"There is no relationship between us! It's natural that you work hard and I pay on time. " Hu Xiaolin smiles. He was not afraid that they would reveal the secrets of the distillery, because even if Daqingshan was turned over, he could not find the valley spring.

"Xiao Lin, don't be modest." Smiling Gao Jianye took over Hu Xiaolin's words and said, "if it wasn't for you, they wouldn't be able to work here. If you hadn't found a market so quickly, they wouldn't have worked so safely. "

"Granddad Gao, it's obvious to say that." Hu Xiaolin grinned and promised loudly: "I can't guarantee that you can all live a life of cars and houses. But I can assure you that I will not treat you badly

All the workers had a happy smile on their faces. At this moment, they seem to see the future.

Hu Xiaolin attached great importance to the first batch of technicians in red sorghum distillery. Because if we want to make the traditional brewing technology develop, we can't do without them.

Next, after chatting a few words, Gao Jianye asked the workers to quickly burn and bottle the sorghum and put it into the wine box ordered by Zhao Ziyan from the carton factory.

Gao Jianye said with a smile: "Xiaolin, when will we sell this batch of wine?" Then he rubbed his hands. To tell you the truth, Gao Jianye has no bottom in his heart now. After all, kaoliang Shao is from a small workshop. All the people recognize the brand now.

Now, he just wants to see the market reaction and let his heart have more confidence.

"Call me when you're finished and I'll let the car pull it." What Hu Xiaolin wants is a one shot and red effect, to make the reputation of red sorghum distillery thoroughly. As for this batch of wine, he is not in a hurry to sell, but is ready to put it in the magic Valley for a period of time before taking it out.

Even half a month in the magic valley. Although Hu Xiaolin can't guarantee that it will make the taste of sorghum more mellow. However, if you don't try some things, you won't know the result.

After another chat, Hu Xiaolin drove the Ford Raptor away from the red sorghum distillery. On the way back to mushroom village, Hu Xiaolin has been thinking about how to dig a wine cellar in the magic valley. But when he got back to Niujiao mountain, he didn't think of a good way.

After all, this is an underground operation, which is relatively difficult.

"I wish I knew experts in civil engineering." After getting off the bus, Hu Xiaolin sighed and ran into the villa in a hurry.

After locking the bedroom door, he took his cell phone and went into the magic valley. Found a suitable place to dig a few shovels, and took a few photos, then back out. Next, Hu Xiaolin sent these photos to the civil engineering bar, which also indicated the key point of the inquiry: wine collection.

Hu did not say how much.

Huaxia country has its own unique people! There are more capable people in this kind of technology post bar. Ask them, than those sitting in the office drinking tea water, on paper, with a human like, in fact, even pig's head is not as strong as the mallet.

What's more, getting answers from these places is often the answer to save time, effort and money. We don't need to buy all kinds of machines, and we don't need too much equipment.

Sure enough, a reply message will appear a moment later. After Hu opened it, he found that it was a message from a guy named "pangolin": first of all, I'm worried about the intelligence of the building owner. It's not a good habit to get into the corner. Secondly, if you are in a hurry to use it, you can dig a few simple cellars first. And then we're going to build a large wine cellar. By the way, the so-called cellar and vegetable cellar are the same. As for the specific method of digging, just go to find a few migrant workers.

"Why didn't I think of this way?" Hu Xiaolin patted the forehead, replied a few words of thanks to pangolin in a hurry, and then quickly entered the magic valley.

The cellar is also called vegetable cellar. In some places, it is called pit. It is built by using the thermal inertia of soil. Generally, it digs a round or square pit or hole in the ground according to the depth of the groundwater layer. There is no trick in the process of digging, as long as don't collapse and don't leak.

As for the so-called moisture-proof and ventilation, this does not need to be considered at all. Hu Xiaolin does not store vegetables, but wine.

After entering the magic Valley, Hu Xiaolin called the great sage and six ears. He drew a circle with a branch and took the lead in digging up the wire.

Dasheng and liuer are experts in this field, and they don't need Hu Xiaolin's command, so they shake off their arms and dig up. Although they don't have shoes, their feet are harder than stones. There is no pain in stepping on the shovel. Not only that, but also the action is fast, just like the human excavator.

Damn it! I underestimated them before.

Hu Xiaolin thinks that he should treat the two monkeys better in the future. What they get now is out of proportion to what they give.

A man with two monkeys dug a big hole five meters in diameter and two meters in depth in just one and a half hours. For convenience, Hu Xiaolin also dug out steps.

Da Sheng and Liu Er were stunned for a long time. They turned around and ran to the cabin. They took some seeds and put on the posture of planting!

"Not this time." Hu Xiaolin stopped them in a hurry and said, "you go to eat first. You'll be working later." Finish saying, and hurried back out.After drinking a cup of Valley spring water, Hu Xiaolin drove Ford Raptor to Qiaogou town to buy shelves, red bricks, beams, thick plastic plates and plastic cloth. They were also sent to the courtyard rented in Qiaogou town.

When he sent them away, Hu Xiaolin sent everything into the magic valley.

Next, the wall. This job is not technically difficult for Hu Xiaolin. As a child, he built chicken and dog coops. Although the cellar is several times larger than the dog house and chicken house. But it's always the same.

Dasheng and liuer were responsible for moving bricks and delivering mud respectively, while Hu Xiaolin was responsible for building. Heifeng is responsible for arching the beams near the pit. At this time, the primate's advantage is shown.

Although Heifeng has strength, he can't find the trick. So that when it comes to the back, it needs the great sage to help it.

More than three hours later, the cellar was finally built. In order to keep the temperature and humidity in the cellar, Hu Xiaolin also covered the roof with a thick layer of wet soil.

"Don't move on this in the future." Hu Xiaolin instructs Da Sheng and Liu Er to go in with a flashlight, and starts to clean up the garbage and tidy the shelves.

Just after the cellar was finished, before Hu Xiaolin came to drink, Huang Jinyu called, "Xiaolin, are you free tonight? I want to discuss with you about special boar breeding

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