Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 398: Magic weapon, gravity ring

At almost the same time, only a few heavy landing sounds were heard, and everyone in the sky altar fell to the ground kneeling unintentionally.

Everyone just felt like they were under pressure.

The ability to enter the altar of the sky is mostly tough and extraordinary people, and it is not ordinary strength to overwhelm them at the same time.

The force of a thousand pounds is enough to make people break their bones. Fire Phoenix only feels that her arms are broken like a terrible pressure, crushing her body inch by inch.

"Flat-hair beasts that are beyond their control, let's start with you," said Mrs. Qingyan, the black square ring emitting a black light.

The black light covered the sky, forming a strong pressure, as if it could destroy the sky, their limbs were restrained, and their bodies were like sinking into a quagmire, unable to move.

"How can Zhenhai Ring have such power?" The holy beasts were startled, and the ring in the hands of Mrs. Qingyan, they recognized that Zhenhai Ring is a holy treasure. It is said that there is a rock in the North Sea called Zhenhai.

This rock was left by the creator **** that year to calm down the bleak wind on the top of the North Sea.

It is rumored that during the war between the demons and the demons, the Kaihai Rock was slashed in one fell swoop. Since then, the North Sea has experienced hurricanes and sea beasts in chaos.

The Zhenhai Ring is polished by a corner of the Zhenhai Rock. If it is placed on a fishing boat, it can protect the fishing boat from the sea from the storms at sea.

If worn on people's hands, they can ensure that people can move freely on the rough sea.

That day, the reason why Mrs. Qingyan was able to enter the Yunhe Ancient Road alone to find General Molin was the Zhenhai Ring in her hands.

But the Zhenhai Ring is just a general imprisonment. Why does the Zhenhai Ring in the hands of Mrs. Qingyan have such a great power that she has to confine all the people in the presence and mysterious power cannot work.

"This is not an ordinary Zhenhai ring, but a modified tenfold Zhenhai ring, which can produce ten times the gravity, and it is also a relic of the battlefield of gods and demons." Xu was aware of the doubts of everyone, and Madam Qingyan was not in a hurry. Said without delay.

It was heard that the Zhenhai ring was the relic of the battle between gods and demons, and everyone was shocked.

The battlefield of gods and demons is said to be the battle of ancient gods and demons, where the gods and demons fell, and the relics from there are artifacts.

Artifact, an artifact that can change lives against the sky and reverse the sky.

Mrs. Qingyan said, the two-headed tiger lion and beast underneath suddenly flew, holding the flames of fire in her mouth.

At this time, the fire and flames had been suppressed by Shijie Zhenjie and had to be restored to its original form.

It was a beautiful big bird with scarlet feathers and phoenix, but unfortunately, its eyes full of glory had been tightly closed, and blood had flowed out of its golden yellow beak.

It is the closest to Shijie Zhenjie, and her physical fitness is the weakest of the several sacred beasts. The only tenfold gravity directly shattered its lungs.

The holy beast and the artifact, although there is only a word difference, but God is God after all, even if it is only a relic of the battlefield of the devil, but the role of the tenfold Zhenhaijie can not be shaken by the mysterious beasts and the mysterious beasts.

Tu San roared in anger, but unfortunately his body was locked in by Shigei Jinkai, and he tried to bow his body, but whenever he tried to bow his body, he was restrained by ten gravity and fell back. Off the ground.

After so many round trips, Tu Qilin's hard leather armor was crushed into the flesh and blood, but the three changes of the soil are still time and time again, trying to escape from the role of Zhenhaijie, but all in vain.

"Release Feng Yan, come by me, I will," Tu San became extremely distressed, watching the body of Feng Fengyan being thrown into the Hualongchi.

Light and shadow flashed, and the flames disappeared.

"Feng Yan--" Tu Sanchang limbs fell into the ground, blood dripped, flesh and blood blurred.

In the Hualong Pond, the statue with the sacred beast's head engraved on all sides began to spit out bleeding water, and soon the originally dried-up Hualong Pond's bottom was filled.

"Don't worry, then it's your turn," Mrs. Qingyan smiled cruelly. With a wave in her hand, the two-headed tiger lion and beast rushed to Tusanchang.

The former Ten Saints mourned at the loss of their loved ones.

His eyes were red, and a scream of roar was made.

It turned out that his limbs were broken bluntly, and Qilin's huge mouth bit the neck of the two-headed tiger lion and beast.

The tiger, lion and beast entangled with it, and a drop of Qilin's blood flowed down the gap of the stone on the ground into the dragon pool.

"Uncontrollable," Mrs. Qingyan snorted and smiled, and Fangjie in her hand changed her fingers toward the soil. I saw that Fangjie turned into a murderous trident. .

