Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 359: Black empty pterosaur

Witnessing the scene of the mercenary's death with a camel, even the veteran wind and redness of experience are throbbing.

It was Yuejinghua and Sherman who were clear.

In the same situation, they have also seen in Fontaine.

Yue Jinghua's keel of the Great Wall made of sculpted dragon bone has a similar intimidating effect on the mysterious beast.

That's Long Wei, an invisible might that only theoretically appears in the mythical beast dragon family or the holy beast.

The dragon in the air is in the form of a six-claw dragon.

The dragon's body is about a few miles long, lying between the clouds, and it looks like a giant dragon flying in the air from a distance.

The dragon is the respect of the mysterious beast. Although the sacred dragon on the Canglong continent has long been extinct, the fear of the mysterious beasts has long been implanted in the bone marrow. Seeing the dragon is embarrassing, seeing the dragon is scaring the beast.

I don't know what kind of method the dragon-slaying hero Mokang used to build such an awe-inspiring aerial dragon palace, and even let the dragon palace begin to have dragon power, which caused the mysterious beasts to tremble.

Yue Jinghua can be sure, not to mention the earlier empty camel, even if it is another middle-level or even high-level mysterious air ride, as long as it is close to the dragon palace suspended in the air, it will be like a just empty camel. Fell down.

In order to resist the coercion of the Dragon Palace in the air, at least it must be a high-level air ride of eighth or higher.

But for a while, where did people go to look for empty rides above tier 8.

Seeing that the mercenaries were hesitant, the Temple of the Divine Order and the Imperial Army also remained unmoved.

The already quiet Mrs. Qingyan glanced at Rowling secretly. After the latter winked, she walked out and announced loudly: "The treasure in the dragon palace in the air is about the glory of the Five Holy Towns, the Five Holy Branches. For this adventure, I also decided to release a unique open mission. Those who successfully boarded the Dragon Palace can be redeemed for a bead-level mission. The more treasures you bring back to the Dragon Palace, the more mercenary points you earn. more."

As soon as Rowling said this, the emotions of the mercenaries who had cooled down were like pouring oil on the fire and then being ignited.

Open missions are not common in the mercenary world.

That is often a special task mode that is used to motivate mercenaries for certain particularly complex tasks in a specific period.

According to Rowling, if that lucky mercenary finally wins the treasure of the ancient hero, then he is likely to get a reward similar to a matchless task.

This is no small feat for both individual and mercenary teams.

Rowling's talent was just announced, and when she saw the mercenary branch, there were a few people out at once.

Lorry took the lead, and several five-star mercenaries used the sky technique.

Skystroke is a special kind of mysterious power. Only after reaching the sky, can I accumulate mysterious power in the arm or foot, and rely on the force of the arm or foot to fly to the sky.

I saw a few people either pedaling or boxing ground, and their body shape moved like a bullet out of the body, and a mystery gathered in their chests, like a dragon with the same arrow shooting directly into the sky.

Luo Rui was also one of them. I saw that he was breathing in the air for a little while, and he arrived at the Dragon Palace first.

As soon as three five-star mercenaries and a few four-star mercenaries entered Tianxuan entered the Dragon Palace, they flickered and disappeared at the entrance of the Dragon Palace.

The mercenaries below looked enthusiastic, but there was no other way, who made them not masters of Tianxuan.

Yue Jinghua was curious, because Tian Xuan can call out the sky-strength technique, why the core ruling of the Temple of the Gods did not let He Jinnuo and others start directly.

I saw the wind shook my head without regret. "Although Zongtianshu can be used on the Dragon Palace, it can be used once. It consumes too much mystic power. If there is no ambush in the Dragon Palace, it is fine. Dragon Palace is about to suffer a great deal. "

I wanted to come to God's Temple, and Jin Nuo also thought about it, so I didn't use the vertical sky technique directly.

At this time, the Temple of the Divine Guard, who had been slow to act, also acted.

I saw one out of a dozen core rulings, a middle-aged man over fifty years old.

The man took out the blood of the cinnabar beast, muttered something in his mouth, and after a while he drew a small teleportation array in place.

"Transfer Array," Yue Jinghua couldn't help crying secretly, how could she forget that she could use the Array.

For a while in the hand, heaven and earth, omnipotent.

This time, considering that the Temple of the Gods would also take part in adventures, Yue Jinghua did not let Asahi go.

