"Psycho!" Wake up Hu Xiaolin is also full of resentment, this woman day by day endless, not to mention more diaphragm should be people.

"You dare to scold me!" He Feifei, who has not gone far, runs back.

Hu Xiaolin saw that she was still angry and angry. "Who did you scold when you got up early in the morning? Don't let me ignore you, just put your nose on your face

"You look down, you are not a rascal, who is a rascal!" He Feifei, with a pretty red face, also pointed to his heart like a deer. I didn't expect that Hu Xiaolin's shoulders were like mountains and rivers, his chest was like grassland, his back was like a tiger, his waist was like a bee, and his abdominal muscles were obvious. He was almost catching up with Mr. bodybuilding.

Hu Xiaolin looked down and ran into the hut. However, he did not feel embarrassed as usual, but a little complacent. This is a strong, vigorous performance, but also a man's confidence in the basic conditions.

Casually put the sleeve on the body, and did a few deep breaths, then walked out slowly, "what do you want to do with me?"

He Feifei was stunned and looked at him. I always feel that today's Hu Xiaolin is a bit more confident than usual, less green and astringent, and looks energetic.

What good thing happened to him?

"I can't come to you if I have nothing to do!" He Feifei snorted and asked, "why didn't you come to me last night?"

"When did you say I wanted to see you?" Hu Xiaolin was confused and didn't see her yesterday.

"I left a message for your penguin." He Feifei is not happy.

"I've been busy lately. I don't have time to go." Hu Xiaolin said and opened the door of the courtyard. "If you have something to say, I'll go back to dinner."

"I just want you to come over and have a meal." He Feifei said seriously.

"In a few days." Hu Xiaolin has long been determined to stay away from her.

"No way!" He Feifei ordered, "you must go there tonight!" Then, without waiting for him to speak, he turned and left.

When Hu Xiaolin scratched his head, he always felt that it didn't look as simple as it seemed. He Feifei has been thinking about the secret recipe of pig raising. If he goes there, he will inevitably be questioned.

"Hang her for a few days first." Hu Xiaolin, who made up his mind, whistled and went home. From the front of Li su'e's shop, she hasn't opened the door yet. He couldn't help laughing when he thought of the scene he played yesterday.

Because today Dahong will send the apple saplings, and the matter of hiring workers has become urgent. But what Hu Xiaolin didn't expect was that his parents had disagreements over hiring. Hu Shuxiang selected several relatives from the village. Although they worked well, they all had more or less problems.

Cui Shufen seems very rational this time. She chooses hardworking farmers who can rank high in the village. No matter plowing or digging, he is a good hand.

Hu Xiaolin felt that the people selected by his mother were reliable and decided to adopt his mother's plan. But he can't lose his father's face. He is a farmer who hasn't read many books. He also pays attention to face and reputation. This kind of thing needs to be made clear. Just because you've got the right to decide, you can't go against your father.

Hu Xiaolin organized the language for a while, and then explained: "Dad, we are just starting. We can't be cronyist. Don't you see the news on TV? Many large enterprises are heavily in debt and in turmoil. They are all harmed by their relatives. They take chicken feathers as the arrow, and act recklessly with a little kinship. If we set this precedent, we will hire people in the future, and all the relatives come to you, will you hire them or not? "

"What do we say when we meet our relatives?" Hu Shuxiang screwed his eyebrows and tugged at his pipe.

"You say we don't look at the relationship, we only look at the ability. If you want to recruit people, it depends on your ability. " Hu Xiaolin said patiently: "Dad, my move is to appoint people on the basis of merit, only those who have talent and virtue."

Cui Shufen thinks that her son is still looking at the long term. "It's also a rule to set up and save trouble for herself in the future."

Hu Shuxiang thought about it before he agreed with them, but he was still a little upset. "I didn't expect that we've lived half our life and let you teach us a lesson!"

Hu Xiaolin laughs, knowing that his father has agreed with his point of view.

After breakfast, the family split up. Hu Xiaolin went to Niujiao; Cui Shufen went to inform the workers who had inquired about the situation last night; Hu Shuxiang stayed at home, waiting for pork Qiang to deliver the bacon.

Four workers, three men and one woman, Hu Xiaolin knew each other. After a few polite remarks, he said, "everyone has 100 days a day, and a month has two days off. When you are busy with farming, you should make your own arrangements and strive for no delay. These days may be more tired, to plant 400 fruit trees, usually feeding pigs, watering, weeding, catching insects

"It's a high salary. It's more than the hard-working bricklayer outside." Four people pour to suck cool air, have never dreamt to be able to earn so much. As for Hu Xiaolin's task, they were not worried. Cui Shufen told me yesterday that she was competent.

"Everyone work hard. When the benefit of niujiaoshan is good, we will raise your salary." Hu Xiaolin said with a smile.

There was another burst of laughter. A middle-aged man with a beard named sun cunshan said in a loud voice: "Xiao Lin, you can rest assured. We don't have much skill, but we don't earn money. " With that, he clamored back to get his shovel and drive a tractor to plow."If we have livestock at home, we have enough fodder here; if we have tractors, we pay for fuel; if it breaks down, we pay for maintenance." Hu Xiaolin quickly added, but also aware of many shortcomings.

With the participation of sun cunshan and others, niujiaoshan is also more lively. The division of labor is clear.

At about 8 a.m., Dahong arrived at Niujiao mountain with a fruit tree cart. When I saw the situation here, I felt proud again. This business must have made a profit. On the scale of niujiaoshan, it would have made more than 100000 at least.

He repressed the joy in his heart and yelled: "Xiao Lin, where can I unload things?"

"Just in the shade." Hu Xiaolin ran over, and sun cunshan followed the workers. "Master, if you have any work, we can do it for you."

"We can't be idle. Niujiaoshan has just started. We have to be diligent." Hu Xiaolin knows the role of a leader. As a boss, he should set an example.

"Xiao Lin, you are really different from those young men in the town." Dahong exclaimed.

"That's because I have my own pursuits and goals." Hu Xiaolin said it seriously, but he didn't think so in his heart. If you don't make full use of the mountain, you will feel sorry for yourself. Let's go further and boast about our achievements as soon as possible.

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