Lin Yi opened the door and was about to go out when he saw several women coming up.

"Brother Yi, we must pay attention to safety and bring Xiaoxue dance back."

It's Lu Yiran who talks. Lu Yiran is the one who gets along best with Lin Xuewu.

"Well, don't worry about me. No one can do anything about me now. I'll be back as soon as dawn. You can see the snow dance then."

"Well, time doesn't wait. It's been so long. The longer the time, the more uncertain the safety of snow dance will become. I'll go first."

When Lin Yi finished, he rushed out of Xuanfeng hall.

"Xiao Hei, don't hurry up. If something happens to Xuewu, I'll pull your skin out!"

Xiao Hei looked at Lin Yi's fierce appearance and couldn't help being afraid. He stuck out his tongue and rushed to the front.

Lin Yi put a kind of fragrance on their bodies in order to prevent their relatives from being hurt. This fragrance is very common, but the taste can be maintained for a long time. In addition, everyone's body fragrance is also different, so Xiaohei can easily find the smell of Lin Xuewu.

After running for a long distance, Xiao Hei will sniff the smell in the air to ensure that he won't go wrong.

On the other side, after the people of Ziyang sect had a secret conversation, they returned to their rooms. Hu Boan was full of excitement when he thought of a teenage girl waiting for him in his room. Even his brother who had not responded for a long time had something to do today.

"Hee hee, beauty, I'm coming!"

Hu Boan quickly walked to his room and rubbed his hands. Hu Boan was excited to open the door.

After opening it, I saw Lin Xuewu who had been tied up.

"Jie, beauty, you are mine today."

Hu Boan stepped forward quickly. When he saw Lin Xuewu clearly, he was stunned. He saw no figure on the bed. It was just a folded bed. Seeing this scene, Hu Boan was like being watered by a basin of cold water.

"There are guards outside the door. It's impossible to go out at all. After all, it's just a teenage girl. There's no sign of damage in the room, which means she hasn't left the room yet. She's in the middle of the room."

Huber laughed when he thought of settling down here.

"Jie, beauty, you're going to play hide and seek with me. Then you should hide well. I'm coming!"

Lin Xuewu was hiding in the sofa and didn't dare to move at all. She woke up soon after she was caught. Even if they used ecstasy on Monday, it wouldn't hurt Lin Xuewu.

Lin Xuewu was filled with liquid medicine since she was a child. Lin Zhengfeng prepared the bath all day. Her body resistance is many times stronger than others.

"This old pervert is really terrible. If he catches him, it will be over."

Looking at Hu Boan looking for himself outside, Lin Xuewu couldn't help but be afraid.

"Why hasn't dad come yet? I've been waiting so long, really!"

After all, Lin Xuewu is still a child. She is overwhelmed at the thought that Lin Yi will not come.

"Beauty, are you here?"

Hu Boan opened the bottom of the bed, but there was no Lin Xuewu at all.

Hu Boan frowned and then laughed.

"Hee hee, beauty, I see you. You'd better come out quickly. If I get you out at that time, maybe I'll hurt you! Come out quickly."

Lin Yi is worried at this time. They have walked a distance since they came to the place where Ying Jiu was killed, but they still can't find Lin Xuewu.


At this time, Xiao Hei suddenly howled.

"Xiao Hei, what are you doing? Did you find it or what happened?"

Lin Yi suddenly had a bad feeling.

This is a sparsely populated highway. I can't see a person for half a day, and there are few vehicles.

Lin Yi immediately stopped. At this time, he suddenly felt that someone was following him behind him. Just now he was too anxious, so he didn't notice. Now if Xiao Hei hadn't given a warning, he wouldn't have found it at all.

Lin Yi turned and said in a cold voice.

"I don't know who your excellency is, but now I have something urgent. If you delay me to save people, I will chase you to the ends of the earth and make your life worse than death."

It can be said that Lin Yi's hostility has been very strong, but the figure behind him still hasn't disappeared.

When Lin Yi was ready to continue warning, he suddenly found that the figure had disappeared. Lin Yi thought he should give up, but at this time, a dark figure suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yi.

The dark shadow holds a slender sword in his hand and draws it against Lin Yi's abdomen. If Lin Yi is hit, he must have broken his stomach and intestines.

The shadow appeared very suddenly. Lin Yi was shocked and could only put aside his body. However, the defeat was so that Lin Yi's abdomen was badly hurt.

A small opening appeared in Lin Yi's abdomen, and blood slowly seeped out.

The shadow is hidden in the surrounding environment again.

"Pupil surgery!"

After Lin Yi opened his pupils and looked around, he saw a figure on the tree. The man seemed to know that he was exposed and left in the distance, which surprised Lin Yi.

After walking a distance, a feeling of extreme danger reappeared in Lin Yi's heart.

"Don't you give up?"

As soon as Lin Yi's voice fell, a dark shadow appeared behind him. The sharp sword cleaved at Lin Yi, as if he wanted to split Lin Yi into two.

As soon as Lin Yi turned around, he saw the Qi blessed on the sword. After he had the Qi, the speed of the sword was much faster. In addition, suddenly, the sharp sword directly hit Lin Yi's shoulder. Lin Yi felt pain and slapped on the shadow's chest.

The shadow was catapulted out by the huge force, and there was no more movement. Lin Yi looked around with his pupil technique and found no figure around. Then he chased in the direction of Xiaohei.

Although the two attacks did not cause much damage to Lin Yi, they wasted a lot of time.

The scar on Lin Yi's shoulder recovered quickly under the action of Qi and blood, but the clothes covered with blood had not been changed. He could only make do with the blood clothes and wear them on his body for the time being.

Hu Boan looked for many places but couldn't find Lin Xuewu. He couldn't help feeling angry.

"Beauty, don't blame me if you don't come out again!"

After a while, there was still no movement. Hu Boan pulled out the sword he had put on the table. It was cold.

After looking around, he split the bed in half with a sword.

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