Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 327: Demon Crossbow Mercenary

"Recruiting a new mercenary?" Donger muttered silently. She couldn't think of it. Yue Jinghua rescued herself by hitting her man's idea.

Seeing Donger's suspicious expression, Yue Jinghua dissatisfied: "Do you, like those who have no vision, think that the second generation of our soldiers has no money, and that I am a dumb captain?"

"No," Donger shook his head in a hurry. "Captain Yue, this time it's your second time to help me. I know that you're not as good as the outside world says."

In the days when Yue Yuehua was first encountered, it was the most embarrassing time in Donger's life, when the weather was still cold. Due to Donger's unwillingness to pick up customers, the family did not even have basic firewood for heating. The gold coins that shocked the moon gave Donger enough firewood and food for the winter.

"Then what else do you worry about? Do you still want to have that little white face?" Yue Jinghua was surprised, she could see Donger's life was very bad.

A man, especially a man who is a mercenary, does not even guarantee the life of his own woman. She must come out and be bullied. If such a superb man is not scared now, she must be lacking. First teach each other a lower body failure.

"He's not like that. He never asked me to raise him." Donger's eyes narrowed. "To tell you the truth, he's not my man. I don't even know his name."

A man who doesn't even know his name? She had raised him for years.

These years, is there really a living Lei Feng in the world?

Yue Jinghua looked at Donger who was drinking and weeping.

Under Yue Jinghua's lobbying, Donger took Yue Jinghua back to her residence.

The room was still dark, and Donger lit the heavy oil lamp, and the room was yellow.

Yue Jinghua met and took out a few blue snow candles to signal Donger to light up.

As soon as the candle lit, the house lit up immediately.

The room was clean and clean, with no moldy smell, despite its crampedness.

The only decent spot in the room was the wooden bed leaning on the corner of the room.

On the bed, there were several thin blankets stacked, and there was a mat on the ground, which was where Donger slept every day.

A tall man lying on the bed, Yue Jinghua wanted to come forward, but was stopped by Donger: "Captain Yue, don't come forward, he has an injury on his body, the injury is very severe, and sometimes it will happen in the middle of the night If he jumps up, he may hurt you. "

"No problem," Yue Jinghua noticed as soon as she entered the room. The man lying on the bed had a smooth breath, and was not seriously injured as Dong Er said. On the contrary, the man's aura was extremely lingering. It looks like a sword that has to be broken at any time.

The man seemed to be in a comatose state, but judging from the hands and feet of the quilt, the muscles of the hands and feet of the man did not shrink because of prolonged bed rest.

This person doesn't seem to be a waste.

While in Helen's Tavern, Yue Jinghua listened to Helen's suggestion and came up with an idea in her heart.

The mercenary branch only needs to find five core players to start taking over the mercenary team mission with better points. There is actually a big loophole in the middle.

The chapter only stipulated that there must be five people, but it did not say that five people with sound hands and feet were needed.

So when Donger heard that her man was also a mercenary, Yue Jinghua immediately shot.

Once she really saw the people who ran like the mercenary regiment, it was not pleasing to the eye, and secondly, it was time to show her face to the "second generation" mercenary regiment.

Who dares to say that she is the "stupid" captain.

The method of Yue Jinghua, looking at the Canglong continent, seems very incredible, but from the modern Yue Jinghua, has long been familiar with all kinds of honorary consultants, specially invited commentators and other things like hanging sheep's head selling dog meat. Already.

Therefore, she had already made a plan to find a mercenary who was idle and free, but she knew she had encountered an unknown number.

The man on the bed didn't seem to know that there were more people in the room.

His face was covered with ugly lines, a pained expression appeared, and his cracked lips made a vague voice: "Water."

When Donger heard it, he hurried to get warm water and fed the man to drink water.

Donger looked at the man gently, and was very careful. After feeding the man and drinking water, he took a piece of gauze and wiped the skin for the man.

Others looked at the ugly man in the eyes of Donger, but there was no difference. "He was picked up on my way to Wusheng Town."

