Genius Demon Empress

Chapter 805: marriage

"Oh, you mean, did you see the son who teaches the moon?" After the moonbreaking day killed the Dark Lord II, he found the holy dragon jockey Yue Xi, and listened to the latter's description of his encounter with Yue Min. The situation, "What do you think of this person?"

"It is a rare talent for a hundred years. Even in the moon plane, he is also a rare talent. Unfortunately, he was born in the Canglong continent ..." Yue Xi's words were full of beautiful words.

When she looked at the corpse of the Dark Demon Army, she discovered that the Demon Army had already been poisoned.

Although using poison is not a bright means, it can be a method when the enemy is strong and weak.

The elder grandson of the Chenwu tribe, weak in nature, is a timid and weak cowardly rat. It can never think of such a method, so it seems that this time the battle was attributed to Yue Minzhi. .

"It can make you praise like that, it seems that Min Zhi was really good that month. What do you mean, but persuading the patriarch to let him recognize his ancestors?" Yue Potian noticed that when mentioning Yue Min, Yue Xi's face rarely scratched the shameful color.

"The patriarch had his own judgment, and Yue Xi didn't dare to suggest it, but now the demons are rampant, and the human tribe is also eager to move, disobeying the discipline of the holy beast family. I think that in such a situation, if it can be absorbed, it will flow to The blood of the holy beast in the human race is also very beneficial to the future prosperity of the dragon race. "Yue Xi knows that the moon breaking the sky is very important to teach the moon and the moon. Since Yue Minzhi is a personal talent, the patriarch will never let it go. outer.

"In counting, the son of Yue Nian should be over 20 years old. After his" Dragon Blood Boiling ", I will look at his pedigree. If it is not lower than the blood of the Silver Dragon, bring him back to the moon. You will accompany me to Sixiang City, and the chief of the clan will meet him personally. "Yue Potian also thought of a trip to Sixiang City, and met his grandson ram, and incidentally learned Wutian and Wudan Things of the Witch Sect.

When Yue Potian and Yue Xi rushed to Sixiang City, Changsun Gongyang came forward to receive them, but Yue Minzhi and the Dragon War Empire waited for them, but they had already left.

"The arrival of the patriarch in person really made the Four Elephant City flourish. Yue Minzhi and others have already rushed back to the Dragon War Empire. It is said that they got the new emperor of the Dragon War Empire to ascend the throne and rushed back to participate in the ceremony. The knot in his face looked no different than in the past, and he was still an inflamed minion.

After a few interrogations, Yue Potian didn't get any clues available, so he decided to go to the Dragon War Empire.

Moonbreaking Sky didn't find it. Now the eldest grandson ram standing in front of him is just a body. Its real soul has been refined by Yuejinghua using the chaotic green lotus fire and the technique of divine refining. Now, it has become a surprise of Yue Jinghua.

The Brothers and Sisters of the Moon did indeed receive the news from the Dragon War Empire. Dragon Twenty-two is located in Dragon Snow Princess, and after five days, Dragon Snow officially came to the throne as Dragon Twenty-three.

The death of Zhan Tian, ​​the blow to Moon Dragon Snow Princess was huge, and also made her face her identity for the first time.

Since then, the Dragon War Empire has entered the period under the rule of Dragon Snow Princess. Dragon Thirty-third is also the first female emperor in the history of Dragon War Empire. Under her rule, the Dragon War Empire entered a century of unprecedented unification. .

In contrast to Dragon 73, who was never married, Prince Rain of the Commonwealth of Songsong also never married.

Later generations have said that the Empress and the Prince are difficult to combine because of the power of the two countries, but what is the fact, only those who have accompanied the Empress in the brutal battle will know.

After the brothers and sisters of the Yue family returned to the imperial capital, they were waiting for the grand emperor's ascension ceremony, as well as the gratitude and reward of the 73rd King of Dragon.

The Blood Sakura Duke's Mansion has also become the most favored family of the empire because of this trip to Sixiang City.

The queen's rewards continued to enter the Duke's Mansion. At the same time, the 73rd division of Longteng also gave Yue Minzhi and Long Rui the marriage.

In the Duke's Mansion, Lie Rou received the news that the brothers and sisters of the Yue Family would return to the house a few days ago. She ordered people to dress up the Duke Mansion and looked forward to it in the mansion every day.

When she heard the news that the brother and sister were already outside the house, she got up and greeted her.

Outside the gate of the house, the moon-shattering Titan slowly descended, and the residents of the imperial capital who were on the sidelines were amazed.

The first person to get off the empty boat was Yue Jinghua. She met with a beautiful lady who had not been seen for more than half a year and smiled.

Lie Rou couldn't help but wipe her eyes. She was about to take a closer look at her daughter, but was caught by Yue Jinghua: "Mother, see who came with me."

Yue Jinghua and Yue Minzhi, in order to give a surprise to Lie Rou, did not tell Lie Lie the Long Palace beforehand. I saw on the empty ship, Yue Min Zhi's tall figure flashed aside, Lie Long Palace appeared in Lie In front of Rou.

When she saw Lie Nang Palace, Lie Rou had a momentary nagging, but then she couldn't stop shaking, and in her throat, a feeling of sourness came out like a throat. There are hundreds of ants crawling like that.

"Dad, dad," Lie Rou couldn't help running, hugged Lie Chang Gong and cried.

The servants of the Duke's Mansion and the crowds of the Mercenary Squad in July couldn't help but wink.

In this scene, the father and the daughter met, but it was so comforting to Yue Yuehua. She persuaded her mother and grandfather to go to the government first, and the family had a happy dinner with Hemei.

Liechang Palace and Lierou said a whole night. By the next day, both father and daughter were red and swollen.

After the reunion, the prince of the 73rd King of Dragon and the imperial decree of the wedding were sent to the Ducal Palace.

Lie Rou was most worried about Yue Minzhi's marriage, and she finally had a happy ending.

Within two days of the Duke's Mansion, Double Happiness was approaching the door, and Lierou seemed to return to the girlhood all at once, with a smile on her face, all the bitterness and hardships of the previous years were all left behind.

Yue Jinghua was also relieved, but she did not forget that Yue Minzhi was about to turn eighteen years old. His early marriage meant that he could get rid of the dragon's "blood boiling" ceremony one day earlier.

Encountering Moonbreak on the battlefield of the plane, Yueyuehua realized the power of the holy beast family. She was worried that her brother would not stay in the Canglong continent if her bloodlines were awakened. With the selection of good birthdays and good days, he finally chose to host his wedding with Long Rui five days after the tenth day, that is, five days before the eighteenth birthday of Yue Min.

For ten days, whether it is long or short is not short, but it is still a little hasty to prepare for a grand wedding, so the entire Duke's House has been immersed in busy preparations in the past few days. Knowing that a delusional blood disaster is quietly approaching.

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