Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 368: Grim Reaper


There was no expectation of a piercing sound of flesh and blood, followed by a dull hum.

The purple mysterious sword in Zong Shaoqing's hands was submerged into Yue Jinghua's back.

Yue Jinghua's eyes widened. Under the golden mask, her beautiful eyes were incredibly and terrified.

There was no blood spray, no painful howling, and when Zong Shaoqing's sword fell into place, the place where Jinghua had stood this month turned into a fallen leaf.

Withered yellow leaves instantly turned red.

"Son of the Gods," exclaimed from the surroundings like a tide.

Several figures immediately surrounded Zong Shaoqing, among them Song Mu and after disguising themselves, followed Zong Shaoqing's death into the sky dragon palace, and immediately woke up from the realm.

After seeing the situation next to him, Song Mu and others were astonished.

On the ground, I don't know when there have been more corpses of the Divine Tailors.

Shaxi screamed screamingly, her maid's waist was pierced with a sharp pistol, and fell into a pool of blood, which was the masterpiece of Shaxi.

"How could this be? I clearly saw someone trying to **** me ..." Shaxi was in control, and she saw Zong Shaoqing walking towards her, but she knew that she had killed a woman halfway and snatched it away. Zong Shaoqing, in anxiety, waved her short gun and stabbed at the woman.

The same thing happened to other disciples and judges.

Just before, three people were killed and four wounded, all killed by mutual killing. If it weren't for Zong Shaoqing's early detection, I'm afraid that the casualties would be even greater.

"Come out and follow us all the way," Zong Shaoqing stared indifferently at a very humble leaf pile on Qiuwu Avenue.

I saw the yellow leaves gradually gathered, suddenly forming a erratic leaf shadow.

Under the leaves, strange creatures twinkled with inexplicable creatures.

"You see through my dreamland, it's impossible. My dreamland has clearly become the person in your heart, why do you see through it?" The mysterious beast on the path of autumn is the mystery of these humanoid leaves. beast.

It's called a beast, and it lives on **** and hatred.

The Moon Beast has no substance. It is parasitic in this autumn leaf. It is ubiquitous and breathless. It can transform the nightmare in the heart and attack people who pass by.

Along the way, the people in the Temple of God's arrogance were cautious, and it didn't enter until the crowd was exhausted.

I thought it would succeed in a single blow, and this group of people who had been repaired into a deep God's Temple took the opportunity to kill, but they didn't know it but Zong Shaoqing saw it through.

The person in Zong Shaoqing's heart?

Shaxi listened for a moment.

From the age of eight, she grew up with Zong Shaoqing.

Zong Shaoqing treats others with humility, and seems to be merciful to everyone, and she is ruthless to others. She always thought that his temperament would never allow anyone in her heart.

Who is that person?

"Where are the monsters, you can never pierce our hearts, Shao Qing has no one in her heart at all," Shaxi Hengdao was in his hand, trying to kill the weird monster.

With a slash, the body of the scorpion shattered immediately, and soon gathered together again.

"Vicious woman, the fear in your heart will happen someday, sooner or later, that man, he has no heart at all. A person who even touches a heart will swing against each other, and it is not worthy to be called a human." He is good at spying on people's hearts. He believes that he has imitated the "Moon-shattering Hua" demeanor without any flaws, and will never be seen through.

"You're not her," Zong Shaoqing's mouth slightly picked up, but a smile came out, and the enviable facial lines softened softly. The purple eyes were like the sky when the storm came, purple: "She won't beg for mercy."

The moon that Zong Shaoqing had seen was amused, sometimes smirking, and sometimes not angry and mighty. Although it was just a few hurries, Zong Shaoqing always remembered that the day stood next to the river, and the Yi people fell down sharply. .

How can a person who can even be cruel to himself beg for mercy on others.

As Yue Jinghua said, she and Zong Shaoqing are a kind of person.

Born by nature, he is persistent and does not know who bends his spine.

Based on this alone, Zong Shaoqing can determine that "she" is not Yue Jinghua.

"You have chosen Qiuwu, you are looking for your own way of death. I will devour your spiritual knowledge one by one," the beast flickered by, and the body transformed into several, one for two and two for four.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of haunting beasts appeared on the empty Qiuwu Avenue.

Moonkins are neither physical nor difficult to attack.

The people at the Temple of God are best at attacking.