Donger talked about her life. She was born in a small tribe more than 300 miles away from the Ruisong Federation. In the past few years, due to the famine in the tribe, she followed the people in the tribe and migrated to the relatively prosperous Wusheng Town. .

How could she know that halfway through, she met a group of mercenary mercenaries, who arrested all the random tribal girls and sold them to ****.

Donger spent half a year in the **** and couldn't stand the life inside, so he escaped from the **** with the help of a maid of the ****.

"I didn't dare to stop all the way, and took the dry food and water that my mother gave me, and fled to a maple leaf forest. But my foot strength was comparable to a mercenary with a good horse and fast horse. In that maple leaf forest Here, I was caught. Even though I was caught, I was reluctant to return to live a life that was not as good as a pig or dog. I took advantage of the mercenaries' inattention and smashed into the dark maple leaves. Lin, originally I thought, I was going to die in that way. How would you know ... "There was a flush in Donger's face, and she touched the man's chest," I hit him. "

When it comes to this, Donger seems to remember something. She stood up stupidly and worshiped Yueying Yingying: "Captain Yue, I know you are kind to help me, but you also see his physical condition Arrived, except for that time, he was almost never awake in the maple forest. He is not suitable to join the second generation of soldiers, and even he cannot live like a normal person at all. "

"If you don't try it, how can you know that he's not suitable?" Yue Jinghua stared and sang loudly, "It's a man, so get up and compare with me."

The man on the bed didn't move.

"Captain Yue," Donger became dissatisfied, "I have already said that he is no longer suitable as a mercenary."

"Uh ---" A long yin rang through the room.

Yue Jinghua's heart moved, and the big sword behind her yelled.

The long chant was clear and sweet, just like the twilight morning bell.

It was then that there was a change in the bed, and the unconscious ugly man made a sharp howling.

After hearing the howling, Donger's expression changed suddenly. "Captain Yue, leave here soon."

"Well," a burst of red light shot out.

"Color bug, forbidden air."

When Donger came to her consciousness, she was already outside the house.

On the bed, there was a man's figure, a tall crossbow, standing tall, making a shrill whistling sound.

"Recruiting a new mercenary?" Donger muttered silently. She couldn't think of it. Yue Jinghua rescued herself by hitting her man's idea.

Seeing Donger's suspicious expression, Yue Jinghua dissatisfied: "Do you, like those who have no vision, think that the second generation of our soldiers has no money, and that I am a dumb captain?"

"No," Donger shook his head in a hurry. "Captain Yue, this time it's your second time to help me. I know that you're not as good as the outside world says."

In the days when Yue Yuehua was first encountered, it was the most embarrassing time in Donger's life, when the weather was still cold. Due to Donger's unwillingness to pick up customers, the family did not even have basic firewood for heating. The gold coins that shocked the moon gave Donger enough firewood and food for the winter.

"Then what else do you worry about? Do you still want to have that little white face?" Yue Jinghua was surprised, she could see Donger's life was very bad.

A man, especially a man who is a mercenary, does not even guarantee the life of his own woman. She must come out and be bullied. If such a superb man is not scared now, she must be lacking. First teach each other a lower body failure.

"He's not like that. He never asked me to raise him." Donger's eyes narrowed. "To tell you the truth, he's not my man. I don't even know his name."

A man who doesn't even know his name? She had raised him for years.

These years, is there really a living Lei Feng in the world?

Yue Jinghua looked at Donger who was drinking and weeping.

Under Yue Jinghua's lobbying, Donger took Yue Jinghua back to her residence.

The room was still dark, and Donger lit the heavy oil lamp, and the room was yellow.

Yue Jinghua met and took out a few blue snow candles to signal Donger to light up.

As soon as the candle lit, the house lit up immediately.

The room was clean and clean, with no moldy smell, despite its crampedness.

The only decent spot in the room was the wooden bed leaning on the corner of the room.

On the bed, there were several thin blankets stacked, and there was a mat on the ground, which was where Donger slept every day.

