiritual knowledge and the chaotic Qinglian fire jumped up, and instantly swallowed up the black wall.

The blaze of flames burned the entire mine like a steamer.

Both stared at the black wall deadly.

At first, the black wall was unchanged as usual, but the situation changed after the chaotic Qinglian fire burned indomitably for almost an hour.

The black wall, shaped like a stone, was like a bark that was toasted, and the beep sounded, and the sound became louder. In the end, the black wall was like molten iron melted by the fire. opened.

While the wall was melting, Yue Jinghua noticed that something shiny on the wall fell to the ground.

After the chaotic green lotus fire was extinguished, Yue Jinghua stepped forward again, the black wall had completely melted, and a lot of spar was left on the ground.

Looking down carefully, Yue Jinghua couldn't help it.

this is?

The star drop drilled the sand, Yue Jinghua picked up one, and all the stars on the ground were of different sizes. The unprocessed star drop diamonds were too small and too many in number. Drill sand for Xingluo.

The size of these rough diamonds is not large, and the biggest one is just the size of the nail cover of the little finger, but it just melts a wall and there are so many stars falling into the sand, so in the cave?

The two walked along the cave, and sure enough, the mountain walls inside were mostly the same as the black wall, and the wall was more or less inlaid with star-drop diamonds. There were a large number of them. Yue Jinghua can definitely suspect that the stars are falling. The second half of the hole is the starfall drill hole.

A large star drop diamond is hard to find on the continent. Even if the star drop diamond that can be found is very ordinary in color and volume, Yue Yuehua believes that as long as she repairs it in the future, she can definitely use the fire to condense again. More perfect star drop diamond.

But now, the discovery and development of Xingluo Diamond has exceeded her own ability.

If it ’s just star falling salt and rock falling, Yue Jinghua can also ensure that it wo n’t attract outsiders ’puppets, but star falling diamonds on the mainland are too scarce, even if only sand-sized star falling mines appear on the market, Will attract the spies of those who are interested.

After a short consideration, Yue Jinghua decided to temporarily close the Xingluo Mine.

When the safety of the Xingluo drilling hole cannot be guaranteed, it is only safe to close the mine. As for the Xingluo drilling sand that has melted out, she has already thought of the usefulness, and it is also time to redeem the compass.

Nan Muyu's family has been living on adventure for generations. Until his generation, he turned into the county guard of Fontaine. However, he still has a lot of equipment necessary for adventurers. He dug earlier. The broken open mountain cone is one of them.

The open mountain cone in Nan Muyu's hand is not very eye-catching. It can be made of a gray metal called gray gold. Although the awl is not large, it is only five inches long, but the texture is very heavy. Yue Jinghua is used to make some high-end spiritual artifacts, and it is also very possible.

But at this time, the cardigan cone was broken into two halves, the position of the cone head was severely cracked, and Nan Muyu was also distressed.

What is so hard that even gold and gold can crack.

Yue Jinghua approached the wall mentioned by the crowd.

This wall is only ten steps away from the discovery of the nine-day crystal plate, which seems to be the end of the Xingluo mine.

Unlike other walls in the mine, this wall looks very abrupt. It is about two meters high and about three meters wide. It looks like it has been smoked and blackened.

"Brothers have tried everything. Watering and burning, they almost bombarded with Xuanjing." Nan Muyu gritted his teeth and tried everything. But this black wall just sealed the exception. .

The minerals in the mine are almost developed, but according to the shallow survey, the size of the cave is more than that.

Asagiri also suspected that the Xingluo mine is likely to be much larger than the one that has been developed at present, and even runs through the entire Kalan Mountains, and the Xingluo salt and Xingluo stone excavated at present are likely to be just the tip of the iceberg.

Yue Jinghua retired a few people, wandering in the cave for a night, and found Qian Yuan again.

"Sir, I have already confirmed that this wall is very weird and spiritual knowledge cannot penetrate," Asahi saw Yue Jinghua and said her earlier attempts one by one.

"I asked you to come here, I want to ask you, do you know how to draw a strengthened mysterious array? I have a mysterious fire, its power is amazing, but I think that to melt this black wall, only my mysterious fire Bacheng is not enough, so I need a kind of mysterious force that can strengthen my mysterious power temporarily, or mysterious array of mysterious fire. "Yue Jinghua's mysterious fire is naturally chaotic green lotus fire.

Earlier, she had used "Zhu Qinglian Fire" to make "soft fingers" made of star-falling iron, so Yue Jinghua believed that as long as she had enough power, or if she would take Chao Qinglian Fire to the next level, maybe she would Can melt this weird black wall.