Everyone was just asking Zong Shaoqing if he was going to fight against the enemy, only to see Zong Shaoqing's pupils shrink.

On the avenue covered with sycamore leaves, there was a raging purple fire, and the fire came without warning, as if there was only such a fire in the world.

In the light of fire, Zong Shaoqing's white robe silver hair, purple eyes like a mandala on the other side of the river bank.

The people who were angry at the Temple of God felt that it was just warm and warm, without half discomfort.

But the beast surrounded by purple fire made a horrible cry, and in its throat, Gulong screamed horribly: "Purple, immortal ..."

Accompanied by the purple fire, there were lightning flashes like the lightning, slipping from the sky.

The words that made the beasts about to blurt out abruptly.

The fire quickly ignited the autumn leaves on the ground, but it instantly ignited the beast into a pool of ashes.

As soon as the autumn wind blew, the ashes scattered with the wind.

Originally on the boundless Qiuwu Avenue, the fallen leaves and golden cannon trees were all gone, leaving only a deserted path.

Not far away, there is a light spot flickering, that is the exit of Qiuwu Avenue, and Longting is in front.

Seeing the beasts in a moment, disappeared without a trace.

The purple prison **** fire, the people in the God's Hall was shocked. It is rumored that when the son of the **** Zong Shaoqing came to earth, the heaven descended on the purple prison **** fire.

The fire gathers the creations of heaven and earth, and can melt all things in the world.

But that's just heard. The **** son is always warm and warm like a sunny sun. He never used the purple jail fire in front of people. I didn't expect this fire to be so powerful, but it wiped out the beast.

And the smile of the goddess of talent ...

Thinking of the Son of God under the reflection of the purple fire, the wiper seemed to have nothing like a death-like smile, and all the people in the Temple of God could not help but tremble, all silent.

Shaxi was secretly shocked. She couldn't help thinking of her mother's evaluation of Zong Shaoqing. The most feared person in the temple was not the temple elder, but Zong Shaoqing.

Zong Shaoqing stepped forward, and a withered yellow bead floated in the ashes and fell into his hands.

He said in a voice that only he could hear: "The mistake is wrong, you shouldn't pretend to be her."


There was no expectation of a piercing sound of flesh and blood, followed by a dull hum.

The purple mysterious sword in Zong Shaoqing's hands was submerged into Yue Jinghua's back.

Yue Jinghua's eyes widened. Under the golden mask, her beautiful eyes were incredibly and terrified.

There was no blood spray, no painful howling, and when Zong Shaoqing's sword fell into place, the place where Jinghua had stood this month turned into a fallen leaf.

Withered yellow leaves instantly turned red.

"Son of the Gods," exclaimed from the surroundings like a tide.

Several figures immediately surrounded Zong Shaoqing, among them Song Mu and after disguising themselves, followed Zong Shaoqing's death into the sky dragon palace, and immediately woke up from the realm.

After seeing the situation next to him, Song Mu and others were astonished.

On the ground, I don't know when there have been more corpses of the Divine Tailors.

Shaxi screamed screamingly, her maid's waist was pierced with a sharp pistol, and fell into a pool of blood, which was the masterpiece of Shaxi.

"How could this be? I clearly saw someone trying to **** me ..." Shaxi was in control, and she saw Zong Shaoqing walking towards her, but she knew that she had killed a woman halfway and snatched it away. Zong Shaoqing, in anxiety, waved her short gun and stabbed at the woman.

The same thing happened to other disciples and judges.

Just before, three people were killed and four wounded, all killed by mutual killing. If it weren't for Zong Shaoqing's early detection, I'm afraid that the casualties would be even greater.

"Come out and follow us all the way," Zong Shaoqing stared indifferently at a very humble leaf pile on Qiuwu Avenue.

I saw the yellow leaves gradually gathered, suddenly forming a erratic leaf shadow.

Under the leaves, strange creatures twinkled with inexplicable creatures.

"You see through my dreamland, it's impossible. My dreamland has clearly become the person in your heart, why do you see through it?" The mysterious beast on the path of autumn is the mystery of these humanoid leaves. beast.

It's called a beast, and it lives on **** and hatred.

The Moon Beast has no substance. It is parasitic in this autumn leaf. It is ubiquitous and breathless. It can transform the nightmare in the heart and attack people who pass by.