When the array had been properly drawn, the array teacher chanted and saw a beam of light appearing on the ground and in the air.

The size of the beam of light is just enough to accommodate dozens of people.

All the mermaids of the Temple of Divinity entered the pillar of light, and the figure soon disappeared into the pillar of light.

Zong Shaoqing walked to the end by himself. Before leaving, he gave Jin Nuo a slight bow.

Jin Nuo nodded with grace, and said politely, "Congratulations to the Crown Prince."

After receiving the enlightenment from the formation method of the Divine Hall, the mercenaries suddenly realized that they could hardly find the ranks of the mysterious beast, but it was still easy to find the division masters. For a while, many people had gone down to find the division masters.

Seeing that the people in the Temple of God had gone without their personal images.

Yue Jinghua was also a bit suffocated, wondering if she would soon find Qian Yan.

"It's time to go up, and it's time, it's our turn," Jin Nuohu said openly.

"Brother Jinnuo, is it possible to have a division in our team?" Yue Jinghua was curious, and then looked at a team of Imperial soldiers.

"We don't need a division, we can still go up," Jin Nuo grinned. He gave birth to a boxy Chinese character face and was dressed up in a costume. He looked so serious on a weekday, and grinned so suddenly. Two little tiger teeth were revealed, which looked a little funny.

"Go up ?!" Yue Jinghua wondered.

Suddenly he heard Jin Nuo making a slender tweet, and then looked at his black armor, and the dragon-shaped glyph on his chest suddenly lighted up suddenly.

In the sky, there were rumbling noises like beasts roaring and bulls.

A gust of wind rushed towards us, and a black spot was flying fast just to the east of the sky.

The black spot looked far away, like a small hill, but it moved very fast, making a deafening noise from time to time.

When the black spot flew close, everyone looked intently and inhaled the air.

What black spot is that, but it is a black flying pterosaur with a fleshy head and a round head.

After the black flying pterodactus approached, it did not land immediately, but hovered in the air, curiously looking at the behemoth in the air, it seemed to determine whether the dragon palace was its kind.

"Pretty brunette, it's time for you to show your might," Jin Nuo's voice fell, and the black dragon dived at a high speed and landed.

Witnessing the scene of the mercenary's death with a camel, even the veteran wind and redness of experience are throbbing.

It was Yuejinghua and Sherman who were clear.

In the same situation, they have also seen in Fontaine.

Yue Jinghua's keel of the Great Wall made of sculpted dragon bone has a similar intimidating effect on the mysterious beast.

That's Long Wei, an invisible might that only theoretically appears in the mythical beast dragon family or the holy beast.

The dragon in the air is in the form of a six-claw dragon.

The dragon's body is about a few miles long, lying between the clouds, and it looks like a giant dragon flying in the air from a distance.

The dragon is the respect of the mysterious beast. Although the sacred dragon on the Canglong continent has long been extinct, the fear of the mysterious beasts has long been implanted in the bone marrow. Seeing the dragon is embarrassing, seeing the dragon is scaring the beast.

I don't know what kind of method the dragon-slaying hero Mokang used to build such an awe-inspiring aerial dragon palace, and even let the dragon palace begin to have dragon power, which caused the mysterious beasts to tremble.

Yue Jinghua can be sure, not to mention the earlier empty camel, even if it is another middle-level or even high-level mysterious air ride, as long as it is close to the dragon palace suspended in the air, it will be like a just empty camel. Fell down.

In order to resist the coercion of the Dragon Palace in the air, at least it must be a high-level air ride of eighth or higher.

But for a while, where did people go to look for empty rides above tier 8.

Seeing that the mercenaries were hesitant, the Temple of the Divine Order and the Imperial Army also remained unmoved.

The already quiet Mrs. Qingyan glanced at Rowling secretly. After the latter winked, she walked out and announced loudly: "The treasure in the dragon palace in the air is about the glory of the Five Holy Towns, the Five Holy Branches. For this adventure, I also decided to release a unique open mission. Those who successfully boarded the Dragon Palace can be redeemed for a bead-level mission. The more treasures you bring back to the Dragon Palace, the more mercenary points you earn. more."

As soon as Rowling said this, the emotions of the mercenaries who had cooled down were like pouring oil on the fire and then being ignited.

Open missions are not common in the mercenary world.