However, Yue Jinghua uses the chaotic green lotus fire, which consumes a lot of mysterious power. If you want to persist to block the entire black wall, at least you must reach Tianxuan and even Danjing.

Improving cultivation is by no means complete in the short term. Legendary masters can draw enhanced mysterious formations, so Yue Jinghua Xiao Ai thinks of 泺.

Asahi thought for a moment and immediately had an idea: "Subordinates know a medium-level mysterious array called Jiuqu Formation. This formation method was originally discovered by a Dan master. It is said that as long as it is drawn on the ground Shaped like the Jiuqu Yellow River, injecting the fire spirit into it can exert several times the power, and the tinder will not be easily extinguished. However, this kind of mysterious array has never been drawn by its subordinates, but it has only been heard by people. , The chance of success is not high. "

To draw the mysterious array, the essence and blood of at least five ranks of mysterious beasts are needed, and then supplemented with xuandan, the cost is huge.

"There is no gratuitous harvest in the world, and no effort for nothing. You should use it as a pen to draw a picture," Yue Jinghua said, ordering Hongling to find the animal blood needed by Asahi to paint the picture, Tansha and so on. Series of materials, waiting for her to draw Jiuqu Dan fire array.

Asahi tried three times before and after, the first two times, as she said, when the drawing was halfway, the blood of the animal could not solidify into a pattern, and the entire evaporation function was a shortfall. Fortunately, the third time she painted, she was quite proficient in strokes. Finally, before dark, a fire array shaped like Jiuqudan was drawn.

Asagiri told Yue Jinghua about the formation of her formation. She sat cross-legged and relied on the rich mysterious energy in Xingluo Mine to recover her exhausted mystic power.

Yue Jinghua offered a chaotic green lotus fire, which gradually injected the fire element into the Jiuqu Dan fire array. The blue flame instantly ignited the Jiuqu Dan fire array. This array method is also mysterious. It can gather the fire elements without collapsing. Once the chaotic green lotus fire condenses, it is at least three or four times more violent than before.

The star falling into the mine, which is cool in nature, is full of fire and extremely hot.

Asakusa was also awakened by this sudden enthusiasm. Looking at the chaotic green lotus fire that was beating in the flames of fire like a ghost fire, although it was extremely beautiful, it had a breath of death that was difficult to restrain. Asahi could not help but be shocked, and was more skeptical of Yue Jinghua's true strength. This blue fire was by no means the common mysterious fire.

Yue Jinghua's expression was so dignified that the spiritual knowledge and the chaotic Qinglian fire jumped up, and instantly swallowed up the black wall.

The blaze of flames burned the entire mine like a steamer.

Both stared at the black wall deadly.

At first, the black wall was unchanged as usual, but the situation changed after the chaotic Qinglian fire burned indomitably for almost an hour.

The black wall, shaped like a stone, was like a bark that was toasted, and the beep sounded, and the sound became louder. In the end, the black wall was like molten iron melted by the fire. opened.

While the wall was melting, Yue Jinghua noticed that something shiny on the wall fell to the ground.

After the chaotic green lotus fire was extinguished, Yue Jinghua stepped forward again, the black wall had completely melted, and a lot of spar was left on the ground.

Looking down carefully, Yue Jinghua couldn't help it.

this is?

The star drop drilled the sand, Yue Jinghua picked up one, and all the stars on the ground were of different sizes. The unprocessed star drop diamonds were too small and too many in number. Drill sand for Xingluo.

The size of these rough diamonds is not large, and the biggest one is just the size of the nail cover of the little finger, but it just melts a wall and there are so many stars falling into the sand, so in the cave?

The two walked along the cave, and sure enough, the mountain walls inside were mostly the same as the black wall, and the wall was more or less inlaid with star-drop diamonds. There were a large number of them. Yue Jinghua can definitely suspect that the stars are falling. The second half of the hole is the starfall drill hole.

A large star drop diamond is hard to find on the continent. Even if the star drop diamond that can be found is very ordinary in color and volume, Yue Yuehua believes that as long as she repairs it in the future, she can definitely use the fire to condense again. More perfect star drop diamond.

But now, the discovery and development of Xingluo Diamond has exceeded her own ability.

If it ’s just star falling salt and rock falling, Yue Jinghua can also ensure that it wo n’t attract outsiders ’puppets, but star falling diamonds on the mainland are too scarce, even if only sand-sized star falling mines appear on the market, Will attract the spies of those who are interested.

After a short consideration, Yue Jinghua decided to temporarily close the Xingluo Mine.

When the safety of the Xingluo drilling hole cannot be guaranteed, it is only safe to close the mine. As for the Xingluo drilling sand that has melted out, she has already thought of the usefulness, and it is also time to redeem the compass.

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