Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 342: Sea rising lotus

A cyan fire, a lotus-shaped fire, suddenly burst out of the cabin.

The dense tentacles that surrounded almost the entire cabin were burnt by the green lotus fire that had been drilled out of the cabin, just like the firecrackers, making a "snap" sound.

The jellyfish that had just surfaced realized that the situation was not good, and withdrew its tentacles and wanted to escape.

No matter how its body was about to dive, a stream of flames like lotus blossomed on the river.

As soon as the flame caught the water, I heard the sound of "bang", and the whole water was flaming.

The chaotic green lotus is of unknown origin, and its power is able to melt gold. The jellyfish are not afraid of swords and guns, nor are they afraid of mystery, but they are most afraid of fire.

At this time, the smoke was rolling on the river, and the fire was getting fiercer. Looking at the water, there were patches of oil.

This area of ​​water, I do not know when, has been poured a lot of oil.

The fire burned for a full night, and it was not until the middle of the night that the fire went out.

The boat had also been burned so that only a few main beams and boat shelves remained. When the fire became smaller and the jellyfish was burned into the grilled jellyfish, only a slamming sound was heard under the blackened beam.

Three figures emerged from below. Yue Jinghua, Chixi, and Weiwei spit out a breathable reed rod containing most of the night. Looking at the mess on the river, they were completely relieved.

A few people turned over and sat on the crossbar, and wiped their faces red, and said with a bit of regret: "Thanks to the captain, it has been seen that it is a jellyfish, otherwise we would have been unloaded eight nights."

Thinking of the situation when all the ships seen from the bottom were covered with tentacles, the chill was a chill.

She also looked away and saw the jellyfish as a giant jellyfish. If it wasn't for Yue Jinghua, she would have known that the jellyfish was afraid of fire, and she carried a few pounds with her for cooking animal oil, only last night. They have been swallowed into a skeleton by the jellyfish and tentacles, and the corpse sinks to the bottom of the river.

In fact, most of the ships passing through this area, including the Dragon War Marines, encountered this jellyfish. Because they were too weak, they were first led to the depths of the river and then similar to tonight. Behavior, one by one into the ocean floor.

Whether dead or sinking, the whole army was lost in this area.

The jellyfish has never dreamed of it. It has been in this area for nearly a hundred years, but last night it planted a big tumble.

It was just Chi Xi who felt strange. Yue Jinghua was also the first time to Yunhe Haidao. How could she recognize the ancient creature sea beast that was almost extinct on the road?

"Alas, because the soil is fierce and ugly, Alaska is the invincible **** insect that sells gold silkworms, knows one another and wins hundreds of battles." This time, thanks to the sale of golden silkworms.

When it first encountered a monster jellyfish attack, it recognized at a glance that it was a tadpole jellyfish that was far more dangerous than a monster jellyfish, and reminded Yue Jinghua that this kind of jellyfish was inaccessible, and the antennae could turn into a group antennae. But this jellyfish, mysterious fire, is its greatest natural enemy.

After the fire, the boat had already burned seven hundred and seventy-eight. Fortunately, there were still the auxiliary boat racks left. They tied the beams together, barely put together the auxiliary raft, and tied the unrecognizable medusa. Tail of the raft.

At this time, Yue Jinghua had already received the message from the blonde Gore, saying that she had found the place where the Dragon War Marines had sunk in the early years.

Several people followed the tide and drove a nondescript raft to the depths of the Yunhe Channel.

The most dangerous area around the Yunhe Haidao is this tadpole jellyfish. The end of the tadpole jellyfish is undoubtedly the killing of the chicken and tamarin monkeys. This makes Yue Jinghua and others' next road particularly smooth, and there is almost no further attack Arrived at the shipwreck area of ​​the Dragon Warfare that Serfagor said.

Yue Jinghua traveled all the way, and she also understood why the Dragon War Empire Army was unwilling to send people to salvage.

Regardless of the underwater bullies like the jellyfish jellyfish, there are many reefs in the Yunhe Haidao area, and the boats are really difficult to drive.

It was just that the closer to the shipwreck area, the more wondered Yue Yuehua was. Madam Qingyan seemed to evaporate all the way. How did she avoid the sight of the jellyfish, and where was she now?

Yunhe Shipwreck Area

Under the leadership of the chainsaw, Gore, the little snake, kept touching the soft river sand all the way.

