This is the end of Chen Feifei's life and we must give him enough support.

"Yes. If you want to bring something, come and get it. If you don't have it, buy it. Don't take a bus when you go back tomorrow. You can drive whatever you want in the company. " Hu Xiaolin said with a smile.

Chen Feifei waited for Hu Xiaolin to say this. He was not polite and said with a smile: "brother Xiaolin, please say hello to sister Xiaoya. I want to drive that Mercedes."

Hu Xiaolin answered, and Chen Feifei speeded up.

When they came to xiaotianhe, it was full of villagers. Jessica bowed and apologized: "don't be angry. I know that Enrique broke the rules of mushroom village. He is still a child, please give him a chance to reform. As the saying goes, "I don't know if you own China."

After a pause, before everyone could speak, Jessica said, "I'll give you ten times the compensation for the fish killed by Enrique. I hope you can give me a chance to repay. Thank you With that, another bow.

"The girl is sincere. Let's forget about it."

"Yes! She's an engineer invited by Xiaolin. People don't understand the rules of our village. "

"Don't lose money, as long as you don't make this mistake in the future."

"I'll find a boat to catch these dead fish. Let's scatter them."

"Foreign baby, don't fry fish in the future. If you annoy the river god, he will be angry. "

Full of laughter to remind the voice down, around the men also issued a burst of laughter. Rural people are simple and honest. As long as they are sincere, no one will hold on.

Of course, there are very few. Like sun Shibo, he belongs to the group of people who don't know what to do. It is often this kind of person who can damage the reputation of a region.

A piece of stinky meat makes the pot stink.

That's the truth.

Hu Xiaolin squeezed out of the crowd, arched his hands and said, "uncles, this is my business. Later, I asked Feixiang to take some fry from the fish pond at home and put them into xiaotianhe as compensation. "

"No, it's nothing. Now that Xiao Lin is here, let's leave. Don't get together here. " Xu maobin, a villager, yelled and left happily.

Two villagers who had just fished the dead fish said hello to Hu Xiaolin and left.

Seeing off the villagers, Hu Xiaolin focuses on Jessica, the young man with short golden hair and freckles.

Although the young man's face is sick, his eyes are full of spirit and cleverness.

This is Jessica's brother, Alex, who has stomach cancer.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Lin, for troubling you." Jessica was relieved, and the villagers finally left. If she had just come a little later, Enrique would have been miserable.

Miao Yalong and others had a dispute with Hu Xiaolin about fish frying, and the scene of being cleaned up by the villagers in mushroom village is still fresh in my mind.

"Everyone is very easy to speak, as long as you apologize sincerely, no one will be difficult for you." Hu Xiaolin explained, then said with a smile: "this is your brother?"

"Yes." Jessica nodded, pulled enriques to Hu Xiaolin and said a few words to him in her mother tongue.

"Mud howl, I know mud very well." Enrique smiles shyly.

"Me too." Hu Xiaolin patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "young man, I will try to cure you."

Enrique didn't understand and looked at Jessica with a puzzled face.

Jessica gave him a little smile, then turned around and said, "Xiao Lin, can you accompany me to find grandfather Xu tomorrow? A few days ago, he was too busy for me to trouble him. "

"We can go now." Hu Xiaolin also signaled Chen Feifei to go busy with his own affairs, so he didn't have to stay here.

Chen Feifei was not polite either. He waved his hand and rode away on a motorcycle.

On the way back to the village, Jessica said with a sad face: "Alex has been very naughty recently. I just went out for half an hour, and he made such a big mess for me."

"Then he is fast enough to make firecrackers into fish in such a short time." Hu Xiaolin said with a smile.

"Firecrackers? Then you look down on him Jessica shrugged and explained, "his hobby is making explosives. This guy is crazy about it. These explosives were developed by him after he came to mushroom village. Fortunately, the materials are limited and the power is not great. Otherwise, I want to hit him. "

Hu Xiaolin was surprised and said, "did you really study it yourself?"

Although enriques could not understand Chinese, he could read something from Hu Xiaolin's face. He nodded and said a few words in his native language.

Jessica explained, "Enrique said you praised him. He's not as good as you think."

Hu Xiaolin became interested and said, "ask him if he can make a mine. The kind with broken glass and thistles in it. ""He's done it before." Jessica said, and then asked, "Xiao Lin, why do you ask these questions?"

"I'm going to give some presents to the thieves to show my sincerity." Hu Xiaolin said with a smile.

Jessica turned her eyes and said, "you are such a bad guy. Clearly, it is to use their panic when they are looking for things to frame them. "

"If they don't come to dig things, how can they get caught?" Hu Xiaolin grinned and put his eyes on Enrique.

Jessica explained a few words to Enrique before saying, "Xiao Lin, Enrique needs a small machine tool and a small laboratory."

"Ask him to write me a list, and I'll go back and ask Fei to bring things back." Hu Xiaolin said.

Between talking and laughing, a group of three people came to Xu Henglu's home. As soon as Hu Xiaolin opened the gate, he saw Zhou Yuxuan, who was preparing to go out.

"Xiao Lin, I have found you." Zhou Yuxuan grabbed his arm and said in a hurry, "grandfather Xu said that there is no wine at home. I want you to move two boxes here and have a good drink with grandfather three this evening."

Lying doesn't make you blush.

"Why don't I know?" Hu Xiaolin asked with a smile.

"Hum!" Zhou Yuxuan snorted and said angrily, "I told you, don't you know?"

"Then you wait." Hu Xiaolin said that he was ready to enter the house. But Zhou Yuxuan didn't let him go. She said angrily, "do you want to move or not?"

"No, what can I carry?" Hu Xiaolin said with a smile.

Don't give such a little face!

How bold!

Zhou Yuxuan was furious and threatened: "Hu Xiaolin, believe it or not, I'll shake off all your scandals and let the people in mushroom village laugh at you to death!"

"What do you think that is?" Hu Xiaolin with a strange smile looked at the grape vine behind Zhou Yuxuan.

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