"嘭-" Tu Qilin was hit and flew out, and landed heavily in Hualongchi.

Bloody water engulfed Tu Qilin's body, and a few blood bubbles emerged.

The blood of the two sacred beasts, the blood of Hualongchi gradually rose, and it soon passed half of the water level.

"It's a pity that only three of the five sacred beasts came, and the remaining one's blood should be replaced by a few of you. Three Tianxuan or all of you should be enough," Mrs. Qingyan Pointing Fang Jie one by one to the present, like a evil cat playing with a mouse under the cat's paw.

Lin Lan witnessed the death of two friends. He was neither angry nor begging for mercy. When Mrs. Qing Yan pointed Zhenhai Fang at him, he said slowly: "Qing Yan, your conspiracy will not succeed. The prediction of Shuihuzhu is bound to come true. When Hualongchi sees the sun again, the sun and the moon will shine, and a peerless powerhouse will be born, but the powerhouse will never be the resurrected General Merlin. "

"Crap, I've done something, I haven't asked about the consequences," Mrs. Qingyan said fiercely, and the Fang Jie in her hand pointed to Lu Lan again, and Xu Shi's words angered her. More angry.

Mi Lan's handsome face showed a painful expression.

"嘭-" Like a water polo exploded, the blue body exploded.

The terrible horror of the tenth town Haifang Ring was revealed at this time.

The blood of Hualongchi was a little higher.

It was only a quarter of an hour, and the holy beasts of Wusheng Mountain's strength were dead and clean.

Everyone present was discolored.

As mystics, each of them has the experience of hunting and killing mysterious beasts, and acquiring xuandan, but they have never seen such a **** scene.

"Next, who should it be," Madam Qingyan laughed loudly as she looked at the expression of fear expressed by the crowd.

"It's you. Among the several Tianxuan, you still have the highest number of strengths," Mrs. Qingyan stared at the evil jade intently. "What's more, your appearance is similar to that of Molin at that time. Use your Blood came to resurrect Morin, and I believe he will be happy. "

"Ah, a dead old lady, the ghost is just like your dead man. My Yushu is in the wind, handsome and extraordinary ..." Before the evil jade was finished, he blocked his mouth and was dragged by the two-headed tiger lion and beast. Drag in the direction of Hualongchi.

Seeing that he had been dragged to the edge of Hualongchi, the tiger, lion and beast shook his head, and threw the evil jade into the pond.

At almost the same time, only a few heavy landing sounds were heard, and everyone in the sky altar fell to the ground kneeling unintentionally.

Everyone just felt like they were under pressure.

The ability to enter the altar of the sky is mostly tough and extraordinary people, and it is not ordinary strength to overwhelm them at the same time.

The force of a thousand pounds is enough to make people break their bones. Fire Phoenix only feels that her arms are broken like a terrible pressure, crushing her body inch by inch.

"Flat-hair beasts that are beyond their control, let's start with you," said Mrs. Qingyan, the black square ring emitting a black light.

The black light covered the sky, forming a strong pressure, as if it could destroy the sky, their limbs were restrained, and their bodies were like sinking into a quagmire, unable to move.

"How can Zhenhai Ring have such power?" The holy beasts were startled, and the ring in the hands of Mrs. Qingyan, they recognized that Zhenhai Ring is a holy treasure. It is said that there is a rock in the North Sea called Zhenhai.

This rock was left by the creator **** that year to calm down the bleak wind on the top of the North Sea.

It is rumored that during the war between the demons and the demons, the Kaihai Rock was slashed in one fell swoop. Since then, the North Sea has experienced hurricanes and sea beasts in chaos.

The Zhenhai Ring is polished by a corner of the Zhenhai Rock. If it is placed on a fishing boat, it can protect the fishing boat from the sea from the storms at sea.

If worn on people's hands, they can ensure that people can move freely on the rough sea.

That day, the reason why Mrs. Qingyan was able to enter the Yunhe Ancient Road alone to find General Molin was the Zhenhai Ring in her hands.

But the Zhenhai Ring is just a general imprisonment. Why does the Zhenhai Ring in the hands of Mrs. Qingyan have such a great power that she has to confine all the people in the presence and mysterious power cannot work.

"This is not an ordinary Zhenhai ring, but a modified tenfold Zhenhai ring, which can produce ten times the gravity, and it is also a relic of the battlefield of gods and demons." Xu was aware of the doubts of everyone, and Madam Qingyan was not in a hurry. Said without delay.

It was heard that the Zhenhai ring was the relic of the battle between gods and demons, and everyone was shocked.

The battlefield of gods and demons is said to be the battle of ancient gods and demons, where the gods and demons fell, and the relics from there are artifacts.

Artifact, an artifact that can change lives against the sky and reverse the sky.

