Lin Tianyi looked at Lin Yi's suit and nodded.

"You're right. It's refreshing for you to wear this dress."

"It's okay for you to say, what did I see you for? In addition to your kindness to me, that is, you were the most handsome person I thought at that time, but now, with a beard on your face and a mess on your head, wearing clothes is neither fish nor fowl."

At this time, Murong Xiaoxiao appeared in front of the crowd, dressed in a blue evening dress, graceful and luxurious. With the support of Han Ying and other women, he walked towards Lin Tian.

Lin Tianyi was stunned at that time. His eyes were full of incredible look. Lin Yi was also amazed by Murong Xiaoxiao.

Lin Yi looked at Lin Tianyi and smiled.

"Dad, if you look like this again, you won't match my mother. You'd better go and get it."

Lin Tianyi reacted.

"Er... I'll go now."

After Lin Tianyi dressed up, Lin Yi and his party rushed towards Tianju Pavilion.

Tianju Pavilion is not very big in the center of the city. It's just an old building. The furnishings on it are very old. The boss has never changed since Tianju pavilion was opened for so many years. The business is particularly good, but only 100 kinds of dishes are launched every day, five cents for each dish. If it comes late, it can't be ordered at all.

When the vehicles of Lin Yi and others stopped at the gate of tianjuge, a middle-aged man with two moustaches immediately greeted them.

"Lin Shao, you're coming. I've prepared the room. Please follow me."

When Lin Yi and his party entered the tianjuge hall, everyone in the hall cast their eyes on the mountain of Lin Yi and others. Lin Yi and his party were all beautiful and handsome men, especially Han Ying and other women behind Lin Yi. Many people were excited.

Soon Lin Yi was brought to a big private room.

"Boss Hu, you have a heart. Thank you very much. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't know what Tianju pavilion looks like."

Hu Yulong, the boss of Tianju Pavilion, laughed at the speech.

"Hahaha, Shao Lin was joked with me. Shao Lin is a capable person. You are qualified to be here. Besides, you saved my old mother. Yulong is very grateful. Please sit down. The menu is on the table. Just order what you want. This meal is my treat."

Lin Yi didn't say anything, but when they opened the menu, they couldn't help taking a breath in their heart. They saw that the cheapest dish above cost more than 10000. This meal was tens of millions. However, Hu Yulong said he wanted to invite himself. After seeing a room of people, Lin Yi smiled bitterly.

"Forget it, you'd better pay the bill yourself. After all, this is not a small amount."

After Lin Yi made up his mind, he shouted.

"Dear friends and relatives, just order whatever you want. You don't have to save money for me."

Du Xiaosheng smiled when he heard the speech.

"Hahaha, the boss wants you to buy him a meal. It will take a long time. Then I'm not polite."

Lin Yi smiled.

"When have you been polite to me?"

As soon as Lin Yi's voice came out, everyone laughed.

Wu group is a top real estate company in China. Wu Qiubai is a big man in the real estate industry. He has two sons, the eldest son Wu Qian and the second son Wu Kun.

The eldest son is sensible and has a deep city government, which saves Wu Qiubai a lot of effort. However, what makes people worry is the second son Wu Kun. Wu Kun was spoiled since childhood and didn't offend people. But every time Wu Qian came forward and made a lot of money to others, so he also developed an arrogant and domineering character.

"Kun Shao, why don't we go in the pavilion this day?"

A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks next to Wu Kun smiled there.

"Cut, thin monkey, you were the happiest just now. Why are you counseling now?"

A tall man who ate raw smiled, and the thin monkey said with a red face when he heard the speech.

"That's what happened just now. Now... Now I..."

Wu Kun smiled.

"Well, you two don't have to quarrel any more. The gathering Pavilion on this day is where my father talks about business with people. I've already inquired about it today. Today's private room is ours. Go in."

"Oh, isn't this Wu Ershao? Why are you here today?"

Hu Yulong's face was full of smiles.

Wu Kun smiled.

"Uncle Wu, of course I'm here for dinner. You don't have to follow us. We can go by ourselves. I know where the private room is, so we won't bother you."

Hu Yulong looked at the group of people behind him and said.

"Well, if you order, there will be a waiter at the door. Just shout."

Although Hu Yulong is the boss of Tianju Pavilion, no one dares to provoke him, because his background is strong enough to scare people to death, so no matter how powerful and arrogant people are, they have to be obedient in front of him.

Wu Kun soon found his father's private room.

Many private rooms here already have owners. After all, it is convenient to talk about business here, so some people are willing to spend a lot of money to buy their own private rooms, which is also a lot more convenient.

"Kun Shao, can we order the dishes served by the waiters when we came in just now? They look delicious."

The thin monkey couldn't stop swallowing.

Wu Kun smiled.

"Of course, you can order it yourself later."

"Hiss, kunshao, the things here are so expensive?"

Wu Kun said with a disdainful smile.

"Of course, in the whole country of China, things in Tianju pavilion are the most expensive. You'd better not be polite to me. Just write them on my father's head at that time."

A few people suddenly became excited, so they ordered several dishes in a row.

After a while, I saw a waiter running up and saying.

"Sorry, dear guests, these dishes have been ordered."

Wu Kun frowned and asked.

"Isn't there five servings of every dish every day? Why did someone order it so early today?"

The waiter said timidly.

"Well, a table of distinguished guests came today. They ordered most of the dishes, so..."

The thin monkey said.

"Who ordered all the dishes? And you said they were distinguished guests, so we kunshao were not distinguished guests? What do you mean?"

The waitress was at a loss.

"I... I..."

Wu Kun frowned even more.

"Forget it, thin monkey, don't embarrass her anymore. After all, she's just a waiter."

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