But Tang Bowen seemed to have something else to say and continued: "Dr. Lin, look at another patient. Do you also go and have a look? At least give a treatment plan. The patient can't wait. Our experts really have nothing to do with that patient."

Lin Yi was in no mood to do this at the moment. He asked casually, "is that the man who stabbed uncle Su? What did I see in the past? How did he die? Now, operate on Uncle Su immediately without delay."

"Dr. Lin, you." Before Tang Bowen finished, Lin Yi had already wheeled over to the operating room.

Another patient is the son of the deputy director of the Health Bureau. That's why Tang Bowen is so attentive that he has a soft attitude in front of Lin Yi. But he didn't expect that Lin Yi didn't even take a look. But after thinking about it, I think Lin Yi is going to be finished. Tang Bowen can't let go of this handle.

Su Mengying's father's trauma is very serious, but it doesn't mean that he will die. Lin Yi's main knife. The operation that could have been completed in five hours was completed in an hour and a half. Director Li took the lead in coming out of the operating room. His eyes were dull and his mouth was still saying, "is this still a person?"

As soon as Lin Yi finished the operation and walked out of the operating room, he was blocked at the door. It was the deputy director of the Health Bureau. The reason was that his son died because of excessive blood loss during the operation. However, Lin Yi didn't even give a treatment plan. Of course, Tang Bowen said all this. The deputy director was very angry and blocked directly at the door of the operating room.

"Dr. Lin, right? Why didn't you save my son?" The deputy bureau has tears in his eyes. This is his only son. He is already in his fifties. It is obviously unrealistic to have another one. I'm afraid he will be the last.

Lin Yi slowly took off his mask and said, "I can't separate myself. Am I not saving another patient? Or is your son more valuable in your eyes? Should I give up this patient to save your son“

The deputy director was speechless, but still said, "well, you are the best doctor here. Why don't you even give a treatment plan? Do you still have the most basic professional ethics as a doctor?"

Hearing this, Lin Yi smiled.

Lin Yi thinks it's funny. The most basic professional ethics? This sentence is so funny from the mouth of the unreasonable deputy director in front of him.

Lin Yi asked: "Do you think I have no professional ethics? Does your son stab my uncle and ask me to save him? I am a man, I am not a God, and I also have my own feelings. I never said how good I am in moral cultivation and ethics, and I never wished that my career as a doctor was spotless and flawless 。 All I know is that I can't go against my heart. All I know is that I should save this family member who is very important to me. "

Lin Yi's words made the deputy director's face blue. Angry: "Lin Yi, as a doctor in the thoracic surgery department of the people's Hospital, your superior doctor assigned you tasks. You have the obligation and responsibility to accept him unconditionally. Why do you refuse? You have violated the most basic criteria as a doctor. I will sue you."

When Lin Yi heard this, he smiled: "I'm not in thoracic surgery, I'm in gynecology. If you want to sue me, you can. The third room on the left of the fourth floor is the medical office, where you can complain. If you want to sue me, you can also go to a lawyer yourself. Now please get out of the way, I have something to do." With that, he pushed away the deputy director and left.

The deputy director has been so angry that his face is blue. Tang Bowen, who is watching the excitement, doesn't think it's too big. He fanned the flames and said, "don't be angry, deputy bureau. Dr. Lin has always been like this. He works completely according to his own likes and dislikes. He doesn't look like a doctor at all."

"I'll go to the medical office and complain about him. I'll let Lin Yi take off his white coat forever!" The deputy bureau shouted angrily.

Lin Yi didn't go back to the Department of gynaecology. Instead, he stopped by and looked at Su Mengying. He reached out and took Su Mengying's pulse. He found that the pulse was very strong. I believe Su Mengying will wake up soon.

Lin Yi muttered to himself, "do you know, Dean? Uncle Su almost couldn't get through today. If it weren't for me, hum, you owe me another meal. Also, the new acting Dean hates me more than you and wants to squeeze me out of the people's hospital. You should wake up quickly and save me."

On the hospital bed, Su Mengying lay there quietly. Su Mengying's face looked very pale because of her great injury, but it was particularly pitiful. Lin Yi was fascinated when he looked at it. The beauty of the operation came to mind, and a smile could not help but appear at the corners of his mouth. Not knowing what was going on, Lin Yi felt out of his control and kissed Su Mengying's forehead.

"No, I'm sorry, Mengru." Lin Yi reacted and looked at Su Mengying with a wry smile. "You are really charming." After sighing, he turned and left the ward.

On the hospital bed, Su Mengying's fingers moved slightly.

"Lin Yi, how's it going? Is uncle Su okay?" Li Mengru also knows Su Mengying's father. He is a very cheerful person and very pleasant.

Lin Yi nodded: "it's handled properly. There's no problem."

"Hoo, that's OK. Are you hungry? Let's go to dinner. I'll take half a day off and let's go out." Li Mengru holds Lin Yi's hand.

Lin Yi feels the warmth from his arm. While his heart waves ripple, he feels a headache. He knows his relationship with Li Mengru, but he has no way to explain his relationship with Su Mengying. Can you say that you are really a big turnip with a flower heart, the kind who loves who you see? Lin Yi was at a loss.

"What's the matter? Lin Yi? Are you too tired, or forget it. Go back and have a rest?" Li Mengru asked attentively.

Lin Yi was relieved. Looking at Li Mengru, he said with a smile, "it's all right. I'm not tired. I promised you to go shopping in the supermarket. Let's go shopping while we're free today."

"OK. I want to buy clothes ~ I happen to know that there is a discount in a shopping mall." Women are born with an inexplicable enthusiasm for shopping. This feeling is like a boy to a teacher. ineffable.

Lin Yi also smiled. Anyway, he had money and bought it casually. How much does it cost to buy a dress. Yeah.

Of course, when Lin Yi arrived at the mall and saw the price of clothes, he suddenly burst. How much does it cost to buy clothes? After taking a rough look at the price of clothes, Lin Yi sighed that the world was terrible. Those clothes are five or six thousand cheaper, and tens of thousands more expensive! My little savings are not enough to buy some clothes.

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