Genius Doctor: Black Belly Miss

Chapter 1742: Coincidence or trap 1

After the child left, the shadows sat in the room and repeatedly thought about the authenticity of the news. Bayi Chinese Network? W (eight) WW. 81ZW. COM

No matter where you look, it is like a trap under the innocent.

The ancient shadow held his chin with one hand and sat at the table, half-squinting.

I still remember that in the Fenghua College, the trick of playing the game without evil is how perfect it is. Today, this plan sounds like a lot of loopholes.


However, if it is a trap, why should Zizi tell him about it if he does not hesitate to blew himself? Will the identity of the innocent be exposed to his eyes? If you use this as a bait, it is too risky.

The ancient shadows pondered for a long time before they stood up. He walked out of the room and walked toward the residence of Gu Xinyi.

Whether this plan can be successful, all look at Gu Xinyi, he would like to see, there is no way to make this flawed plan perfect, if it is a trap... the innocent bait thrown by the wool, He won't let her hide easily.

The account of Fenghua College, he will slowly count with her!

The places where Gu Xin lived were the places where the girls in the temples lived. The ancient shadows were beautiful and beautiful, and there appeared to be a lot of girls’ stops.

Although they do not belong to the same temple, this does not prevent the girls from fascinating. As soon as they first entered the Jinghong Hall, many people noticed the young master of the Bloody Temple and became a disciple of the temples. Good things, but if you can get on the **** temple, then it is a good thing to fly on the branches and become a phoenix. No one wants to give up such an opportunity.

The ancient shadow walked through the crowd with a look of love, and came to the door of Gu Xin’s house. He raised his hand and knocked on the door.

There was silence in the room, and the ancient movie waited for a long time, and no one opened the door, and then knocked on the door.

Responding to him, still a silence.

"You... are you looking for Gu Xin?" A girl who lived next to Gu Xinyi looked at the shadows with her eyes open.

The ancient shadow nodded slightly.

The girl raised her hand and pointed to the outside.

"I recently saw Gu Xin and went out with Zhuge Yin of Zhulong Temple."

"..." The shadow of the ancient shadow is slightly enlarged.

Did Gu Xinyi and Zhuge Yin go out?

How can this be?

If you change to the usual shadow, you may not feel that this is wrong, but this time is too coincidental. Before the child, he told him about the innocent plan, waiting for him to come to find Gu Xin... ...

Gu Xinyu actually went out with Zhuge Yin!

The place that was judged by the ancients as the biggest flaw was actually born so vividly!

For a time, the shadow of the ancient shadow was slightly shocked.

Zhuge Yin really called out Gu Xin? How did he do it? Is it true that there is such a medicine in the hands of the ignorant, not only can people lose their sense of reason, but they can even let the other party obey orders?

The unbelief in the heart was melted a little bit at this moment, and the brow of the shadow was slightly wrinkled, and turned directly to the outside.

In the garden, the ancient shadow tried to find the figure of Gu Xinyi and Zhuge Yin. After all, Zhuge Yin did not come to see Gu Xinyi for the first time, but every time before, he was cleverly blocked back.

Is it a coincidence or a design?

The shadows of the ancient shadows picked up slightly.

Looking for a long time in the garden, the ancient shadow did not find the figure of Gu Xinyi, an ominous premonition, quietly appearing in his heart.

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