Soon after the MMS was sent, Qin Xiaodong received a call from Xu Henglu. "Xiaolin, this is Zaozhang pill. Where did you find it?" The wonderful road of Xuheng road.

Hu Xiaolin explained the matter briefly, and then asked, "grandfather, who made Zaozhang pill?"

Xu Henglu instantly guessed Hu Xiaolin's idea and explained with a smile: "this kind of thing is not valuable. There is a supply on the black market. The lowest level is 1000 yuan, and the highest level is 10000 yuan. And there are countless people who can make "Zaozhang pills."

"All right!" Hu Xiaolin sighed and said with a smile, "then I won't disturb my grandfather. You should rest first. I'll deal with it first. By the way, grandfather, you don't have to worry about it at home. I arranged for a friend to help. Most people are not his opponents. " With that, he hung up and didn't give Xu Henglu a chance to speak.

Although Hu Xiaolin respects Xu Henglu, it is not an opportunity to explain. He can't deal with it if the other party returns.

After a while, jiutaihe pushed the door open and said respectfully, "Mr. Hu, let's go. Mr. long and Mr. Hao are waiting for you in the teahouse. "

Hu Xiaolin grabbed the comatose young man in black and got into the range rover parked at the door. Jiutai starts the car directly and leaves slowly.

Hu Xiaolin remembered that the motorcycle hadn't gone yet, and said in a hurry, "where's the motorcycle?"

"Mr. Hu, the motorcycles have already been arranged to transport the bricks away. You don't have to worry about it," he said With that, he waved his hand to indicate Jiutai to drive quickly.

Hu Xiaolin came to the backyard of Babu Tianlong teahouse and saw Xie long and Hao Lei who had been waiting for a long time. When they saw Hu Xiaolin's safe return, they could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The fight between the people in the river and the lake is different from that of ordinary people. If there is a little mistake, they will lose their lives. Hao Lei and Xie long both know that Hu Xiaolin has the ability to protect himself, but they are still worried.

After all, he is a monk in the middle of the road and does not have enough information. And the other side is well prepared, Hu Xiaolin as long as a little careless will fall into the land of doom.

Xie long and Hu Xiaolin took the young man in black out of the car, and asked people to take out the beef tendon rope soaked in cold water and tie the young man in black firmly.

But in the process, the young man in black still didn't wake up. He is like a vegetable, no matter how tossing, there is no action.

Brick saw Hu Xiaolin's face full of doubts, raised his hand and smoked the young man in black with two big mouths!

It's just amazing that the young man in black still didn't wake up!

"The gate of evil!" Xie long frowned and said, "get me a basin of ice water!"

The two brothers answered and ran into the kitchen. Soon they came in with a big iron basin. They don't need Xie long to explain. They pour the water on the face of the young man in black.

However, it is unexpected that the young man in black still has no response.

"Isn't this man dead?" Hao Lei looks puzzled.

"No way." Hu Xiaolin shook his head and said, "he has pulse and breath. Forget it, everyone. Let's wait for the third grandfather to come back. If there's a bundle of iron for him, I'll save him another chain. "

Without waiting for Xie Long's instructions, they turned and ran into the garage, took off a thumb thick iron chain, and tied the young man in black in a hurry.

In order to prevent him from escaping, several younger brothers dragged the young man in black to the garage and tied him to the concrete pile with iron chains.

In this way, the young man in black seems to be wearing a layer of iron.

When Hu Xiaolin was about to speak, Jiutai pushed an oxygen bottle over again, put the oxygen mask on his face directly, and said with a smile: "master Hu, there are too many ropes tied up, which saves him from suffocating! In this way, it's OK. Even if you have breath, you can hang it. "

Hu Xiaolin said with a smile: "you guys, every day is a demon moth!"

Xie long said, "you can't be soft on such people!"

Hao Lei immediately echoed: "I'll call my brother and ask them to send some people to stare at him to save him running away. By the way, Xiaolin, you call luziwei and ask him to come and see if there is any way to wake this guy up. "

Hu Xiaolin answered and took out his mobile phone. But who knows has not come to dial the phone, the mobile phone rings, strange numbers appear again.

Is it the same person?

Hu Xiaolin, who was full of doubts, got on the phone, and the husky male voice rang out again: "Hu Xiaolin, the other party's people have all evacuated Henglin area. Recently, you can rest easy. I hope you're ready next time. Don't be so embarrassed. "

Hu Xiaolin also did not care to ask the reason, quickly asked: "who are you? Why is there such accurate information? "

"Your friend." The husky voice added, "I won't hurt you." Finish saying, then hang up the phone!

Listening to the busy tone from the phone, Hu Xiaolin almost dropped his mobile phone on the ground.friend?

Time bomb is about the same!

Since this guy can find out where the other party is hiding, he must know a lot about himself. If one day he is in a bad mood, the man will suffer from the enemy, and there is no solution.

No way!

Try to find out what you say this time.

Hu Xiaolin pondered for a while, then said: "sister Lei, can you help me find out where this number is from?"

Hao Lei nodded, picked up the phone, dialed Hao Ren's phone, gave him the number, and then told him: "brother, help me find out as soon as possible, it's of great use."

Soon after the phone hung up, Hao Lei's mobile phone rang. Hao Ren called, "Xiao Lei, this is an empty card. It only took one time to shut down. As for where it's from, we can't find out. "

"All right!" Hao Lei hung up and said, "Xiao Lin, it seems that you should start from other places. The other side is too cunning to leave any useful clues. "

Hu Xiaolin turned his eyes and said, "where else? Where? Sister Lei, I don't know who it is now. He just said that he was my friend, but I don't remember that I have such a mysterious friend

Hao Lei gave Hu Xiaolin a white look and said: "can't you use the exclusion method? You know so many people. Let's see who's the most suspicious. Then let's find some people to stare at them

"It's a good idea." Xie long praised, and said in a hurry, "brick, hurry to move the table, chair and fruit tray. By the way, prepare the paper and pen, and let the Kobayashi brothers write down all the people they know."

Why are you so worried

Xie long said with a bad smile: "I want to see how many people you know and who are worthy of paying!"

"Damn it Hu Xiaolin laughed and scolded the old fox. "Then you look at it well. I'll call luziwei first and ask him to bring people here quickly." Hu Xiaolin said.

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