That is often a special task mode that is used to motivate mercenaries for certain particularly complex tasks in a specific period.

According to Rowling, if that lucky mercenary finally wins the treasure of the ancient hero, then he is likely to get a reward similar to a matchless task.

This is no small feat for both individual and mercenary teams.

Rowling's talent was just announced, and when she saw the mercenary branch, there were a few people out at once.

Lorry took the lead, and several five-star mercenaries used the sky technique.

Skystroke is a special kind of mysterious power. Only after reaching the sky, can I accumulate mysterious power in the arm or foot, and rely on the force of the arm or foot to fly to the sky.

I saw a few people either pedaling or boxing ground, and their body shape moved like a bullet out of the body, and a mystery gathered in their chests, like a dragon with the same arrow shooting directly into the sky.

Luo Rui was also one of them. I saw that he was breathing in the air for a little while, and he arrived at the Dragon Palace first.

As soon as three five-star mercenaries and a few four-star mercenaries entered Tianxuan entered the Dragon Palace, they flickered and disappeared at the entrance of the Dragon Palace.

The mercenaries below looked enthusiastic, but there was no other way, who made them not masters of Tianxuan.

Yue Jinghua was curious, because Tian Xuan can call out the sky-strength technique, why the core ruling of the Temple of the Gods did not let He Jinnuo and others start directly.

I saw the wind shook my head without regret. "Although Zongtianshu can be used on the Dragon Palace, it can be used once. It consumes too much mystic power. If there is no ambush in the Dragon Palace, it is fine. Dragon Palace is about to suffer a great deal. "

I wanted to come to God's Temple, and Jin Nuo also thought about it, so I didn't use the vertical sky technique directly.

At this time, the Temple of the Divine Guard, who had been slow to act, also acted.

I saw one out of a dozen core rulings, a middle-aged man over fifty years old.

The man took out the blood of the cinnabar beast, muttered something in his mouth, and after a while he drew a small teleportation array in place.

"Transfer Array," Yue Jinghua couldn't help crying secretly, how could she forget that she could use the Array.

For a while in the hand, heaven and earth, omnipotent.

This time, considering that the Temple of the Gods would also take part in adventures, Yue Jinghua did not let Asahi go.

When the array had been properly drawn, the array teacher chanted and saw a beam of light appearing on the ground and in the air.

The size of the beam of light is just enough to accommodate dozens of people.

All the mermaids of the Temple of Divinity entered the pillar of light, and the figure soon disappeared into the pillar of light.

Zong Shaoqing walked to the end by himself. Before leaving, he gave Jin Nuo a slight bow.

Jin Nuo nodded with grace, and said politely, "Congratulations to the Crown Prince."

After receiving the enlightenment from the formation method of the Divine Hall, the mercenaries suddenly realized that they could hardly find the ranks of the mysterious beast, but it was still easy to find the division masters. For a while, many people had gone down to find the division masters.

Seeing that the people in the Temple of God had gone without their personal images.

Yue Jinghua was also a bit suffocated, wondering if she would soon find Qian Yan.

"It's time to go up, and it's time, it's our turn," Jin Nuohu said openly.

"Brother Jinnuo, is it possible to have a division in our team?" Yue Jinghua was curious, and then looked at a team of Imperial soldiers.

"We don't need a division, we can still go up," Jin Nuo grinned. He gave birth to a boxy Chinese character face and was dressed up in a costume. He looked so serious on a weekday, and grinned so suddenly. Two little tiger teeth were revealed, which looked a little funny.

"Go up ?!" Yue Jinghua wondered.

Suddenly he heard Jin Nuo making a slender tweet, and then looked at his black armor, and the dragon-shaped glyph on his chest suddenly lighted up suddenly.

In the sky, there were rumbling noises like beasts roaring and bulls.

A gust of wind rushed towards us, and a black spot was flying fast just to the east of the sky.

The black spot looked far away, like a small hill, but it moved very fast, making a deafening noise from time to time.

When the black spot flew close, everyone looked intently and inhaled the air.

What black spot is that, but it is a black flying pterosaur with a fleshy head and a round head.

After the black flying pterodactus approached, it did not land immediately, but hovered in the air, curiously looking at the behemoth in the air, it seemed to determine whether the dragon palace was its kind.

"Pretty brunette, it's time for you to show your might," Jin Nuo's voice fell, and the black dragon dived at a high speed and landed.

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