Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 346: Tenderness

Evening wind blows the surface, the wind is mixed with the smell of sulfur hot spring.

At this time on weekdays, Yue Jinghua Zhunbao sat in Helen's tavern, listening to the mercenaries using rough voices, talking about various slapsticks, and asking for news.

But after getting the message from Mrs. Qingyan, she couldn't sit still.

Yue Jinghua was looking at the treasure map and confused her for more than a month. The mystery of the ancient hero's treasure was suddenly understood.

Although she didn't know what Mrs. Qingyan was playing, her announcement made Yue Jinghua notice a place she hadn't noticed.

Ancient hero statue.

Everyone thinks that this treasure map is a map of Wusheng Town, so in the past month, some people even searched the corner of the whole town, even the ordinary houses were not missed, but there was no Anyone notices that this map is a bit different.

On the map, all the signs of the Five Holy Towns are marked, with only one place missing.

There are no ancient hero statues on the map.

The statue of the hero of Dragon Slay, a landmark of Wusheng Town, is not on the map.

After realizing this, Yue Jinghua walked along the street of Sith until she reached the ancient hero statue after entering the night.

The moon was so frosty, and the statue of the ancient hero that was very popular with tourists during the day was shrouded in moonlight.

The mercenaries scrambled to get news from Mrs. Ching Yan. At this time, Helen's Tavern was afraid that there were all kinds of crazy news.

The whole town seems to be quiet only here.

Standing in the wind and rain for hundreds of years, the statue of the dragon-slaying hero appears mottled.

Just half a day ago, due to Mrs. Qingyan's remarks, Yue Jinghua could expect that, one month later, there would be countless crazy heads in front of the ancient hero statue.

The statue of the ancient hero, about one story high, was silent in the moonlight.

Yue Jinghua raised her head, staring directly at the statue.

It is said that the statue made of the material is completely carved according to the equal proportions of the dragon-slaying heroes of that year. It is exactly the same in both facial features and figure.

But if you look closely, Yue Jinghua clearly sees the statue's features, and her left eye is missing one eye.

"Have eyes and no beads? What a dragon-slaying hero, and made such a big joke with the world," Yue Jinghua next to me wondered when there was one more person.

Under the moonlight, Zong Shaoqing's silver hair was like snow, and he wore a large deep coat, even at night, it was difficult to hide his bright brilliance.

He slightly looked up at the statue of the ancient hero in front of him, then moved his gaze downwards and fell on Yue Jinghua's face.

Yue Jinghua narrowed her eyes slightly, squinting at him like a lazy cat.

As soon as the wind blew, a good scent came out of him.

Although Yue Jinghua was very disdainful of the God-Creation Hall, Zong Shaoqing in front of him really made it difficult for him to feel aversion.

"Master God, we really are the same. Since we are here, do you want to talk about those things in the Temple of God?" Yue Jinghua jumped into the fountain and looked at the ancient hero statue, kicking her feet The boots on his feet soaked his feet directly into the hot spring, and gave out a comfortable hissing sound.

The last time she saw the hot spring, she wanted to do it this way. Since she has left the so-called modern civilization, why not be a savage.

Watching her naturally take off her shoes, Bai Nen's feet like water horns soaked in the water, shaking.

Without hesitation, Zong Shaoqing lifted up his gown, learned the appearance of Yue Jinghua, took off his shoes, and soaked his feet directly into the fountain.

Not far away, the ancient hero statue faced the two quietly.

In the fountain, under the warm water, a few naughty hot spring fish saw foreign bodies and gathered around them, pecking at their toes.

Zong Shaoqing had never had such an encounter before, and it felt itchy under his feet, but he was embarrassed in front of Yue Jinghua and had to stretch his face and sit dry like a block of wood.

"It turned out that the God Son of the God of the Temple was not completely inhumane fireworks," Yue Jinghua met Zong Shaoqing and sat down very cautiously. She had a lot of fun and pours water in the past.

In the moonlight, water droplets splashed on Zong Shaoqing's face, and the water droplets fell along his nearly perfect outline, and a drop dropped, and he was splashed with coldness for a while, and stopped.

After seeing his dull appearance, Yue Jinghua bent over and held her belly and laughed, and her men were even more rude.

At this moment, there was a blast of blame behind him: "Where did the thief dare to soak his feet beside the hero statue, the fountain rigorously soaked his feet to throw food, offenders ..."