Mrs. Qingyan said, the two-headed tiger lion and beast underneath suddenly flew, holding the flames of fire in her mouth.

At this time, the fire and flames had been suppressed by Shijie Zhenjie and had to be restored to its original form.

It was a beautiful big bird with scarlet feathers and phoenix, but unfortunately, its eyes full of glory had been tightly closed, and blood had flowed out of its golden yellow beak.

It is the closest to Shijie Zhenjie, and her physical fitness is the weakest of the several sacred beasts. The only tenfold gravity directly shattered its lungs.

The holy beast and the artifact, although there is only a word difference, but God is God after all, even if it is only a relic of the battlefield of the devil, but the role of the tenfold Zhenhaijie can not be shaken by the mysterious beasts and the mysterious beasts.

Tu San roared in anger, but unfortunately his body was locked in by Shigei Jinkai, and he tried to bow his body, but whenever he tried to bow his body, he was restrained by ten gravity and fell back. Off the ground.

After so many round trips, Tu Qilin's hard leather armor was crushed into the flesh and blood, but the three changes of the soil are still time and time again, trying to escape from the role of Zhenhaijie, but all in vain.

"Release Feng Yan, come by me, I will," Tu San became extremely distressed, watching the body of Feng Fengyan being thrown into the Hualongchi.

Light and shadow flashed, and the flames disappeared.

"Feng Yan--" Tu Sanchang limbs fell into the ground, blood dripped, flesh and blood blurred.

In the Hualong Pond, the statue with the sacred beast's head engraved on all sides began to spit out bleeding water, and soon the originally dried-up Hualong Pond's bottom was filled.

"Don't worry, then it's your turn," Mrs. Qingyan smiled cruelly. With a wave in her hand, the two-headed tiger lion and beast rushed to Tusanchang.

The former Ten Saints mourned at the loss of their loved ones.

His eyes were red, and a scream of roar was made.

It turned out that his limbs were broken bluntly, and Qilin's huge mouth bit the neck of the two-headed tiger lion and beast.

The tiger, lion and beast entangled with it, and a drop of Qilin's blood flowed down the gap of the stone on the ground into the dragon pool.

"Uncontrollable," Mrs. Qingyan snorted and smiled, and Fangjie in her hand changed her fingers toward the soil. I saw that Fangjie turned into a murderous trident. .

"嘭-" Tu Qilin was hit and flew out, and landed heavily in Hualongchi.

Bloody water engulfed Tu Qilin's body, and a few blood bubbles emerged.

The blood of the two sacred beasts, the blood of Hualongchi gradually rose, and it soon passed half of the water level.

"It's a pity that only three of the five sacred beasts came, and the remaining one's blood should be replaced by a few of you. Three Tianxuan or all of you should be enough," Mrs. Qingyan Pointing Fang Jie one by one to the present, like a evil cat playing with a mouse under the cat's paw.

Lin Lan witnessed the death of two friends. He was neither angry nor begging for mercy. When Mrs. Qing Yan pointed Zhenhai Fang at him, he said slowly: "Qing Yan, your conspiracy will not succeed. The prediction of Shuihuzhu is bound to come true. When Hualongchi sees the sun again, the sun and the moon will shine, and a peerless powerhouse will be born, but the powerhouse will never be the resurrected General Merlin. "

"Crap, I've done something, I haven't asked about the consequences," Mrs. Qingyan said fiercely, and the Fang Jie in her hand pointed to Lu Lan again, and Xu Shi's words angered her. More angry.

Mi Lan's handsome face showed a painful expression.

"嘭-" Like a water polo exploded, the blue body exploded.

The terrible horror of the tenth town Haifang Ring was revealed at this time.

The blood of Hualongchi was a little higher.

It was only a quarter of an hour, and the holy beasts of Wusheng Mountain's strength were dead and clean.

Everyone present was discolored.

As mystics, each of them has the experience of hunting and killing mysterious beasts, and acquiring xuandan, but they have never seen such a **** scene.

"Next, who should it be," Madam Qingyan laughed loudly as she looked at the expression of fear expressed by the crowd.

"It's you. Among the several Tianxuan, you still have the highest number of strengths," Mrs. Qingyan stared at the evil jade intently. "What's more, your appearance is similar to that of Molin at that time. Use your Blood came to resurrect Morin, and I believe he will be happy. "

"Ah, a dead old lady, the ghost is just like your dead man. My Yushu is in the wind, handsome and extraordinary ..." Before the evil jade was finished, he blocked his mouth and was dragged by the two-headed tiger lion and beast. Drag in the direction of Hualongchi.

Seeing that he had been dragged to the edge of Hualongchi, the tiger, lion and beast shook his head, and threw the evil jade into the pond.

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