At the bottom of the river, a dozen shipwrecks lay quietly.

They either lie on their backs or they are planted into the thick river sand.

Most of the corpses of the Dragon War Marines have been washed away by the river water or swallowed by the water-based mystic beasts. The goal is only the aging masts. If they touch them, they will break up at their waists.

Water grass grows in the hull, and slender leaves sway with the direction of the current.

A dark shadow shrouded, and Yue Jinghua's wife Qingyan was looking for her as if she was "walking" under the water.

The nearby water-based mysterious beasts swam away when they found the black light covering her body.

Mrs. Ching Yan passed through several ships, and stopped only in front of a ship with the coach's flag.

She looked at the ring on her hand. The quaint black stone ring, after a day and a night's consumption, the ring's light had weakened a lot.

"Ding Haizhu's spiritual power is weakening. After another half an hour, the spiritual power will be used up, and you must find Morin soon." Madam Qingyan walked into the ship and was buried in the river. Boats under the sand.

For more than 20 years, I remembered her husband who had been dreaming about her for more than 20 years. Madam Qingyan's knees couldn't stop shaking.

She was looking forward and frightened again. She was looking forward to seeing her husband again, but at the same time she was afraid that her hopes would be lost. In the end, even his bones could not be found.

"No, as long as there is such a thing, Morin's body must be somewhere on the ship," with such an idea, Mrs. Qing Yan found one cabin after another, all the way to the deck of the warship.

Finally, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, which was a tall figure.

The figure leaned on the side of the ship, and his body was still leaning forward. It can be seen that, until the moment of death, the man was still leading the army to resist.

After seeing the figure, Mrs. Qingyan held her mouth in her hands, her body shaking like a sieve.

Countless times, she thought that she could never see her lover in this life.

The lifelike man, about 40 years old, wore a heavy armor engraved with the dragon battle sail emblem.

Despite having been dead for more than two decades, the appearance of General Morin has not changed much, the sharp outlines, the resolute eyes, everything seems to be still.

Fingers scratched the man's skin, and as with more than two decades ago, the maggot also brought the temperature.

"Merlin, I'll take you home," a drop of clear tears slipped from the corner of Mrs. Qingyan's eyes.

A cyan fire, a lotus-shaped fire, suddenly burst out of the cabin.

The dense tentacles that surrounded almost the entire cabin were burnt by the green lotus fire that had been drilled out of the cabin, just like the firecrackers, making a "snap" sound.

The jellyfish that had just surfaced realized that the situation was not good, and withdrew its tentacles and wanted to escape.

No matter how its body was about to dive, a stream of flames like lotus blossomed on the river.

As soon as the flame caught the water, I heard the sound of "bang", and the whole water was flaming.

The chaotic green lotus is of unknown origin, and its power is able to melt gold. The jellyfish are not afraid of swords and guns, nor are they afraid of mystery, but they are most afraid of fire.

At this time, the smoke was rolling on the river, and the fire was getting fiercer. Looking at the water, there were patches of oil.

This area of ​​water, I do not know when, has been poured a lot of oil.

The fire burned for a full night, and it was not until the middle of the night that the fire went out.

The boat had also been burned so that only a few main beams and boat shelves remained. When the fire became smaller and the jellyfish was burned into the grilled jellyfish, only a slamming sound was heard under the blackened beam.

Three figures emerged from below. Yue Jinghua, Chixi, and Weiwei spit out a breathable reed rod containing most of the night. Looking at the mess on the river, they were completely relieved.

A few people turned over and sat on the crossbar, and wiped their faces red, and said with a bit of regret: "Thanks to the captain, it has been seen that it is a jellyfish, otherwise we would have been unloaded eight nights."

Thinking of the situation when all the ships seen from the bottom were covered with tentacles, the chill was a chill.

She also looked away and saw the jellyfish as a giant jellyfish. If it wasn't for Yue Jinghua, she would have known that the jellyfish was afraid of fire, and she carried a few pounds with her for cooking animal oil, only last night. They have been swallowed into a skeleton by the jellyfish and tentacles, and the corpse sinks to the bottom of the river.

In fact, most of the ships passing through this area, including the Dragon War Marines, encountered this jellyfish. Because they were too weak, they were first led to the depths of the river and then similar to tonight. Behavior, one by one into the ocean floor.

Whether dead or sinking, the whole army was lost in this area.