A tall man lying on the bed, Yue Jinghua wanted to come forward, but was stopped by Donger: "Captain Yue, don't come forward, he has an injury on his body, the injury is very severe, and sometimes it will happen in the middle of the night If he jumps up, he may hurt you. "

"No problem," Yue Jinghua noticed as soon as she entered the room. The man lying on the bed had a smooth breath, and was not seriously injured as Dong Er said. On the contrary, the man's aura was extremely lingering. It looks like a sword that has to be broken at any time.

The man seemed to be in a comatose state, but judging from the hands and feet of the quilt, the muscles of the hands and feet of the man did not shrink because of prolonged bed rest.

This person doesn't seem to be a waste.

While in Helen's Tavern, Yue Jinghua listened to Helen's suggestion and came up with an idea in her heart.

The mercenary branch only needs to find five core players to start taking over the mercenary team mission with better points. There is actually a big loophole in the middle.

The chapter only stipulated that there must be five people, but it did not say that five people with sound hands and feet were needed.

So when Donger heard that her man was also a mercenary, Yue Jinghua immediately shot.

Once she really saw the people who ran like the mercenary regiment, it was not pleasing to the eye, and secondly, it was time to show her face to the "second generation" mercenary regiment.

Who dares to say that she is the "stupid" captain.

The method of Yue Jinghua, looking at the Canglong continent, seems very incredible, but from the modern Yue Jinghua, has long been familiar with all kinds of honorary consultants, specially invited commentators and other things like hanging sheep's head selling dog meat. Already.

Therefore, she had already made a plan to find a mercenary who was idle and free, but she knew she had encountered an unknown number.

The man on the bed didn't seem to know that there were more people in the room.

His face was covered with ugly lines, a pained expression appeared, and his cracked lips made a vague voice: "Water."

When Donger heard it, he hurried to get warm water and fed the man to drink water.

Donger looked at the man gently, and was very careful. After feeding the man and drinking water, he took a piece of gauze and wiped the skin for the man.

Others looked at the ugly man in the eyes of Donger, but there was no difference. "He was picked up on my way to Wusheng Town."

Donger talked about her life. She was born in a small tribe more than 300 miles away from the Ruisong Federation. In the past few years, due to the famine in the tribe, she followed the people in the tribe and migrated to the relatively prosperous Wusheng Town. .

How could she know that halfway through, she met a group of mercenary mercenaries, who arrested all the random tribal girls and sold them to ****.

Donger spent half a year in the **** and couldn't stand the life inside, so he escaped from the **** with the help of a maid of the ****.

"I didn't dare to stop all the way, and took the dry food and water that my mother gave me, and fled to a maple leaf forest. But my foot strength was comparable to a mercenary with a good horse and fast horse. In that maple leaf forest Here, I was caught. Even though I was caught, I was reluctant to return to live a life that was not as good as a pig or dog. I took advantage of the mercenaries' inattention and smashed into the dark maple leaves. Lin, originally I thought, I was going to die in that way. How would you know ... "There was a flush in Donger's face, and she touched the man's chest," I hit him. "

When it comes to this, Donger seems to remember something. She stood up stupidly and worshiped Yueying Yingying: "Captain Yue, I know you are kind to help me, but you also see his physical condition Arrived, except for that time, he was almost never awake in the maple forest. He is not suitable to join the second generation of soldiers, and even he cannot live like a normal person at all. "

"If you don't try it, how can you know that he's not suitable?" Yue Jinghua stared and sang loudly, "It's a man, so get up and compare with me."

The man on the bed didn't move.

"Captain Yue," Donger became dissatisfied, "I have already said that he is no longer suitable as a mercenary."

"Uh ---" A long yin rang through the room.

Yue Jinghua's heart moved, and the big sword behind her yelled.

The long chant was clear and sweet, just like the twilight morning bell.

It was then that there was a change in the bed, and the unconscious ugly man made a sharp howling.

After hearing the howling, Donger's expression changed suddenly. "Captain Yue, leave here soon."

"Well," a burst of red light shot out.

"Color bug, forbidden air."

When Donger came to her consciousness, she was already outside the house.

On the bed, there was a man's figure, a tall crossbow, standing tall, making a shrill whistling sound.

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