"Well, the noisy mercenary inspection team," Yue Jinghua jumped up, and it was no worries when she got there. She jumped, grabbed the corner of her clothes, and said to Zong Shaoqing: "Don't be fooled Go, go. "

As soon as Zong Shaoqing heard it and looked at the front, Yue Jinghua couldn't even put on her shoes. She walked away like a monkey walking barefoot.

He froze, and behind him, the mercenary inspection team was approaching.

What kind of skill Yue Yuehua was, and soon there was no figure. When the inspection team arrived, they could only stare at the two lines of water-stained footprints on the ground.

After running all the way, Yue Jinghua found a piece of grass and sat down. After taking out a pack of shredded squid and a pack of beef jerky, she took out the freshly brewed beer. See Zong Shao Qing hadn't arrived, and she wasn't in a hurry, eating up on her own.

A few moments later, Zong Shaoqing has come to see his appearance, his clothes are straight, and his feet are neatly dressed. On the other hand, Yue Jinghua is barefoot, and she is drinking very indecently. Where else The attitude of a half-pointed woman.

The visitors were all visitors. Yue Jinghua glanced at her own wine, and there was not much left, and she muttered, "I'm not asking you not to drink, shouldn't the Goddess Temple be allowed to drink?"

I didn't know Zong Shaoqing took away her wine and took a sip of her wine, ambiguous: "I am the Son of God, not a monk."

Yue Jinghua almost didn't spit out the wine in her mouth, and then looked at Zong Shaoqing, and saw that his purple eyes turned deeper, and his eyes stared at him momentarily.

No matter who it is, being stared at by such a silver-haired man with purple eyes, he will feel that something is wrong.

"What's the difference is that they don't eat the fireworks on earth." Looking at the moonlight, it seems that Zong Shaoqing's person, Ruo Yuehui, can't pick a mistake.

In order to conceal the uneasiness in her heart, Yue Jinghua coughed a few times, trying to look away from Zong Shaoqing's Zhang Jun's face.

"I can marry a wife, but a monk can't," if the words came out of the evil jade's mouth, Yue Jinghua must have flew away, but Zong Shaoqing said it.

A serious book is also said, as if swearing.

Just when Yue Jinghua thought about what he meant by the lines, her feet suddenly felt warm, and her bare ankles had fallen into a pair of powerful palms.

"!!!" Yue Jinghua took a closer look, and saw that her feet had been held by Zong Shaoqing.

Evening wind blows the surface, the wind is mixed with the smell of sulfur hot spring.

At this time on weekdays, Yue Jinghua Zhunbao sat in Helen's tavern, listening to the mercenaries using rough voices, talking about various slapsticks, and asking for news.

But after getting the message from Mrs. Qingyan, she couldn't sit still.

Yue Jinghua was looking at the treasure map and confused her for more than a month. The mystery of the ancient hero's treasure was suddenly understood.

Although she didn't know what Mrs. Qingyan was playing, her announcement made Yue Jinghua notice a place she hadn't noticed.

Ancient hero statue.

Everyone thinks that this treasure map is a map of Wusheng Town, so in the past month, some people even searched the corner of the whole town, even the ordinary houses were not missed, but there was no Anyone notices that this map is a bit different.

On the map, all the signs of the Five Holy Towns are marked, with only one place missing.

There are no ancient hero statues on the map.

The statue of the hero of Dragon Slay, a landmark of Wusheng Town, is not on the map.

After realizing this, Yue Jinghua walked along the street of Sith until she reached the ancient hero statue after entering the night.

The moon was so frosty, and the statue of the ancient hero that was very popular with tourists during the day was shrouded in moonlight.

The mercenaries scrambled to get news from Mrs. Ching Yan. At this time, Helen's Tavern was afraid that there were all kinds of crazy news.

The whole town seems to be quiet only here.

Standing in the wind and rain for hundreds of years, the statue of the dragon-slaying hero appears mottled.

Just half a day ago, due to Mrs. Qingyan's remarks, Yue Jinghua could expect that, one month later, there would be countless crazy heads in front of the ancient hero statue.

The statue of the ancient hero, about one story high, was silent in the moonlight.

Yue Jinghua raised her head, staring directly at the statue.

It is said that the statue made of the material is completely carved according to the equal proportions of the dragon-slaying heroes of that year. It is exactly the same in both facial features and figure.

But if you look closely, Yue Jinghua clearly sees the statue's features, and her left eye is missing one eye.

"Have eyes and no beads? What a dragon-slaying hero, and made such a big joke with the world," Yue Jinghua next to me wondered when there was one more person.

Under the moonlight, Zong Shaoqing's silver hair was like snow, and he wore a large deep coat, even at night, it was difficult to hide his bright brilliance.