The jellyfish has never dreamed of it. It has been in this area for nearly a hundred years, but last night it planted a big tumble.

It was just Chi Xi who felt strange. Yue Jinghua was also the first time to Yunhe Haidao. How could she recognize the ancient creature sea beast that was almost extinct on the road?

"Alas, because the soil is fierce and ugly, Alaska is the invincible **** insect that sells gold silkworms, knows one another and wins hundreds of battles." This time, thanks to the sale of golden silkworms.

When it first encountered a monster jellyfish attack, it recognized at a glance that it was a tadpole jellyfish that was far more dangerous than a monster jellyfish, and reminded Yue Jinghua that this kind of jellyfish was inaccessible, and the antennae could turn into a group antennae. But this jellyfish, mysterious fire, is its greatest natural enemy.

After the fire, the boat had already burned seven hundred and seventy-eight. Fortunately, there were still the auxiliary boat racks left. They tied the beams together, barely put together the auxiliary raft, and tied the unrecognizable medusa. Tail of the raft.

At this time, Yue Jinghua had already received the message from the blonde Gore, saying that she had found the place where the Dragon War Marines had sunk in the early years.

Several people followed the tide and drove a nondescript raft to the depths of the Yunhe Channel.

The most dangerous area around the Yunhe Haidao is this tadpole jellyfish. The end of the tadpole jellyfish is undoubtedly the killing of the chicken and tamarin monkeys. This makes Yue Jinghua and others' next road particularly smooth, and there is almost no further attack Arrived at the shipwreck area of ​​the Dragon Warfare that Serfagor said.

Yue Jinghua traveled all the way, and she also understood why the Dragon War Empire Army was unwilling to send people to salvage.

Regardless of the underwater bullies like the jellyfish jellyfish, there are many reefs in the Yunhe Haidao area, and the boats are really difficult to drive.

It was just that the closer to the shipwreck area, the more wondered Yue Yuehua was. Madam Qingyan seemed to evaporate all the way. How did she avoid the sight of the jellyfish, and where was she now?

Yunhe Shipwreck Area

Under the leadership of the chainsaw, Gore, the little snake, kept touching the soft river sand all the way.

At the bottom of the river, a dozen shipwrecks lay quietly.

They either lie on their backs or they are planted into the thick river sand.

Most of the corpses of the Dragon War Marines have been washed away by the river water or swallowed by the water-based mystic beasts. The goal is only the aging masts. If they touch them, they will break up at their waists.

Water grass grows in the hull, and slender leaves sway with the direction of the current.

A dark shadow shrouded, and Yue Jinghua's wife Qingyan was looking for her as if she was "walking" under the water.

The nearby water-based mysterious beasts swam away when they found the black light covering her body.

Mrs. Ching Yan passed through several ships, and stopped only in front of a ship with the coach's flag.

She looked at the ring on her hand. The quaint black stone ring, after a day and a night's consumption, the ring's light had weakened a lot.

"Ding Haizhu's spiritual power is weakening. After another half an hour, the spiritual power will be used up, and you must find Morin soon." Madam Qingyan walked into the ship and was buried in the river. Boats under the sand.

For more than 20 years, I remembered her husband who had been dreaming about her for more than 20 years. Madam Qingyan's knees couldn't stop shaking.

She was looking forward and frightened again. She was looking forward to seeing her husband again, but at the same time she was afraid that her hopes would be lost. In the end, even his bones could not be found.

"No, as long as there is such a thing, Morin's body must be somewhere on the ship," with such an idea, Mrs. Qing Yan found one cabin after another, all the way to the deck of the warship.

Finally, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, which was a tall figure.

The figure leaned on the side of the ship, and his body was still leaning forward. It can be seen that, until the moment of death, the man was still leading the army to resist.

After seeing the figure, Mrs. Qingyan held her mouth in her hands, her body shaking like a sieve.

Countless times, she thought that she could never see her lover in this life.

The lifelike man, about 40 years old, wore a heavy armor engraved with the dragon battle sail emblem.

Despite having been dead for more than two decades, the appearance of General Morin has not changed much, the sharp outlines, the resolute eyes, everything seems to be still.

Fingers scratched the man's skin, and as with more than two decades ago, the maggot also brought the temperature.

"Merlin, I'll take you home," a drop of clear tears slipped from the corner of Mrs. Qingyan's eyes.

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