Su ruoyao looked cute. "What should I do now?"

"What to do? Cold. I was going to follow him. I'll talk to him on the way to see how much his suspicion is and reduce his suspicion. Now it's good. You've been destroyed and can't take a ride." Lin Yi deliberately pretended to be disappointed.

Su ruoyao immediately felt guilty when he heard what he said: "Oh, sorry, I blame myself for being smart. I thought you didn't want to help me, so I want you to ask clearly. Alas, it's broken."

Lin Yi chuckled and said to Su ruoyao, "well, I'm kidding you. Although I did mean that just now, that's not the only plan. Since it's all gone, leave him alone."

Su ruoyao nodded vaguely and asked, "what should I do now? What's your plan?"

Lin Yi thought for a moment and said, "I don't have a plan. What's your plan?"

Su ruoyao jumped up from the sofa: "what did you just say? That's not the only plan. I thought you had plan a and plan B, but there was nothing."

Lin Yi smiled: "what about plan a and plan B? I came to help you. You said so clearly before. I thought you had made a detailed plan, but you just owe a helper."

"What about that?" Su ruoyao was in a hurry.

"Well, don't worry. Let's think about it. The key is to lead him to show his feet. Now he is good in front of your parents. If we expose him directly, no one will believe it. We will only think that I have other intentions." Lin Yi said.

Su ruoyao clapped his hands and stamped his feet. "Zhai Jie is so good at pretending. If I hadn't known his disgusting things, I would have been cheated."

"Don't worry, since you can know his things, it means that he won't hide his true self in some places. As long as we find the right opportunity, we can make him appear." Lin Yi said with certainty.

Su ruoyao nodded: "by the way, otherwise, you'd better stay at my house during this time to facilitate us to act together. Moreover, my father said that we should discuss the wedding date. It's estimated that I will have less time to go out and walk."

Lin Yi thinks that what Su ruoyao said is also reasonable. Living together, if the other party makes any moves, Su ruoyao is willing to be single and weak.

Like this, I'm really lucky to stay in a rich house again, and I work for beautiful women. I can't stop the peach blossom fate. Lin Yi is happy for himself.

Su ruoyao pushed him: "Hey, what are you thinking, OK?"

Lin Yi thought back: "ah, what?"

"Live here recently!" Su ruoyao raised the volume and gave Lin Yi a white eye.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "yes, yes. I'll go back and tidy up. Let's go tomorrow. I'll come tomorrow."

Seeing Su ruoyao worried, Lin Yi comforted her and said, "it's okay. It's only this night. Moreover, he doesn't dare to do anything to you when you live at home."

Su ruoyao nodded reassuringly.

"However, if he asks you out at night, he will excuse himself not to go. In a moment, I will tell your parents that you are slightly unwell, infected with wind and cold, and need to have a good rest at home." Lin Yi got up and was ready to leave.

Su ruoyao held his hand: "Lin Yi, it's all up to you this time, thank you."

Lin Yi felt his whole body tremble. He was electrocuted. It was these soft hands again.

"Don't worry." Then let go of her hand.

Su Haotian and Li Qian also sent zhaijie back. Li Qian rushed over and asked, "Dr. Lin, Yao Er, is she okay?"

Lin Yi smiled and said to her, "there's no big problem, just a little cold. Just drink more water and have more rest. It's best not to let her go out at night to avoid aggravation."

Li Qian nodded and Fu Su Ruo Yao went upstairs.

Before leaving, Lin Yi and Su ruoyao looked at each other. Then, Lin Yi also said goodbye to Su Haotian.

Sure enough, Wei Chi's family was not considerate and didn't say to send me a car. Lin Yi thought, alas, I'd better take my own No. 11 bus.

Just out of the door of the community, he heard a loud horn. Lin Yi looked in the direction of the sound and saw a black Porsche.

In Lin Yi's impression, none of his friends was this car, so he turned around and continued his own way.

The car horn sounded again. Turning around, Porsche followed.

The window rolled down slowly and stretched out half a man's head. It turned out to be zhaijie.

"Dr. Lin, get in the car and I'll see you off."

Didn't this guy leave early? Lin Yi thought for a moment that he would not be waiting for me all the time. Anyway, in broad daylight, he dared to rob a good woman and man. Then Lin Yi opened the door and sat in the co driver of Porsche.

After getting on the bus, Lin Yi told zhaijie the address of Xuanfeng hall. In addition, he thanked zhaijie.

"You're welcome, Dr. Lin. you are Yao Mei's personal doctor. After she married me, you are also equivalent to my personal doctor. I should be considerate to you." Zhai Jie looked happy.

Lin Yi answered: "that's natural. If Mr. Zhai has any pain, Lin must be duty bound."

"Dr. Lin, let's not beat around the bush. Why did sister Yao come back to you? Tell me."

Zhai Jie really doubted Lin Yi.

"Is to be her personal doctor." Lin Yi also bites this reason.

"Nothing else?" Zhai Jie asked.

Lin Yi smiled helplessly and said, "what else does Mr. Zhai want?"

Zhai Jie also smiled, shook his head and said, "forget it. You can't do anything anyway. However, Dr. Lin, if you hit sister Yao's idea, I advise you to give up. You're out of luck."

Maybe all men feel that men all over the world are their imaginary enemies.

Lin Yi quickly clarified: "no, I really congratulate you two."

There is a toll station ahead. Zhai Jie opens the drawer in front of the car and looks for change. Lin Yi accidentally sees an invoice with the words "East Palace" printed on it. Lin Yi laughs to himself.

When the bus passed the toll station, Lin Yi showed a bad smile, hit zhaijie with his elbow and said, "Mr. Zhai, I heard that the princesses of the East Palace are all first-class in shape."

Zhai Jie was a little surprised. He looked back at Lin Yi and said, "Dr. Lin, what are you talking about? What princess? What age is this? Where else is there a princess?"

Lin Yi didn't give up and continued, "Oh, Mr. Zhai, we are all men. I understand. Don't worry, I won't say it."

Zhai Jie blushed. He opened the drawer where he had just taken the change again. He saw the invoice and understood that Lin Yi must have found the invoice. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

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