He slightly looked up at the statue of the ancient hero in front of him, then moved his gaze downwards and fell on Yue Jinghua's face.

Yue Jinghua narrowed her eyes slightly, squinting at him like a lazy cat.

As soon as the wind blew, a good scent came out of him.

Although Yue Jinghua was very disdainful of the God-Creation Hall, Zong Shaoqing in front of him really made it difficult for him to feel aversion.

"Master God, we really are the same. Since we are here, do you want to talk about those things in the Temple of God?" Yue Jinghua jumped into the fountain and looked at the ancient hero statue, kicking her feet The boots on his feet soaked his feet directly into the hot spring, and gave out a comfortable hissing sound.

The last time she saw the hot spring, she wanted to do it this way. Since she has left the so-called modern civilization, why not be a savage.

Watching her naturally take off her shoes, Bai Nen's feet like water horns soaked in the water, shaking.

Without hesitation, Zong Shaoqing lifted up his gown, learned the appearance of Yue Jinghua, took off his shoes, and soaked his feet directly into the fountain.

Not far away, the ancient hero statue faced the two quietly.

In the fountain, under the warm water, a few naughty hot spring fish saw foreign bodies and gathered around them, pecking at their toes.

Zong Shaoqing had never had such an encounter before, and it felt itchy under his feet, but he was embarrassed in front of Yue Jinghua and had to stretch his face and sit dry like a block of wood.

"It turned out that the God Son of the God of the Temple was not completely inhumane fireworks," Yue Jinghua met Zong Shaoqing and sat down very cautiously. She had a lot of fun and pours water in the past.

In the moonlight, water droplets splashed on Zong Shaoqing's face, and the water droplets fell along his nearly perfect outline, and a drop dropped, and he was splashed with coldness for a while, and stopped.

After seeing his dull appearance, Yue Jinghua bent over and held her belly and laughed, and her men were even more rude.

At this moment, there was a blast of blame behind him: "Where did the thief dare to soak his feet beside the hero statue, the fountain rigorously soaked his feet to throw food, offenders ..."

"Well, the noisy mercenary inspection team," Yue Jinghua jumped up, and it was no worries when she got there. She jumped, grabbed the corner of her clothes, and said to Zong Shaoqing: "Don't be fooled Go, go. "

As soon as Zong Shaoqing heard it and looked at the front, Yue Jinghua couldn't even put on her shoes. She walked away like a monkey walking barefoot.

He froze, and behind him, the mercenary inspection team was approaching.

What kind of skill Yue Yuehua was, and soon there was no figure. When the inspection team arrived, they could only stare at the two lines of water-stained footprints on the ground.

After running all the way, Yue Jinghua found a piece of grass and sat down. After taking out a pack of shredded squid and a pack of beef jerky, she took out the freshly brewed beer. See Zong Shao Qing hadn't arrived, and she wasn't in a hurry, eating up on her own.

A few moments later, Zong Shaoqing has come to see his appearance, his clothes are straight, and his feet are neatly dressed. On the other hand, Yue Jinghua is barefoot, and she is drinking very indecently. Where else The attitude of a half-pointed woman.

The visitors were all visitors. Yue Jinghua glanced at her own wine, and there was not much left, and she muttered, "I'm not asking you not to drink, shouldn't the Goddess Temple be allowed to drink?"

I didn't know Zong Shaoqing took away her wine and took a sip of her wine, ambiguous: "I am the Son of God, not a monk."

Yue Jinghua almost didn't spit out the wine in her mouth, and then looked at Zong Shaoqing, and saw that his purple eyes turned deeper, and his eyes stared at him momentarily.

No matter who it is, being stared at by such a silver-haired man with purple eyes, he will feel that something is wrong.

"What's the difference is that they don't eat the fireworks on earth." Looking at the moonlight, it seems that Zong Shaoqing's person, Ruo Yuehui, can't pick a mistake.

In order to conceal the uneasiness in her heart, Yue Jinghua coughed a few times, trying to look away from Zong Shaoqing's Zhang Jun's face.

"I can marry a wife, but a monk can't," if the words came out of the evil jade's mouth, Yue Jinghua must have flew away, but Zong Shaoqing said it.

A serious book is also said, as if swearing.

Just when Yue Jinghua thought about what he meant by the lines, her feet suddenly felt warm, and her bare ankles had fallen into a pair of powerful palms.

"!!!" Yue Jinghua took a closer look, and saw that her feet had been held by Zong Shaoqing.

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