Hao Lei felt light, and she was completely out of control. When he opened his eyes, he found that Hu Xiaolin was dragging her in the princess's embrace.

Although Junlang's face was a little green, it was full of concern. This makes Hao Lei warm in her heart, and she has a little sense of dependence in an instant.

"Sister Lei, are you ok?" Hu Xiaolin said that he would put her down. Although Hao Leisheng was very beautiful, Hu Xiaolin enjoyed holding her like this. But also can close observation of deep big gentle, can gentleman don't take advantage of danger, this kind of cheap don't touch.

"Don't let it go." Hao Lei's face was red with shame. She could see all the changes in Hu Xiaolin's eyes. Naturally, she knew where he had just looked. "Xiaolin, my left foot hurts. It seems that I sprained."

"Then I'll take you inside." Hu Xiaolin hurried to the bedroom. Hao Lei's long hair swayed along with her, and her arm wrapped around his neck unconsciously.

Although Hu Xiaolin's eyes were wandering around, he didn't dare to think at this time. Sprain is not a trivial matter. If it is serious, it may lead to ligament strain, joint capsule and other soft tissue injury, avulsion fracture and other problems, which should not be ignored.

Hao Lei just touched the bed, her brows suddenly twisted together, complaining: "easy, you don't know I'm in pain!"

"I didn't mean to." Hu Xiaolin scratched his head and asked about the injury, "sister Lei, do you feel better now?"

"You check it for me." Hao Lei then stretched out her left leg. In fact, she also wanted to check herself, but her upper clothes were loose and not suitable for bending down. What's more, Hu Xiaolin is good-looking and careful. He can save a lot of embarrassment.

Hu Xiaolin didn't think much about it. He took off Hao Lei's sports shoes, took off her boat socks, and saw her high bulging ankles.

"Take it easy!" Hao Lei took a cool breath and gently kicked him with her other foot. She snorted: "fortunately you are not my boyfriend, otherwise I will have to give you up because of your rough hands and feet!"

"You women are weird! When you want to be cared about, you want people all over the world to hold you in their hands. When you want to be crazy, you will think about fitting rooms and groves. They are fatter than men. " Hu Xiaolin deliberately amuses her in order to distract her.

"I didn't expect that you are young, but you know a lot!" Hao Lei sneered and tried to poke him with her finger.

But at this time, Hu Xiaolin's finger fell on her white ankle and gently helped her move twice.

Hao Lei felt pain, and the palm of her hand that she wanted to hit him also fell on his shoulder. She said in a loud voice, "Hu Xiaolin, did you mean it?"

"Heaven and earth conscience, I was just checking to see if I hurt a bone." Hu Xiaolin serious face, her face just no special pain performance, "sister Lei, you just sprain to the foot, should not hurt the ligament, I go to get some cold water for you to apply."

As is known to all, cold compress should be taken first to relieve pain, promote vasoconstriction and reduce bleeding; hot compress should be taken after 48 hours to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, smooth blood circulation of swelling parts, promote absorption of exudative blood and gradually subside inflammation.

In addition, it should be noted that you can't massage within 48 hours, which will cause capillary rupture and cause more serious injury; you must wait until after hot compress to gently massage, step by step.

Hao Lei thought of the idea that it would be cooler for Hu Lin to use water from the well outside than when he came out of the valley.

He prepared the towel for cold compress, and then he took half a basin of Valley spring water and went back to the bedroom. Wet the towel thoroughly, twist it dry, fold it in half, and then prepare to cover Hao Lei's ankle.

But at this time, Hu Xiaolin found that her jade feet were white and delicate, crystal clear, as if they were made by nature, and could not pick out the slightest flaw.

"Good looking?" Hao Lei groaned with her silver teeth.

Hu Xiaolin laughed a few times, quickly covered the towel, put the basin away, and ran out, "sister Lei, I'll wash the grapes for you."

He ran before and after, during which he changed the towel for Hao Lei again. Just after finishing these things and preparing to go to the kitchen to prepare lunch, Cui Shufen, the mother who went to pick vegetables in the field, came back. After knowing that Hao Lei was injured, she blamed herself and asked Hu Xiaolin to accompany her.

Hu Xiaolin was very happy at the beginning. Hao Lei, a beautiful woman, is not everywhere. However, when talking, Hao Lei always said she was uncomfortable and deliberately attracted his attention.

Hu Xiaolin knew that she was playing a trick on purpose. In order not to leave a bad impression on her, he let her take a rest and went to the kitchen to help her mother prepare lunch.

"This guy's fun." Hao Lei deliberately showed herself. When he left, a proud smile came out on her face.

Before noon, Hu Shuxiang drove his donkey back to the village, and all the bacon and stewed meat he brought were sold out. The speed of selling goods made the envious eyes of several colleagues in the town glow.

Hu Shuxiang, who was in a good mood, just came into the door and started shouting, "Xiao fen'er, if the future business is like today, sooner or later we will be able to set up a store in the old town! Hurry to pour us a cup of water to quench our thirst. Today's trip is worth it. At least we saved money for lunch! By the way, whose is the big car at the door? ""What are you shouting about?" Cui Shufen ran out of the kitchen, grabbed his arm and said in a low voice: "the boss of the county came to talk about the bacon business with Xiao Lin! Don't talk nonsense later. If you delay our son's earning money to marry his daughter-in-law, be careful we're not finished with you! "

"Hey, hey, we're not stupid!" Hu Shuxiang quickly shut down and asked about the bacon. "How's the business going? How much for a kilo? "

"I don't know." Cui Shufen shakes her head and tells him about Hao Lei's injury.

On hearing this, Hu Shuxiang glared at Hu Xiaolin and said angrily, "why don't you call your grandfather Dalu? Is not afraid of Xiaoya know with you! You counsellor, you're not doing anything wrong. You're hiding everything you're worth doing! "

"Don't worry about it, my uncle." As soon as his voice fell, Hao Lei came out of the hall with a smile on her face and gently twisted her wrists to show them, "I really didn't find that Xiao Lin can even treat sprains! If he goes to the county store to cure the injury, he can't make a living at home. "

"Don't praise him! We know exactly what Xiao Lin looks like! " Hu Shuxiang thinks that his son is crooked, and the blind cat meets the dead mouse.

Hu Xiaolin was stunned. Can Valley spring still cure sprain?

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