Along the way, the people in the Temple of God's arrogance were cautious, and it didn't enter until the crowd was exhausted.

I thought it would succeed in a single blow, and this group of people who had been repaired into a deep God's Temple took the opportunity to kill, but they didn't know it but Zong Shaoqing saw it through.

The person in Zong Shaoqing's heart?

Shaxi listened for a moment.

From the age of eight, she grew up with Zong Shaoqing.

Zong Shaoqing treats others with humility, and seems to be merciful to everyone, and she is ruthless to others. She always thought that his temperament would never allow anyone in her heart.

Who is that person?

"Where are the monsters, you can never pierce our hearts, Shao Qing has no one in her heart at all," Shaxi Hengdao was in his hand, trying to kill the weird monster.

With a slash, the body of the scorpion shattered immediately, and soon gathered together again.

"Vicious woman, the fear in your heart will happen someday, sooner or later, that man, he has no heart at all. A person who even touches a heart will swing against each other, and it is not worthy to be called a human." He is good at spying on people's hearts. He believes that he has imitated the "Moon-shattering Hua" demeanor without any flaws, and will never be seen through.

"You're not her," Zong Shaoqing's mouth slightly picked up, but a smile came out, and the enviable facial lines softened softly. The purple eyes were like the sky when the storm came, purple: "She won't beg for mercy."

The moon that Zong Shaoqing had seen was amused, sometimes smirking, and sometimes not angry and mighty. Although it was just a few hurries, Zong Shaoqing always remembered that the day stood next to the river, and the Yi people fell down sharply. .

How can a person who can even be cruel to himself beg for mercy on others.

As Yue Jinghua said, she and Zong Shaoqing are a kind of person.

Born by nature, he is persistent and does not know who bends his spine.

Based on this alone, Zong Shaoqing can determine that "she" is not Yue Jinghua.

"You have chosen Qiuwu, you are looking for your own way of death. I will devour your spiritual knowledge one by one," the beast flickered by, and the body transformed into several, one for two and two for four.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of haunting beasts appeared on the empty Qiuwu Avenue.

Moonkins are neither physical nor difficult to attack.

The people at the Temple of God are best at attacking.

Everyone was just asking Zong Shaoqing if he was going to fight against the enemy, only to see Zong Shaoqing's pupils shrink.

On the avenue covered with sycamore leaves, there was a raging purple fire, and the fire came without warning, as if there was only such a fire in the world.

In the light of fire, Zong Shaoqing's white robe silver hair, purple eyes like a mandala on the other side of the river bank.

The people who were angry at the Temple of God felt that it was just warm and warm, without half discomfort.

But the beast surrounded by purple fire made a horrible cry, and in its throat, Gulong screamed horribly: "Purple, immortal ..."

Accompanied by the purple fire, there were lightning flashes like the lightning, slipping from the sky.

The words that made the beasts about to blurt out abruptly.

The fire quickly ignited the autumn leaves on the ground, but it instantly ignited the beast into a pool of ashes.

As soon as the autumn wind blew, the ashes scattered with the wind.

Originally on the boundless Qiuwu Avenue, the fallen leaves and golden cannon trees were all gone, leaving only a deserted path.

Not far away, there is a light spot flickering, that is the exit of Qiuwu Avenue, and Longting is in front.

Seeing the beasts in a moment, disappeared without a trace.

The purple prison **** fire, the people in the God's Hall was shocked. It is rumored that when the son of the **** Zong Shaoqing came to earth, the heaven descended on the purple prison **** fire.

The fire gathers the creations of heaven and earth, and can melt all things in the world.

But that's just heard. The **** son is always warm and warm like a sunny sun. He never used the purple jail fire in front of people. I didn't expect this fire to be so powerful, but it wiped out the beast.

And the smile of the goddess of talent ...

Thinking of the Son of God under the reflection of the purple fire, the wiper seemed to have nothing like a death-like smile, and all the people in the Temple of God could not help but tremble, all silent.

Shaxi was secretly shocked. She couldn't help thinking of her mother's evaluation of Zong Shaoqing. The most feared person in the temple was not the temple elder, but Zong Shaoqing.

Zong Shaoqing stepped forward, and a withered yellow bead floated in the ashes and fell into his hands.

He said in a voice that only he could hear: "The mistake is wrong, you shouldn't pretend to be her."

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