They sat down at the tea table. Lin Yi still sat in his original position. Chen Qi sat in the position of Chen Yuan who had just left. Chen Qi is not a fool. The cups on the table are still confiscated, with tea left. The stool is also hot. Naturally, he knows that someone has just left, and it is probably his brother. Lin Yi is not polite either. Chen Qi was not friendly to himself, so he didn't have to be polite to him. He just sat and didn't intend to pour Chen Qi a cup of tea.

Finally, Chen Qi couldn't bear it. He picked up the teapot, poured tea into the teacup in front of Lin Yi, took another teacup from in front of him and poured tea. After a pause, he opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Lin Yi, I was a little rude before. Please forgive me."

"Ah? Rude? When?" Lin Yi pretends to be a fool. Lin Yi didn't want to be polite to Chen Qi.

Chen Qi's expression is obviously not good-looking. He knows in his heart that Lin Yi is very cold and even hostile to himself, but he still wants to win over Lin Yi and force a smile. "Mr. Lin Yi is generous. I'm wrong. I apologize."

Lin Yi wants to tell him to go out and don't disturb his rest. But Lin Yi also wants to know what it is that makes Chen Qi, who is full of hostility to himself, feel wronged here and live so much in vain with himself.

"It's funny, Chen Qi. First your brother came and then you came. What are you doing?" Lin Yi doesn't believe that Chen Qi came here to thank him for curing Chen Tian.

Chen Qi smiled. "You have healed the old man's disease with your wonderful hands. I should come to thank you." I was gnashing my teeth. My brother arrived first. I don't know if Lin Yi promised him anything.

After hearing this, Lin Yi's face twitched. Chen Qi is really shameless. At first, he tried to obstruct him when he wanted to see the old man's condition. Now he's shameless here. He has a thicker skin than himself!

Seeing that Lin Yi didn't speak, Chen Qi continued, "my brother Chen Yuan doesn't have any offense? If so, I'm here to apologize to you as a brother."

Your brother is much more sensible than you! Lin Yi said in his heart.

Chen Qi said as he took out a bank card from his arms, put it on the table and pushed it to Lin Yi. "Mr. Lin Yi, this is a little kindness. Thank you for saving the old man."

Lin Yi's eyebrows jumped. Oh, what kind of shit luck did he have today? He took turns to send money? Lin Yi glanced at his bank card, turned to Chen Qi, smiled and asked, "I don't know how much you want."

Chen Qi was in a mess in an instant. Lin Yi was shameless... He smiled awkwardly, "not much, not much, 500000. Of course, if you don't think it's enough, I'll ask someone to fight again tomorrow."

"EH." Lin Yi held back his smile. Chen Qi doesn't know whether he is stingy or really has no money. Is the old man's life only worth this price? Of course, Chen Qi certainly didn't come for this. It's just a reason. Lin Yi is still waiting for him to get down to business, but Lin Yi is anxious to rest. He doesn't have time to listen to his politeness here, so he directly asked, "Chen Qi, just tell me something. It's late. I'm really a little tired. I want to rest early."

Seeing Lin Yi coming straight to the point, Chen Qi stopped hiding, Directly to the local: "Well, you still need to be present for the follow-up treatment of the old man. Today, the old man woke up and said that he would choose a new owner. In theory, the owner should be my eldest brother, but my brother is too worried. The old man loves him very much. I'm afraid that if he becomes the owner, my Chen family may decline. I mainly want Mr. Lin Yi when you are in treatment ……”

"Wait," Lin Yi interrupted Chen Qi, "I'm an outsider. What can I do? The old man won't listen to me."

"It doesn't matter. You just need to treat..." Chen Qi was interrupted by Lin Yi before he finished his words.

"Say this, don't you?" Lin Yi pointed to the bank card and smiled.

As soon as Chen Qi saw it, he secretly scolded Lin Yi for being worthless. He asked him to speak for himself. The whole Chen family is more than 500000? The deal made no loss, and hurriedly smiled, "yes, yes."

"OK, I can help." Lin Yi nodded.

"Then I'll go first. You can have a rest. It must be hard to have treatment tomorrow." Chen Qi gets up and leaves.

After seeing Chen Qi off, Lin Yi looked at the bank card and smiled. The world at the foot of the mountain is too complicated. These people are really funny. His father is still seriously ill, but he is here to discuss who should inherit the position. Even let yourself, an outsider, participate in it, which is a great unfilial! However, Chen Yuan did not show that he wanted his own support. Lin Yi can also see that Chen Yuan is really filial. In fact, he doesn't care about the position of the home owner, but if Chen Qi takes over the home owner, Chen Yuan will certainly not be better. Lin Yi sighed. Anyway, he'd better hold Chen Yuan. After all, he still likes Chen Yuan.

The next morning, Lin Yi was woken up by the phone, "who, can I have a good sleep?" Sleepy eyed Lin Yi is very angry. He hasn't slept well these days and has been woken up! Bother!

"Hello!" Lin Yi is a little angry.

At which end of the phone came Li Mengru's eager voice, "Lin Yi, where are you? Come back quickly, President Su has an accident!"

"What!" Lin Yi sat up with a cry, "what's the matter? You say."

"Just now when I went to work, I happened to meet an ambulance. President Su was lying inside! It was all blood! Come back quickly! Sobbing..." Li Mengru cried anxiously, "I don't know the specific situation. Come back quickly."

"OK! Go and have a look first. Call me as soon as you have anything. I'll be right back." Lin Yi quickly hangs up the phone, puts on his clothes and rushes out. It's too far from the people's Hospital in the city. It used to be so long. Lin Yi is very worried about Su Mengying's situation. Lin Yi is a little flustered.

"Lin Yi, in such a hurry? Where are you going?" The white lotus who came out for a walk happened to see it and asked aloud.

Lin Yi stops to make it clear to Bai Lianhua. Otherwise, it's impolite not to say hello when he leaves. "Madam, there's an accident with a friend of mine. Now I'm in the hospital. I must go there immediately. Don't worry about the old man's treatment. I'll be back in the evening."

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